A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1937 (DOST Vol. I).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Crak, Crake, v. Also: crakk-, crack. [ME. crak(ke and crake, OE. cracian. Cf. Craik v.2]
1. tr. To snap in two or in pieces; to break. Chiefly fig., to break (faith or credit). c1420 Wynt. iii. 368.
Wytht a rug thai rapys all He crakyde [C. crakkit] in to pecys smalle 1491 Acts II. 226/1.
Nochtwithstanding the said statut thai refuse to tak gold that is crakkit 1560 Rolland Seven S. Epil. 23.
Gif sum verse haltis, or ony cullouris crakit, … tak out ane pen and blek thame 1567 Sat. P. iv. 42.
Fra credite I crakit, kyndnes brak ray 1573 Ib. xxx1x. 19.
Except thay crak thair credence to the croun 1596 Dalr. I. 101/24. Ib. 285/17.
In exprobatione … of him quha crakit his creddence
2. intr. To break with a snap or sharp sound. a1499 Contempl. Sinn. 221.
Our crevist cabillis all at a cast will crak c1500-c1512 Dunb. lxxii. 77.
Thai leit him fall doune with ane swak, Quhill cors and corps and all did crak 1513 Doug. viii. Prol. 95.
Thocht clay muggis crakkis Ib. ix. ii. 96.
The semys crakkis, the watir byssyt and sang 1535 Stewart 34181.
The scheildis crakit and in schunder clawe 1638 Adamson Muses Thren. 18.
Make all your crags to crake, And shiver when you sing, alas! for Gall Ib. 42.
Mine heart strings crake
3. To make a sharp or loud report. 1513 Doug. X. vii. 117.
The low … Blesand and crakand with a nyce reuery 1528 Lynd. Dreme (1592) 1023.
All hir cannounis scho let crak at anis 1567 Sat. P. iii. 66.
Than in haist ane culuering thay leit crak c1590 J. Stewart 14/66.
Lyk … boustius bombards, quhan thay keinlie crak 1585 James VI Ess. ii.
Craks cannons louder, thoght ane cok sould craw?
4. To talk loudly and boastfully; to boast, brag, or vaunt. a1500 Colk. Sow i. 312.
Sum bekkit, sum bingit, Sum crakkit, sum cringit 1533 Boece xiv. ix. 558 b.
Thai … pridefull tyrannis schrewitlie crakkit and bostit, avanting [etc.] 1562-3 Winȝet II. 37/6.
Apollinaris … crakis and waintis that he consentis [etc.] Ib. 65/22.
Quhen thai begin … to crak and brag of tha wordis 1570 Sempill Sat. P. xii. 156.
Suppois ȝe crak, ȝe ly abak, And lybellis be the law c1590 J. Stewart 231 § 127.
Leirne at Vousting crouslie for to crak … His vindie vords vill thé redouttit mak a1605 Montg. Ch. & Slae 653.
Ȝe sell the beir skin on his back, Bot byde quhill ȝe it get; Quhen ȝe haue done, its tyme to crak 1596 Dalr. I. 223/23.
That na man … throuch vane glore began to crak hich gif he war in the first place sett
b. To call out, to shout. a1500 Doug. K. Hart 903.
To crak and cry alway quhill he hir deve, That I command him straitlie
5. tr. To say in talk; to utter loudly or boastingly. a1500 Prestis of Peblis 19.
With thaim self quhat thai wald tell or crak, Vmquhile sadly, vmquhile iangle or iak 1538 Lynd. Justing 55.
Than gentill Iames began to crak greit wordis 1567 G. Ball. 174.
Sum mumlit Aueis, sum craknit [sic] Creidis
6. intr. To talk, converse, gossip. 1573 Sat. P. xlii. 30.
Thir twa, of quhome befoir I spak, Of sindrie purpoisis did crak a1578 Pitsc. I. 91/19.
Quhan thay war at the denner crakand of mirrie matteris a1585 Polwart Flyt. 637 (T).
Ane claverand cohubie that crakis of the farie a1585, a1568 Montg. Navig. 201.
They tuik some curage, and begouth to crak 1600-1610 Melvill 144.
Mr Andro eat, drank, and crakked merrelie 1649 Rec. Old Aberd. II. 34.
Thes that crake behinde pillars … in tyme of sermone to be censured 1665 Lauder Journal 127.
Thair ware some honest women craking togither on a tyme 1681 Colvil Whig's Suppl. ii. 48.
And after thou has crackt so crouse, Thy mountains do bring forth a mouse
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