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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1983 (DOST Vol. V).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Ox, n. Also: hox, oxe, oix, oxx. Plur. oxin(e, -yn(e, -yng, oxen(e, oxon(e, oxne, oxxin, oxsyne, oxson, oixin; owssing, owsy(i)n, oussin(g; oxes. [ME. and e.m.E. oxe, M E. also ox (Cursor M.), late ME. hox (c 1475), plur. ME. and e.m.E. oxen(e (c 1290), ocsen (c 1200), oxone (15th c.), e.m.E. also oxeson (c 1511), e.m.E. also oxens possess. sing. (1607), also ME. and e.m.E. (14th c.–1542) oxes (Gower), oxis, OE. oxa weak masc., pl. oxan.The plur. form owsen, ousen etc. is also mod. Sc. and north. Eng. dial., whence also a sing. owse, ouse etc., in the mod. north-eastern Sc. and north. Eng. dial.]

An ox.Also, a share in the ownership of a plough-ox; hence half ane ox.For further examples of the sing. or the plur. forms see various defining terms, as Cassin(e ppl. adj., Dart adj., Drawing vbl. n. 2, Fed ppl. adj., Gild adj., Harit ppl. adj. 2, Hereȝeld(e n. 1., Lawting n. b, Pleuch n. and see also Hoching vbl. n.Attested earlier in place-names. as Oxeham (a 1177 Reg. Paisley 74), Oxland (12 … Reg. Dunferm. 146), Oxinfalde (c 1320 Liber Calchou 200), Oxinham (e.g. 1324 Liber Melros II. 366), and in the personal name Andreas Ox (1371 Reg. Episc. Morav. 172).a. sing. c1420 Wynt. iv. 2658.
Ane ox and ane as
1424 Acts II. 8/1.
That ilk man of sympil estate … haf other half ane ox in the pluch or ellis [etc.]
Ib. I. 386/2.
The ox that he tuk to hyr
1456 Hay I. 240/4. Ib. 64/28, etc.
Sen he occupyis in werk the tothir oxis place, quhy [etc.]
a1500 Henr. III. 171/44 (Ch. & M.).
Noucht reulit be reson, mare than ox or asse
1497–8 Acta Conc. II. 99.
A yong ox
c1500-c1512 Dunb. Flyt. 142.
Beggand koy and ox
1513 Doug. x. Prol. 105.
Intill ane oxis stabill
1525 Wigtown B. Ct. 207 b.
Ane hox
1549 Compl. 28/20.
Ane ox that repungnis the brod of his hird
15.. Wyf Awcht. 18. 1583 Elgin Rec. I. 172.
Ane airedome ox
1596 Dalr. I. 29/27.
This oxx or bull
a1598 Ferg. Prov. MS. No. 1028.
Mussill not the ox mouth
(b) 1567 Inverness Rec. I. 148.
1567 G. Ball. 3. 1569-73 Bann. Memor. 286.
The blake oxe hes neuer trampit yit vpoun your foute
(c) 1521 Dundee B. Ct. I. 32 b (6 June).
The clame of ane oix
1525 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 78.
Ane boll of mel for ane oix hyr
1527 Ib. 91.
For demembring of the oix
1596–7 Misc. Spald. C. I. 95.

b. plur.Also used as a sing.(1) 1375 Barb. x. 381.
Ib. 388.
a1400 Leg. S. iv. 349; etc.
1389–90 Slater Early Sc. Texts No. 18.
Ten oxin and fyve ky
1401 Aberd. B. Rec. (S.H.S.) 210. c1420 Wynt. vi. 1973.
1427 Acts II. 13/2.
That … ilk man telande with a pleuch of viij oxin sal saw … ilk ȝere a ferlot of quhete [etc.]
1439 Cop. St. A. 178.
xxxv drawin oxson
1456 Hay I. 239/28. Ib. 241/28. 1490 Thanes of Cawdor 74.
Of corn oxyne
c1515 Asl. MS. I. 166/6.
Quhyte lyonis als gret as oxen
c1500-c1512 Dunb. lxvi. 43.
Aucht oxin and ane wane
Id. l. 17. 1513 Treas. Acc. IV. 517.
Drawin with viii oxin … and ane hors
1513 Doug. iii. iv. 22; etc.
Flokkis and herdis of oxin and of fe
1520 Fife Sheriff Ct. 196.
1522 Ib. 262.
1527 Carnwath Baron Ct. (ed.) 61.
1528 Acta Conc. MS. XXXVIII. 185.
To bring oxin for the karying of the artalȝery
1531 Bell. Boece I. lv (see Lib v.2 1). 1532 Treas. Acc. VI. 157.
To the gadman that callit the oxin
1546 Lochleven Compt Bk. 17 b.
Fowr oxyng & ane hors
15.. Wyf Awcht. 45.
Scho lowsit oxin aucht or nyne And hynt ane gadstaff in hir hand
a1568 Jok & Jynny 47.
Withouttin oxin I haif a pluche
1571 Sat. P. xxix. 9.
The plewche befoir the oxin go, the best the man to gyde
1573 Davidson Ib. xlii. 723. 1578–9 Reg. Privy C. III. 110.
They hochit and slew the aucht oxin gangand in his pleuch
1584 Ib. 647. 1596 Dalr. I. 32/2.
1596–7 Misc. Spald. C. I. 113.
Calling his oxin to the pleuchis to haif yokit tham
1604 Goudie Shetl. Antiq. 174.
1608 Wedderb. Compt Bk. 117.
1632 Milne-Home MSS. 200.
1657 Galloway P. 28 April.
Tua oxxin
(b) c1420 Wynt. i. 787.
Thare owsyn ar wytht hornys thre
1461 Montrose Baillie Ct. 16 b.
That na owsyin gang in the linkis
1489 Treas. Acc. I. 116.
To gar him get owssing to the gunnis
1551 Prot. Bk. Sir Wm. Corbet 15.
1596 Dalr. I. 29 marg.
Ky, oussin and wylde bullis
(c) 1562 (c 1650) Dundee B. Laws 28.
Scheap kyn and oxes
(2) 1499–1500 Acta Conc. II. 374.
quasi-sing. v ky with twa calffis and a oxin
1560 Inverness Rec. I. 47 (see Oxin-bow n. sing.).
Ane browne oxin clamit [etc.]
1581 Brechin Test. I. 46.
Ane tuithles oxine

