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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1951 (DOST Vol. II).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Find, Fynd, v. Also: finde, fynde, fyind. P.t. fand(e, fond(e, fund. P.p. fundin, -ine, -un, fundyn(e, -yng, fwndyn, funden; foundin, -yn, -ing, -en, fondin; fund(e, fwnd(e, fownd, found(e; foun, fwn. [ME. fynd(e, find(e, finden, OE. findan (p.t. fand, fond, pl. fundon, p.p.funden).]

1. tr. To come upon, discover, either by chance or by searching.(a) 1375 Barb. iv. 75.
Thatwes the starkast man … That men fynd mycht in ony cuntre
a1400 Leg. S. iii. 1041.
In ilke face in sum degre Men fyndis diuersyte
1456 Hay I. 166/23.
The said knycht fyndis the said baroun at the toun of Paris
a1500 Henr. Fab. 2376.
We seik all nycht, bot na thing can we find
a1500 Bk. Chess 12.
Men of prudens fynd thairin remeid
c1500-c1512 Dunb. lxiv. 10.
In to ȝour garthe … leif nor flour fynd could I nane of rew
a1540 Freiris Berw. 206.
I am schent and Symon fynd me heir
1545 Douglas Corr. 154.
Thay cowld feinde no man to exceppe the office
a1570-86 Maitl. F. xxxi. 61.
Amang folyis ane grit folye I find
1596 Dalr. I. 169/6.
Findeng occasioune to win honour
(b) 1375 Barb. ii. 19.
Hys brodir Eduuard thar thai fand
Ib. 61.
Thai brak the dur; but thai fand nocht
Ib. iii. 417.
Jamys of Dowglas Fand a litill sonkyn bate
a1400 Leg. S. ix. 8.
A tempil grete & fare he fand
Ib. xxx. 318.
Wald I nocht Thu fand dissat in me ocht
1456 Hay I. 61/2.
Cesar … said he suld folowe him aye quhill he fand him
1473–4 Treas. Acc. I. 66.
Gevin to the men of North Bervic that fand the Kingis ankeris
1513 Doug. viii. Prol. 163.
I fand nocht in all that feild … a be byke
1601 Aberd. Eccl. Rec. 184.
Thai that wes with him … kist [= dug], bot fand na thing
1644 Aberd. B. Rec. IV. 29.
The enemie entring the toune … did kill all … whome they fand on streittes
(b) 1596 Dalr. II. 242/16.
The bankis of Rosse and Kintaill, quhair mony tha fund of the ald klan of Makdonel
(c) 1375 Barb. x. 28.
I trow that nocht in all Bretane Ane hyer hill may fundyn be
a1400 Leg. S. vi. 124.
A branche fare ves fundyne than Of a palme tre
14.. Acts I. 323/2.
He aw till mak a cors in till the erde … quhar the bestis ar fundyn
c1420 Wynt. iv. 2661.
A cryb that … made perchawns he fwndyn hade
1455 Lennox Mun. 72.
Our gudis mouable and vnmouable, quhareuer thai may be fundyne
1473 Treas. Acc. I. 67.
[The] schip and gudis that wes fundin vpone the streme
c1515 Asl. MS. I. 236/26.
Thar wes funding in Dumfermling a merwalous deid cors
1546 Aberd. B. Rec. I. 233.
The haill breid fundin with him … to be escheit
1578 Glenartney MS. Docum.
Escheting of the guides fundin thairin for the thrid fault
1614 Highland P. III. 144.
A nomber of letteres and writtes being fundin vpon his person
(b) 1375 Barb. I. 60.
For thar mycht succed na female, Quhill foundyn mycht be ony male
c1420 Wynt. vi. 808.
Than thai rypyd thare sa fast Quhill he wes fowndyn at the last
1456 Hay II. 76/3.
I have foundyn … a kynde of folk rycht haboundand in richesse
a1500 Seven S. 1148.
Than was ald Ysak tane & bundyn Becaus he was outwith foundyn
1531 Bell. Boece. I. p. iii.
Schawing in quhat bukis … thair livis … sal be esalie foundin
(c) 1488 Treas. Acc. I. 80.
Fund … in the blak kist, thre cofferis, a box, a cageat
a1500 Doug. K. Hart 800.
Behind ane hill he hes his feiris funde
1570 Maitl. F. xxx. 163.
Into this warld be no wicht may be fund But dulefull dolour
1596 Dalr. I. 36/6.
Vndir that earth ar fund gret stokis … of wondirful akes
1623 Black Bk. Taymouth 364.
Gif aney waiff horssis be fund, that they be put in ane poindfauld
(d) 1562-3 Winȝet ii. 48/24.
It apperis to me that al his writtingis … na wayis may be found
c1568 Lauder Minor P. i. 270.
Sekand the sam upon ane uther ground, Quhilk be no uther maner can be found
a1585 Maitl. Q. lxvi. 9.
Lyke to me I trow can not be found
(e) c1475 Wall. ix. 1498.
The Scottis … slew the layff that in that hous was foun
1535 Stewart 71.
In Albione, sen storeis wes begun, Wes neuir nain sic amang our poetis fun

