A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1951 (DOST Vol. II).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Dyet, Dyat, n.2 Also: dyete, dyett; diet, diete, diett; dyit, dy-, diot; day-, deyet. [ME. dyet (c 1440), e.m.E. diet, diot, F. diète, med. L. dieta (12th c.).]
1. A meeting by appointment or agreement for conference or settling of matters; a meeting or sitting of a council, etc.(a) c1450-2 Howlat 280.
Thai counsall the pape to writ in this wys To the athile empriour … To adres to that dyet to deme his awys 1585 Warrender P. I. 184.
It war convenient … that … a generall dyit myght be convocatt 1607 Highland P. III. 101.
We … beseik ȝour Maiestie to latt us knaw hou far we sall go with the Marquis … , that at his nixt dyet we may tak some solide conclusioun with him 1657 Conv. Burghs III. 448.
Wee … being surpryzed with the vnacquaintednes of thair dyetis … , wer necessitated to pas so convenient ane occasione [etc.] 1663 Reg. Dunblane Synod 8.
The books of the presbyteries … not being revised at this dyet 1664 Ib. 11.
If any brother … absent himself any dyet from his own presbyterie 1673 Reg. Privy C. 3 Ser. IV. 3.
The Lordes … doe continow the consideration of the matter in debate … untill the nixt dyet of Councill(b) 1473 Treas. Acc. I. 43.
Gevin to Gilbegane … passande with a lettre to Schire James Ogilvy … for the diete of Anwic Ib. 67.
Gevin to Irelande king of armis of Inglande, at his cummyn for the diete with the conduct to be haldin at Anwic 1485 Acts II. 170/1.
And als anent the keping of the diet that is now appunctit to be had in Ȝork(c) 1498 Charter (Reg. H.) C.O. No. 83.
And tharupone a day of dyot to haue bene apointit at the pleasure of the saidis princes 1544 Hamilton P. II. 491.
Thair dyat is to be … in Lawder 1596 Coll. Aberd. & B. 387.
Alexander Fraser … having cum fra Aberdene fra sum peremptor dyatt thair betuixt the Erle of Erroll and the Erle Merschell 1657 Maxwell Mem. II. 287.
My Lord and I sall attend yow … att the dyot(d) 1653 Lamont Diary 57.
They … did not meite any more att that deyet 1689 Acts XII. 76/1.
That such a number of Commissioners of supply as should meett in thair respective shyres for the first deyet be a quorum 1707 Conv. Burghs IV. 414.
The generall conventione … recomends to the wholl members here present to attend the forsaid dayet
b. A session or sitting of a court of justice or similar body; the hearing of a case before a court.(a) a1499 Contempl. Sinn. 678.
In that dome, the dredable dyete, … we sall ressaif to wage A sentence [etc.] 1555 Glenartney MS. Docum.
With certificatioun … that thai salbe callit and accusit for the samin [deer-killing] at particular dyettis and ponist thairfoir 1558 Aberd. B. Rec. I. 310.
The said Johnne Chalmer being lauchtfully warnit to all the dyettis and termis of the process of this pley 1587-99 Hume iv. 179.
Watch and beware, the dyet is vnkend 1639 Acts V. 281/2.
The dyett befoir the Counsale to desert and ceis 1661 Justiciary Ct. Rec. I. 20.
Dyet continued to 8 November 1678 Mackenzie Laws & C. ii. vi. § 1.
A full copy must be given, because all dyets here are peremptor, and not with continuation of days(b) 1546 Reg. Privy C. I. 26.
With certificatioun to tham … that tha salbe callit to particular diettis and scharplie punist thairfor 1567 Acts III. 31/2.
That the ressettar, … & intercommonar with sic personis, salbe callit thairfoir at particular diettis criminallie 1597 Skene Verb. S. s.v. Iter.
Depredationes, ejectiones, spuilȝies, … may be criminally persewed before the justice and his deputes, at particular diettes 1640 Kirkcudbr. Min. Bk. 93.
To … charge the said refuisers … to compeir … to any day or diet the said commissares or collectores shall pleis to charge thame to 1661 Justiciary Ct. Rec. I. 20.
Another diet continued to the same day against Henry Craigtoun 1662 Ib. 48.
The diet deserted because the pursuer would not find caution to insist at a new diet(c) 1555 Aberd. B. Rec. I. 288.
Beand lauchtfullie warnit … for the third and last dyat of proces be Johnne Jenour officiar 1568 Rec. Earld. Orkney 126.
To defend in the said caus as they will wine and tyne, and that day to be peremptour and last dyat 1572 Diurn. Occurr. 319.
All vtheris that be excommunicat … salbe callit lykwayes to particular dyatis, to satisfie the kirk. or els to incure the lyk panis 1590 St. A. Kirk Sess. 676.
The session … ordanit hir to be also of new warnit to the nixt dyat in this caus
c. A church-meeting for worship or business. 1650 Aberd. B. Rec. IV. 116.
James Ritchie sall keip and haue on dyet of catecheising wpon the Sabboth day, and tua wther dyetis wpon tua dayis in the weik 1656 Inverness Presb. 278.
