A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1951 (DOST Vol. II).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Few-dewtie, -deutie, n. Also: few-dewitie, -dewty, -duetie,-dutie,-duty; feu-dewtie,-deutie,-dutie. [Few n.] The sum payable to the superior by the tenant of a feu.(a) 1563 Liber Ins. Missarum 96.
The few deutie … of the barne kyln 1595 Aberd. B. Rec. II. 120.
To pay … thretty fyve s. for the few deutie of the saidis landis of Caprastoun 1613 Highland P. III. 134.
The feu deuteis of thais landis being alreddie payit heir in checker of all ȝeires and termis bygane 1658 Paisley B. Rec. 100.
The few deuties of auld adebtit, oblisht vsuall to be payed to the abbot(b) 1597 Acts IV. 133/2.
Incais it salhappin in tym cuming ony wassell or fewar … to failȝie in making of payment of his few dewtie 1627 Bk. Carlaverock II. 36.
Als well anent the teynds as the surrenders of superioriteis and few dewteis 1641 Acts V. 438/1.
Reserveand allwayes to our soverane Lord … rightes, service, and few dewties aucht and wont to his hienes 1684 Glamis Bk. of Record 65.
I sold the lands … and haue a few dewty 40£ yearlie 1692 Conv. Burghs IV. 653.
Accompt of the few dewties and farret maills of the burgh of Cullen(c) 1641 Acts V. 578/2.
The gift of the few maillis, few duties, caynes, eikweders, teind lambes 1653 Peebles B. Rec. II. 12.
To revise … the tounes registers anent the … few dueties payable out of the burro landis 1682 Decis. Lords F. 12.
An action pursued at the instance of the Earl of Cassil's … , wherein he craves … the few duties of feu-lands holden of him
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"Few-dewtie n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 22 Dec 2024 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/few_dewtie>