b. With complement indicating the state of the thing or person found.(a, b) a1400 Leg. S. xxiii. 432.
He … fand Thire sewine al sammyne thare sittand
c1420 Wynt. i. 115.
Few wrytys I redy fande
Ib. v. 3484.
Thare the spere he fand bludy
c1475 Wall. iii. 311.
He him fand bownand to his dyner
a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 60.
The berne … Fand the ȝettis vnclosit
1513 Doug. ii. xii. 67.
Quhare that I fand assemlyt so huge a rowt
1542 Lanark B. Rec. 19.
Syklyk of tham that tha fynd scherand wther menis corne
a1578 Pitsc. I. 188/11.
They fand the doore standand oppin
1654 Johnston Diary I. 198.
I fund my daughter very sick
(c) 14.. Acts I. 328/2.
Gif ony wylde best be fundyn dede or wondyt
c1420 Wynt. iv. 469.
The Cytykis … Thoucht till hawe fwndyn wnarayid The Perseys
1456 Hay I. 201/28.
Gif a man … war fundin agayn cummyn in the realme atour his bannysching
a1500 Rauf C. 764.
That thow be fundin reddy with birny and brand
a1499 Contempl. Sinn. 714.
All men as than quhilkis funding ar on lyf
1547 Edinb. B. Rec. II. 131.
Gif ony of the said watches beis fundin absent, slepand or drinkand
c1552 Lynd. Mon. 5517.
Geue thare sall ony man, or wyue, That day be funding vpon lyue
(b) 1533 Gau 52/11.
Of thayme quhilk sal be fund liffand apone the last day
1589 Edinb. B. Rec. V. 8.
Jhonn Nymbill … oblist himself nocht to be fand injuring his mother
1608 Stirling B. Rec. I. 120.
Gif … she be fund calumniating … the provest, … sho sall sit in the brankis
1655 Lanark B. Rec. 156.
Thair was producit … ane testificat … that scho was fund beastly drunk

c. To find (one's) fete. See Fute n.

2. To discover in writing; to ascertain or learn by reading. a1400 Leg. S. xviii. 5.
As be ensampile is of it That men fyndis in haly writ
Ib. xix. 687.
I ne can fynd Of hyme the dat in-to the buk
c1420 Wynt. i. 551.
Eftir that watter, as we fynd, The kynrik is callitof Ynd
Ib. ii. 875.
Suppos I fand be name Thame wryttyn all
c1450-2 Howlat 567.
He … Maid it firme, as we fynd, till our Scottis fay
1456 Hay I. 62/26.
I fand never storye … that ever callit Julius Cesar Emperour of Rome
a1500 Henr. Test. Cress. 45.
Thair I fand … How Troilus neir out of wit abraid
1533 Bell. Livy II. 62/21.
Thocht the names … are nocht fund in the ald corniclis
1546 Lynd. Trag. Card. 4.
I tuk ane buke … Quhare I fand mony tragedie and storie
1567 G. Ball. 83.
In scripture is founding, Na wicht can serue twa lordis
1622-6 Bisset II. 311/10.
He fand it writtin in ane ancient and autenticall authoure