No exercise in respect of … the brethren not being fullie advertised of the dyate 1666 Aberd. B. Rec. IV. 231.
That ane dyet for celebratione of the sacrament of the Lordis Supper was verie convenient to be made known to the people 1694 Ib. 316.
The collectors … to collect and uplift the charity at the church doors … on Sundays and week dyets
2. The list of summons set down to come before the Court of Session from each quarter of the country. 1537 Acts Jas. V (1597) c. 44.
All [summonds] to be called and haue proces … , quhill that diet or quarter be ended Ib. c. 45.
That thir summoundes vnder-written salbe priviledged, and to be called by the ordour of the diettes 1546 Acts II. 475/2.
The lordis of Counsale to be callit without diat or tabling 1622-6 Bisset I. 159/26.
In the actis of continuatioun of the summonis quhilk bydis dyet and tabill Ib. 130/5.
To authoreis ane continuatioun of summonis that bydis dyet a1633 Hope Major Practicks II. 241.
The haill cuntrey wes devyded into four quarters; and all actions wer callit accordeing to the table quarterlie, and this wes callit ‘dyett’. Last, ther wer some actions ‘priviledged’, which abode neither table, dyet, nor continuatione, bot wer callit daylie quhen ever the lords pleasit
3. To keep dyet, to appear at a court or meeting on the day appointed. 1560 Rolland Seven S. 9474.
Be ressoun I culd not keip dyet, Nor ȝit to byde the day of brydall set 1558-66 Knox II. 379.
He keapt the dyett, and sat in judgment him self, whair the bischope and the rest of the papistis war accused a 1568 Sempill Sat. P. xlvii. 80.
Gif he cumis nocht thair, I wald we tuke, To keip oure dyet, Maister Dauid Makgill 1591 Reg. Morton I. 171.
Swa lippyning that ȝe will not faill to keip this dyett perceislie 1615 Highland P. III. 283.
I certified to the counsall thairof, and … affirmed … that your Lo. wald keip that dyet 1627 Bk. Carlaverock II. 35.
We ressauit your Lordship's lettre towcheing your not keeping of this dyet for the bordour affairis 1645 St. A. Presb. 26.
The reason why Mr Johne Melvill keepes not the dyets of the Presbyterie is becaus of the gutt
b. A day or time appointed for a meeting or the transaction of business. 1585 Reg. Privy C. IV. 28.
Seing … the diet of the proclamatioun is in the mirk of the mone 1640 Kirkcaldy Presb. 192.
The brethren … demanded of him if he crave any further dyet to prove his alledgeance against the laird, who craved the next day of meeting 1643 S. Leith Rec. 46.
There was a solemne fast befor the subscriving of the covenant of the 3 Kingdoms … and the dyats prescreived for subscriveing therof … was intimat unto the people 1656 Dunferm. Kirk S. 48.
The dyit of meeting the morne is to be at 8 hours
c. A particular day or date. 1588 King Cat. 9.
Sinnes that maye be done by notaires, … 3. To raiss the diett of ane instrumente 1584 Acts III. 351/2.
All personis … that wer not ȝit aggreit … suld cum and mak thair compositioun … within the tyme and dyett appointit 1655 Stitchill Baron Ct. 2.
That non of them be seine or found on the commouns or growing corne betwixt the said dyets under the paine of foure pundes 1669 Red Bk. Grandtully I. 136.
I cannot as yet advyse yow till I know your dyet of cumming home 1685 Seafield Corr. 12.
He has noe designe of making any long stay, but when people goe soe far off, they can hardly be sartaine of their diett
d. By dyet, beyond the proper time or measure. 1587 Warrender P. I. 175.
To detene the bearer a tyde by dyet upon the event of thair audience 1603 Elphinstone Chart. 168.
Giff in the mid tyme my fasheous effairis sall happin to inoportune your lordschip by dyat 1629 Black Bk. Taymouth 387.
For drinking in McFarlans house … quhill he spewit agane. Confesses he drank by dyet
4. A journey or the date of this; the movements of a person travelling. 1564 Rep. Menzies MSS. 9.
Mete ws other at Sanct Johnstoun or Dunde, as ȝe heir of our dyett a1578 Pitsc. I. 202/9.
Sum of thir consperatouris quho hard tell of the kingis dyat followit fast the king to Leytht 1590 Waus Corr. II. 457.
I pray yow, quhan ye ryde to Edinburth, to cum this way … ; and I pray yow to aduerteis me of your dyatts 1603 Crim. Trials II. ii. 429.
Being adverteist of the said Mr Alexanderis dyett, be ane fellow callit Craik, quhome he send to espy the said Mr Alexanderis dyet c1650 Spalding II. 233.
The crafty Hollanderis … understood scho wes to land at Newcastell, heirfore thay privilie aduertesit the Parliament of hir dyet
5. A day's time or work. 1494 Treas. Acc. I. 246.
To Thome Red and Jhone of Schipe for vj diet at the wod 1609 Skene Reg. Maj. i. 142 b.
Twa or thrie gude men of the gilde sall travell [L. laborabunt] with him for twa dyets [L. dietas]
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