c. Attrib. and comb. (in sing. and plur. forms).With -beif, -beist, -byre, -calf, -coldoch (Coldoch n.), -draught (Draucht n. 2), -drivare, -flesch, -hyde, -hochar, -hyre, -pintill, -pris, -silver, -stirk, -tail.Also Ox-ee, Ox-gers, Ox-hide, Ox-toung, and Oxin-bow, Oxin-tilth, and Oxgang, Oxingang, etc.(1) 1609 Hilderstoun Silver Mines I. 101 b.
For ane kartar of ox beif
1656 Aberd. B. Rec. IV. 163.
The best ox beeff to be sold at tu elff pund
(2) 1670 Kirkcudbr. Sheriff Ct. Processes No. 64.
[For] uplifting of ane ox beist quhilk pertainet to the said kow
(3) 1660 Lamont Diary 125.
The corne-girnell … looked toward the oxe baire
(4) 1670 Kirkcudbr. Sheriff Ct. Processes No. 64.
Of ane uther ox calfe quhich is now going at hir foot
(5) 1564 Linlithgow Sheriff Ct. 29 July.
Williame Meldrum … is absoluit fra the calf clamit the ox draucht the proffitt of the kow
(6) 1643 Fife Synod 136.
Cadgers, oxin driveris and load callers
(7) 1560 Rolland Seven S. 5640.
He gaue him oxin flesche to eit
1596 Dalr. I. 89/22.
Grettest delyte thay had in oxin flesche, and in kyefleshe
(8) 1640 Dumbarton B. Rec. 63.
Hydes best ox ruch aucht merks
1660 Melrose Reg. Rec. I. 264.
Four barkit oxin and kyne hydis
(9) 1597 Skene Acts Table s.v. Oxen hochers, and strickers of them (10) 1515 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 31.
Thomas Crukschankis [is] to pa the ox hyre for als mony yeris als he had the ox haill and fere
1518 Wigtown B. Ct. 83 b.
iii firlottis of meill of ane oxhyir
1524 Carnwath Baron Ct. (ed.) .
For the vrangus haldin fra him ane ox hyr
1676 Kirkcudbr. Test. (Reg. H.) 12 Jan.
To the said John Kessock ane boall of corn for ane ox hyre
1520 Wigtown B. Ct. 106 b.
iii furlottis of meyll for oxin hyir
1533 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 134.
Awnd twa bollis of meill for oxsyne hyris
(11) 1604 Shetland Sheriff Ct. (ed.) 129.
With ane tangit or than with ane ox pintill
(12) 1530–1 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) .
For ane ox pris of xxti s.
1671 Kirkcudbr. Sheriff Ct. Processes No. 97 (23 Feb.).
As the rests of ane oxe pryce
(13) 1511 Antiq. Aberd. & B. III. 108.
Curst … for Henry Leskis ox siluer
1625 Orkney & Shetl. Test. I. 157 b.
In ox siluer iij s.
c1650-1700 Descr. Zetl. 19.
And their land-duties payed partly to the King by scatt, wattell, langer, ox-silver, sheep-silver, &c.
1561 Liber Scon 216.
Summa of the haill money of mailis … secund teindis oxin sylver and kirk sylver beffoir mentionat
(14) 1677 Kirkcudbr. Sheriff Ct. Deeds II. 37.
Ane black kow with ane blak ox stirk
1697 Rental of Brabster, Caithness in Old-lore Misc. VIII. ii. 73.
Two ox steirkes, kellow, humbled
1563 Prot. Bk. J. Robeson MS. 14.
In the housis … thre oxin stirkis of twa ȝeir auld
1677 Thanes of Cawdor 334.
The educt of my cowes, whither qwees or oxen stirks
(15) 1669 Melrose Reg. Rec. II. 230.
[To pay 30 s. for] ilk ane of sex oxen tailles his dog at his hounding pulled away
1681 Colvil Whig's Suppl. (1751) 17.

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"Ox n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 13 Jan 2025 <>



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