3. To get hold of, to procure (a person for some purpose). 1394 Liber Aberbr. 43.
Quhilk Wilyam Plumer sal fynd a man on his awn cost
1442 Aberd. B. Rec. I. 9.
The cordinares sal fynd the messyngear and Moyses
1455 Edinb. Chart. 79.
Alsua that … thare salbe fundyn a chapellane for the termis of fiue yheris to sing for him
1510 Reg. Privy S. I. 315/2.
He findand the soitour gif he ony aw to do service in the schiref courtis

b. To furnish, provide, or supply (something). 1471 Ayr Friars Pr. Chart. 53.
The prior … sal fynd tua lychtis at the dirige and at the mes
1506 Glasgow Dioc. Reg. II. 153.
As to the making of scaffalting … the saidis dene and cheptour findand the stuffe … thar to
1523 Carnwath Baron Ct. 6.
Thai fand hym nocht ane hous & calȝaird as … thai promittit hym
1551 Reg. Cupar A. II. 70.
The saidis Maister Alexander … sall fynd … pasturyng to the beystis of the tenentis of Owar Campsye
1596 Dalr. I. 35/16.
This schire anew of stane coles … it findes nocht to the selfe only
1622-6 Bisset II. 248/19.
The maister … aucht to fynd him lycht, as talloun candill

c. To provide for (a person). 1375 Barb. I. 322.
Thar wes nane … Wald do sa mekill for him, that he Mycht sufficiantly fundyn be
a1400 Leg. S. xxxiii. 87.
Thai mycht nocht schepe haf thare-to lang To fynd hyme & thame bath
1438 Lennox Mun. 69.
The forsayd Alexander sall find his dochter for fyff yher with … hyr husband and hys famil
1463 Aberd. B. Rec. I. 23.
To fynd the childe of the brok of his gudis to the vsche of fyue yeris

d. To procure (surety or caution) for oneself. See Borch n.1, Borrowis n. pl.1, Cautioun n. 1.

4. To discover (a thing or person) to be of a certain character or in a certain state.(a) a1400 Leg. S. xliii. 531.
I can wele fynd Thi poweste lik a bose of wynd That fillit ware
1456 Hay I. 219/30.
I can nocht fynd him privilegit be na law
c1500-c1512 Dunb. App. iii. 31.
Quha perfytly wald imprent Sowld fynd his luve moist permanent
a1568 Scott xxvi. 6.
I fynd thair haill affectioun So contrair thair complexion
1630 Misc. Hist. Soc. II. 264.
I suspected … your desing, and now findis it most clear
(b) a1500 Seven S. 2159.
The man … fande all suth that euer he said
15.. Wyf of Aucht. 103.
Scho fand all wrang that sowld bene richt
c1552 Lynd. Mon. 1787.
Affore thay fand hym gude and kynde
1589 Gray Lett. & P. 179.
He fande yt altogether repugnant to his dissinge
1600-1610 Melvill 46.
He faund me bauche in the Latin toung
1622-6 Bisset I. 34/30.
He loved … thame, … quhen he fand thame virtuous
c1650 Spalding I. 291.
The assaillantis fynding the place … vn-wynnable without gryte skaith
(c) 14.. Acts I. 330/2.
Thai that ar fundyn absent salbe amerciat be dome
1456 Hay I. 224/26.
Suppos … a bonde man war sa worthy fundyn that he war maid knycht in armes
a1500 Rauf C. 525.
Oft fair foullis ar fundin faynt
c1500-c1512 Dunb. Tua Mar. W. 202.
He had the glemyng of gold, and wes bot glase fundin
1519 Edinb. B. Rec. I. 191.
Gif … thare plakkis be fundin fals
1567 Acts II. 550/1.
Gif ony forder rycht consent or authorisement may be fundin neidfull
1581 Burne Disput. 40 b.
Natural reasons, quhilk … are fundin … bot phantastical captions and illusions
(b) c1420 Ratis R. 561.
Fore ay quhill thou art funde leill, All worthi man wyll with the deill
1568 Pref. Lyndsay 4.
Beand … denudit of thair vpmaist garmentis, thay war fund bot verray fulis
1588 King Cat. 109.
Gif he be fund worthie lat him be maid ane Bischope
1609 Kinghorn Kirk S. 15.
The minister … to deall with the folks that are fund contumaces
1626 Garden Worthies 174.
So excellent in armes … And so fitt fund to governe in there gouns

