A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1963 (DOST Vol. III).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Lentrinware, Lentren-, Lentro(u)n-, Lentirn-, Lenternwar(e, n. Also: lentrene-, lentryn(e-, leyntryn-, lentyrn- and -var(e, -wair(e, -vair, -veyr; and Lentirware. [Appar. f. Lentrinn. and Ware n. (goods). Only Sc. Common only in the 15th and 16th centuries.] A collective term for a species of lambskin. Also once plur. Also comb. with -skin.According to Jam. (s.v. Lentrenvare), ‘those [skins] of lambs that have died soon after being dropped (in Lentron or spring); still called Lentrins.’ The value of a quantity of ‘lentrinware’ was appar. always less than half that of the same number of ‘futefells’ (Futefell n.); as for the latter, a fitfall (in the mod. dialect) was ‘the skin of a lamb between the time of castration and that of being weaned’ (G. Watson Roxburghshire Wordbook (1923), s.v.).(a) 1435 Exch. R. IV. 604.
Et de vij s. vj d. de custuma septingentarum et sexaginta pellium que dicuntur lentrinware 1438 Ib. V. 21, 23; 1455 Ib. VI. ; etc.
Lentrynware 1442 Aberd. B. Rec. I. 397.
That na man by woll skynnis derar than x d., schorlinges vi d., scaldynes iii d., the dusane of lentrinwar viii d., the dusane of futfellis ii s. 1452 Cart. S. Nich. Aberd. I. 4.
Absoluti et quicti … ab omni solutione custume salis et pellium … volgariter dictarum skorlingis, skaldingis, futefell, lentrinwar, lambskynnis, todskynnys [etc.] 1474 Exch. R. VIII. 253.
Lentrynwair 1493 Aberd. B. Rec. I. 49.
Thingis grantit to the reformacioun of the queir … Johne Lammyntone, v s. or j quarter of jc lentrinvair Ib.
Lentrinvar 1496 Halyb. 115.
Sald the futfell for 28 s. the c … .Item sald the [350] lentrynvar by the hop for 20 s. 1554 Exch. R. XVIII. 261.
Lentrynware(b) 1475 Exch. R. VIII. 314.
[Lambskins called] lentreneware 1572 Ib. XX. 97.
[4500 lambskins and] lentrenvair 1592 Acts III. 580/2.
Frie … of … custume of … lentrenvare [etc.]comb. 1535 Aberd. B. Rec. MS. XV. (J).
vij dossund of futfaill skynnis & vj dossane of lentrene veyr skynnis(c) 1466 Exch. R. VII. 425.
[300] lentrounware 1570 (c 1650) Dundee B. Laws 113.
That thaire be taken up … fra ewerie merchant … in Danskeine … [for] two hundreth futfall or wheit leather ane spruiss schillingis, fywe hundreth lentron waire or lamb-skinne ane spruiss schillingis 1578 Exch. R. XX. 293.
[16s. 8d. of 1000 lambskins, 8s. 4d. of 100] lentron wair 1580 Edinb. Test. VIII. 166.
Thrie hundreth & ane half of futefaill lamb skynnis price xxxv li … . ten hundreth lentroun wair price fiftie pund 1603 Reg. Great S. 515/1.
All custumes paying of … lentroun-wair [etc.] 1661 Acts VII. 253/2.
[Bullion act:] Lamb skines ilk tuo thousand, tuo ounces; lentronware ilk thousand, tuo ouncesplur. 1586 Conv. Burghs I. 213.
Exemptionis from … customes of … schorlingis, scaldingis, futefallis, lentroun wairis, lambes, toddis(d) 1452 Exch. R. V. 494.
Et non onerat se de aliqua custuma aliarum pellium dictarum skaldingis seu lentirneware, nec de panno laneo 1456 Ib. VI. 124.
Lentyrnware 1510 Glasg. Dioc. Reg. II. 390.
Calling of him before ane wther juge, for half ane hundredth lentern waire
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"Lentrinware n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 15 Jan 2025 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/lentrinware>