A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1937 (DOST Vol. I).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Cessionar(e, Cessioner, n. Also: cessonar. [med. L. cessionārius, f. cessiōn-, cessio: see Cessioun n.2] One to whom a cession of property is made.Regularly coupled with assignay (q.v.).(a) 1490 Antiq. Aberd. & B. II. 102.
Iames Turing … cessionare and assignay to Alexander Maister of Huntle 1491 Acta Conc. 168/1.
The said prouest of Sanct Gelis Kirk grantit to be cessionare and assignay to thaim of the resait of the said soume 1515 Fife Sheriff Ct. 12.
Dauid Iamisoune … donatour, cessionar, and assigna to the airis of wmquhile Iohnne Farny 1528 Maxwell Mem. I. 259.
The said Georgis, my heretable cessonar and assigna 1541 Reg. Privy S. II. 592/1.
Makand him and his airis cessionaris and assignais in and to the reversioun 1562 Will Agnes Betoun 226.
Sche … ordanit hir saidis foure sonys hir undoutit assignais and cessionars … to the haill proffeits of the said ward 1586 Note-bk. J. Mason (1889) 239.
James Campbell his broder and his airis, hir cessionaris and assignayis 1630 Ayr Charters 156.
Maid and constitute cessionar, ... donatour and possessour. . in and to ane letter of tak(b) 1589 Montgomery Mem. 228.
The said Ieane Montgomery and hir aires, my … cessioners and assignays, and donatouris 1611 Ib. 254.
My verie laufull, vndowbtit and irreuocabill cessioneris 1624 Conv. Burghs III. 175.
Maister Nathaniell … hes maid and constitute theme his cessioneris and assignayis thairto 1667 Bamff Chart. 312.
The said Sir Gilbert maks … his sone his cessioner and assignay
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"Cessionar n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 4 Dec 2024 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/cessionare>