b. spec. To decide and declare after consideration, judicial inquiry, or trial.(a) 1456 Wemyss Chart. 74.
Gif the said arbiteris fyndis … Dauidis part to the valow of the ourcome
1480 Acta Conc. II. Introd. cxxxiv.
The Lordis of Counsall … find thameselffis not to be judges ordinar in questiounes of fie and herytage
1490 Lanark B. Rec. 7.
The auditouris fyndis that George Acrinson sall stand under the cownt of the breid irnis
1512 Justiciary Rec. (Reg. H.) III. 303.
The lordis forsaid findis … that the said allegit crimes be na dittay
1574 Conv. Burghs I. 31.
The … commissionaris all in ane voice fyndis and delyveris, that na craftisman [etc.]
1644 Strathbogie Presb. 55.
The bretheren … findis that they haue not power to grant any continowatioun
(b) 1389 Reg. Cambuskenneth 260.
We fand him dempt lauchfully in twa wnlawis to the said abbot
1435 Ayr B. Ct. 3 Oct.
The court awardit & fand at the pleg that the said John fand was of valow
1466 Peebles B. Rec. 155.
The inquest fand that master Jhon Doby swld haiff all the skwll [= school]
1510 Glasgow Dioc. Reg. II. 390.
The quhilk inquest … fand the said Alane in the wrang
1514 Edinb. B. Rec. I. 152.
Thai fand and deliuerit the said Alexander quitt and innocent of the said slauchter
1622-6 Bisset II. 101/10.
The lordis fande the gift of the patrone sufficient
1657 Balfour Ann. II. 58.
The said courte … fand that the said edicte did no wayes extend towardes the subiectes … of Scotland
1661 Rec. Justiciary Court I. 9.
The Justice Deputes … fand the haill remanent articles … relevant
(c) c1420 Wynt. v. 1033.
All the dedys … done throucht Domytyane … ware fundyn all off ylle
1429 Acts II. 18/1.
The recounter was fundyn neuer to … haf remede to agaynsay that dome
1471 Acta Aud. 16/2.
That he retoure again as sal be fundin be the samyn [inquest] … clos vnder his sele
1505–6 Peebles B. Rec. 34.
Quhilk deliuerance of inqueist bur that it was fundyn … that [etc.]
1562 Inverness B. Rec. I. 77.
The inquest forsaid hes fundyn … the heretouris of the saidis landis to be ay stallinger fre
1585 Ib. 304.
[They] ar fundin to haif done wrang in vsing of candill making
1622-6 Bisset I. 119/10.
Gif they be fundin culpabill, to be punisit … eftir the qualitie of the falt and demereit
(b) 1497 Dunferm. B. Rec. 77.
It is fvnd be assis that the borcht of fif crovnys is avale
1560 Peebles B. Rec. 269.
It wes fund … that the said wardane suld ansuer afore the baillies as ane nychtbour
1574 Glasgow B. Rec. I. 8.
Richart Woddrop and … his brother ar fund in the wrang for occasion and bludvyte thairof
1622-6 Bisset I.58/6.
The sone … sall be disheresit eftir, gif his father be fund cryminall
1664 Forbes Baron Ct. 246.
Persons … fund gultie of castingwith foot spades … in meadow ground
(c) c1475 Wall. viii. 1495.
The consaill haill has found it was the best Trewis to tak

c. With law as object. 1505 Aberd. Sheriff Ct. I. 51.
Till … underly the law fundin one him … for the thiftuis steling of ane gray hors

5. To find out, discover (some fact): Usually with that or infin. a1400 Leg. S. xviii. 108.
Fyndand that God helpyt thare-to
c1400 Troy-bk. I. 53.
Gif he fyndys that ȝe ne will Hys biddyng, as I saide, fulfill
c1460 Wisd. Sol. 515.
He fand, at ther was na thing in erd sa gud fore manis sone
c1475 Wall. iii. 235.
Thus stuff our land, I fynde may nocht weill be
1491 Acts II. 226/2.
Ilke parochoun … quhare it beis fundin that bow markis be nocht maid
c1515 Asl. MS. I. 153/17.
The warld be experyment … was fundyn to haf xxx vncouth seis
1571 Sat. P. xxviii. 62.
Than I fund Jok was into Paslay plaist
a1578 Pitsc. I. 230/7.
Findand that the wond [v.r. wind] bure thame to Inchcap
a1605 Montg. Ch. & Slae 1256.
For he esteemt his faes defate, Quhen anes he fand them fald
1641 Acts V. 336/2.
If in any thing I sall be fund to haue desborded … from the deutie of a gud Cristian
1666 Aberd. B. Rec. IV. 225.
It was fund that the saids baptisms did not extend to the vallow … they had been esteemed at

