A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1963 (DOST Vol. III).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Interes, -ess(e, -ese, n.1 Also: interresse. [ME. (c 1374), AF. and med. L. interesse. See also Enteres n.2, Intres n.1]
1. Damage, injury, or loss; compensation for these.(a) 1400 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 48.
Als wele of the costis, scathis, & interes 1422 Stirlings of Keir 209.
Twenti pund of usuel monetht, to be payit … in name of scathis and interes 1456 Hay I. 273/21.
Thus suld the vencust man … be punyst … , with sik accessoiris of expens, scathis and interes as efferis c1460 Regim. Princ. 231 (M).
Bayth interes and all the scathis haill To be assythit richt as the principall 1511 Reg. Privy S. I. 347/1.
All coistis, dampnagis and interes that thai sall happin to mak and sustene tharethrow 1546 Montgomery Mem. 140.
To … pay … for costis, … interes and sovmes of mony debursit … but reclamacione or appelacione quhatsumeuir(b) 1469 Charter (Reg. H.) No. 419.
To pay all costis, schathis, expens, trawale and interess at the will of the said Robert 1474 Reg. Morton II. 223.
To pay … for costis, scathis, … dampnage, and interessis to be sustenyt tharthrow 1506 Glasgow Dioc. Reg. II. 163.
The sowme of tuelf scor of merkis of vsuall mony, for costis, scathis, dampnagis, interresse and expens, as condempnit dett 1522 Fife Sheriff Ct. 175.
To refound to the said James al costis, dampnagis, & interessis sustenit be him 1554 Corr. M. Lorraine 385.
I ... findis me ... sofar superspendit be interesse of schifting silver to interteine meself 1567 Calderwood II. 399.
Under paine of refounding all domages, scathes, and interesses which the kirk … sall susteane through thair default c1590 Fowler II. 115/15.
He may with litill interesses to him self be prodigal of that which belangeth to another 1623 Aberd. Council Lett. I. 209.
The kirkis and ministrie in this commoun distress sall find thair awin interesse(c) 1622-6 Bisset II. 230/8.
The takaris … salbe punisched with restitutioun of coistis, skaith, and interese
2. The fact of having a right or claim to the possession or use of something.(a) 1481 Peebles B. Rec. 28.
Thair is vther personis that … schew euidentis that thai had richt and interes in the sade commoun 1491 Cart. S. Nich. Aberd. 257.
Ony cheplan … doinge henderinge or skatht to the college … sal nocht haue interes nor be resauit in it 1495 Acta Conc. 416/1.
The procuratour[s] of the said personis has takin on thaim to warne the men that thai haf the saidis landis of to compere the said day for ther interes 1520 Fife Sheriff Ct. 171.
The said abbot … allegand that he had interes to thai landis and wald defend that actioun a1633 Hope Major Pract. II. 193.
The superior persewing his wassall to sie his haulding is not oblidged to show his interess or titile(b) 1469 Acts II. 95/1.
The partij to quham the obligatione is maid or that has interesse therin 1472 Bamff Chart. 30.
Al clamys, rychtis and interesse … that I had in or to the annuale of sex markis 1521 Fife Sheriff Ct. 240.
The said lady … sall hef full ingres & interesse in & to hir saidis … landis 1572 Calderwood III. 244.
Whose travells … was some part in respect of his brother, the Laird of Lochlevin's interesse, being placed nixt in the tailȝie 1597 Misc. Spald. C. II. 140.
Williame Gibsone … alledgit him to haue ane speciale interresse to the landis acclamit 1672 Edinb. B. Rec. X. 123.
The most comprehensive way to secure all the just interesses of this burgh both of merchands and tradsmen
3. Interest on money. 1584 Conv. Burghs I. 186.
The burgh of Edinburgh … payis ane ȝeirlie interes of xij of the hundreth 1587 Ib. 252.
Vnderstanding the sovme of ane thowsand pundis aduancitt … as ȝitt nocht to be agane payitt … , quhairby the interes to be payitt thairfoir rynnis onsatefeitt 1625 Bk. Carlaverock II. 75.
The creditouris hes ane sufficient suirtie, … and so can not be disapointit of thair just debt and interes
4. Welfare, advantage. 1598 James VI Basil. Doron 55/7.
Euer thinking the commoune interesse his cheifest particulaire
5. a. Financial benefit or profit. b. Implication, concern (in an affair).a. 1560 Inverness Rec. I. 49.
Mathow Paterson and Hendre Kar curatoris to mak compt rekyn and payment to the said Fynla of all interresse the said Hendre and Mathow had of the said Fynla his gudis or geyr b. 1569 Campbell Love-Lett. Mary 58.
The trial of the said Quenis interes in the murder of the King
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