A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1963 (DOST Vol. III).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Kinrent, -rend, n. Also: kyn-. [Sc. metathesised form of ME. kyn-, kinreden, etc., -raden (a 1225), kunreden (a 1225), f. kyn(n, kin, kun Kin n. and OE. rǽden condition: (cf. the Sc. forms haterent, luferent, manrent, sibrent). The orig. (and earliest recorded) form is in -rend.In the second half of the 16th c. superseded by the later adoption f. e.m.E., Kinred(e.]
1. Kinship, relationship, nearness of kin. 1425 Montgomery Mem. 9.
Als, because of kynrend thar behufys to be a purchas; and gif it may be gotyn in Scotlande, the said schir Jone … sal pay tharfor 1467 Antiq. Aberd. & B. IV. 403.
Mutually to keep hartly frendschype, kynrente, lufe, and tendernes 1530 Lynd. Test. Pap. 1182.
With coit vnclene, clame kynrent to sum cuke
2. One's relatives or kindred collectively; one's kinsfolk. 1494 Dunferm. B. Rec. I. 53.
Gif ony of the ayris or of the kynrent wald cum … and red the annuellis of the termys by gane 1513 Doug. ii. xi. 40.
O natyve goddis, ȝour awyn kynrent defend 1533 Boece xiii. xii. 528.
The surname of Cumeyn this tyme tryumphit mekill be substance & kinrent of men 1562 Edinb. B. Rec. III. 139.
Yit nevirtheles sall their greitnes nor respect of thair kinrent stay ws to execut justice 1582 Declar. Causis 5.
Sum few men … clething thame with the pretence of the K. Hienes name and kinrent
3. A body of kindred; a family, tribe, race or stock (also const. of a particular ancestor).Common in Douglas. — c1475 Wall. ii. 196.
On our kynrent, deyr God, quhen Will thow rew? 1513 Doug. i. v. 39.
We thi blude, thi kynrent and offspring Ib. viii. iii. 41.
Quhiddir ettill ȝe, or quhat kynrent ȝe be? Ib. 105.
Baith our kynrentis … Diuidit ar furth of a stok and blude Ib. xi. viii. 136.
The stalwart Camylla, Of the famyll and kynrent of Volsca Ib. xii. ix. 110, 1513 Comm. i. v. 76.
b. Ancestry, familial origin. c1475 Wall. v. 609.
He knew full weyll hyr kynrent and hyr blud 1513 Doug. v. v. 75.
Of Creit, as to hir kynrent, born was sche Ib. xi. vii. 107.
The nobill kynrent of hys moderis syde Maid hym full gret of blude a1570-86 Maitl. F. cxii. 42.
Sa alteris oure nobilite, Grit kynrent helpis lytill now
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"Kinrent n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 15 Jan 2025 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/kinrent>