6. To discover by thinking or studying; to devise, contrive, invent. 1375 Barb. i. 150.
He thocht weile … That he suld slely fynd the gate How that he [etc.]
Ib. 204.
Thai suld fynd sone enchesone To put him to destructione
c1420 Wynt. i. 881.
The land of Caldé, Quhar fyrst wes fwndyn astronomy
Ib. 193.
He wes the fyrst fand bygamy
1456 Hay I. 5/19.
The secund questioun is quhare was bataill first foundin
a1500 Henr. Fab. 2373.
Ȝit at the last he fyndis furth ane wyle
c1515 Asl. MS. I. 316/13.
In thai dayis Cricehonius fand first cartis and wanes
c1500-c1512 Dunb. G. Targe 117.
Mercurius … Of rethorik that fand the flouris fayr
a1508 Kennedy Flyt. 314.
Sen thow … fyndis sentence foundit of invy
1535 Stewart 21117.
Quhen euir tha list tha find ane caus to brek
c1552 Lynd. Mon. 1299.
The peple … past thare tyme … Ay fyndand new inuentionis

b. To think out, solve. c1420 Wynt. iii. 221.
Yhit had yhe noucht Fundyn my propositioune

c. To find out, to discover by search or study. 1596 Dalr. I. 17/26.
Heir … is ane gold mynde … fund out In the tyme of King James the fourthe
Ib. 255/4.
He fande out the way to nurishe peace
1573 Davidson Sat. P. xlii.
Ȝe will not find me out this hour The number that ȝe spak be far
1614 Highland P. III. 171.
I … fand out ane man quha had guid Irish

7. To encounter or meet with; to experience. 1375 Barb. ii. 191.
He wyst, … He suld fynd full hard barganyng
c1400 Troy-bk. ii. 805.
Gregeois … The Kynges palaas of the toune, Russhed, quhar they defence fand nan
c1475 Wall. ix. 464.
That full sair our forfadris has fwn
a1500 Rauf C. 154.
He faind neuer of ane fall Quhill he the eird fand
c1500-c1512 Dunb. G. Targe 216.
Quhy … gert [thou] … mercy seme, quhare that I fand no grace?
1513 Doug. viii. ii. 50.
The streme bakwartis vpflowys … So that the ayris mycht fyndyn na contrar
1531 Bell. Boece I. 114.
Thay traistit, eftir deith of Caratak, na recountering to be foundin
1538 Lynd. Justing 53.
My furiousnes forsuith now sall thow find
1608 Highland P. III. 108.
In respect of the difficulteis we fand at the lait couentioun

8. To feel; to be sensible of. 1398 Acts I. 311/2.
Qwha fyndis hym agrevit … with … brynnyng or ettynge of the cuntre
1471 Acta Aud. 12/2.
Gif scho findis hir iniurit thairin be ony personis
c1490 Irland Asl. MS. I. 9/25.
He is oblist … , as he fyndis his consciens grevit, to confes him four tymes in the ȝere
a1500 Seven S. 2338.
He fande wele he had hir luf
1625 Melrose P. 544.
I have fund the smart … sufficientlie allredie

9. To find in one's heart, to bring oneself to do something. 1456 Hay I. 68/16.
Thai could nocht fynd in thair hertis to dyng na chasty thair barnis

10. To find falt to or with (a person). c1460 Thewis Wysemen 419.
Tyll vthir men faultis thai find
a1500 Henr. Fab. 2427.
Ane godlie man, With quhome the Feynd falt findis
1582 Waus Corr. I. 264.
Quhair ye desyir me to fyind na falt with your L. to seik the law

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