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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1983 (DOST Vol. V).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Outin-, Outtintounis, a. (n.). Also: out(t)en-, -yn-, owtin-, owtten-, utting- and -town(n)is, -eis, -es, -tounes, -touns; also out-in-tounes. [Only Sc.The first element is appar. early ME. uten, ME. outen, owten, appar. obsol. by c 1350, adv. = outside, away, absent, prep. = outside, besides, quasi-adj. = coming from without, foreign, alien, also side-(street), OE. útan, útane, ON. útan, adv., (from) outside; cf. also Outin a. The second element is appar. tounis, orig. possess. of Toun n., as in Tounisman etc.Cf. also ME. uten erdes (c 1250) and OE. útan landes advbs., = in a foreign land, abroad.Cf. Outintoun, Out-tounis, Out-toun.]Only in Central Scotland, in the regions of Clyde and Forth.

1. adj. Coming from outside the town, also, the barony or estate; also, pertaining to persons from outside the town.

a. Of persons.Also Outintounisman.(a) 1574 Glasgow B. Rec. I. 27.
That all owtintownes burgessis nocht duelland within the towne sall pay custumes … in the towne
1578 Ib. 73.
Anent the complaynt gewin in be Johne Muir [and others] … induellaris in this towne, aganis Johne Wilsoun [and others] … fleschouris and outintownes burgessis
1600 Glasgow Wrights 45.
Ilk owtintovnes man nocht being prenteis within the towne … sall bryng … ane testimoniall
1640 Edgar Old Church Life 2 Ser. 227.
Of everie … outintounes baptism 4 s. Scottis
1648 Brown Paisley I. 237.
1675 Glasgow B. Rec. III. 198.
The stent to be wpliftit fra outintounes people who hes houssis and land in toune
1697 Glasgow Stent Bk. Pref.
Out in tounes burgesses who have not their living and duelling within this burgh
1698 Stirling B. Rec. II. 87.
From gentlemen and outentounes bairnes
(b) 1536 Linlithgow B. Ct. 13th Nov.
That na outtyntownnis clerk be titillit of the common guddis of the said burgh bot the clerkkis borne within the towne self alanerlie
1595 Glasgow Cordiners 60.
1598 Stirling B. Rec. I. 90.
That na outtintounis maltmen by ony beir in the mercat … befoir allevin houris
1601–2 Ayr B. Acc. 211.
[To 2 men for keeping] the outtintownis puir folkis furth of this toun
1605 Glasgow B. Rec. I. 237.
To strangeris or outtintownis folkis
1693 Ib. IV. 90.
Or any outtintounes smithes
(c) 1605 Glasgow Trades House 548.
If the outtentouns seller will not give it [etc.]
1694 Kirkintilloch B. Ct. 146.
To aney outtentounes folk

b. Of things. 1556 Glasgow Bakers 59.
At nayne outtyntowneis breide be sauld … bot upone the samyn thre dayis
1625 Linlithgow B. Rec. 20th May.
For ganging to outtintounes mercattis and fearis
1666 Edinb. B. Rec. X 10.
The owtten touns bread to be four unce … mair then the touns bread

c. Outintounis multure, = as paid by those from outside the estate; = outsuckin multure, Outsuckin n. 1630 Monteith Stewartry Ct. 11th Feb.
To pay owtintounes multure to the fermoraris of the said mylne
1649 Binns P. 43.
[With obligation … to pay] outten townis moulter therefor as outtintownis men does
1649 Fraser P. MS. (Reg. H.).
And to pay vttingtownes mowleter tharefoir
1668 Corshill Baron Ct. 81.
And to pay outen townes multure thairfor

2. absol. as n. pl.: Persons from outside the town. 1677 Ure Rutherglen 69.
Ordered that nane of the inhabitants give or sell to outtentouns any muckmiddins or foulyie

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"Outtintounis adj.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 27 Dec 2024 <>



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