A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1986 (DOST Vol. VI).
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Proced-, Proceiding, vbl. n. Also: proceden, procead-, procid-, prosid-, proceed-, proseding, -ynge. [e.m.E. procedyng(e (1479), -ing, proceed-, f. Proced(e,v.]
1. The fact or manner of taking action, the way in which one conducts an affair, one's conduct of action. a1570-86 Maitland Maitl. F. xvi 46.
Lat all the warld be ȝour proceding see That thair is fayth and treuth in ȝour cuntrie Ib. cviii 7. 1572 Bann. Trans. 396.
Becaus he was heard vtering wordis of mislyking of the lawles kynd of proceading [Memor. 270: proceiding] a1585 Maitl. Q. xvi 78.
Fra wrang proceding ay abstein 1591 Reg. Privy C. IV 624.
[Because of the said Sir James's] informalitie and extraordinair proceding [in taking … Johnne Wilsoun out of court] c1600-1633 Johnston MS Hist. in Mill Mediæv. Plays 191 n.
Scho … thanked thame of all thair proceiding, saveand onlie for burneing the sacrifice 1641 Misc. Hist. Soc. I 116.
As to your proceiding in the escheit, I lyke weill of your course in acquainting his maiestie
b. An instance of this; freq. plur., one's actions in, or conduct of, an affair; also, without specification of the agent, doings, transactions, more generally.(1) 1559 in Knox VI 34.
The manour of thair proceidyngis in reformatioun is this; they pull doune … freryes and some abayes [etc.] 1561 Reg. Privy C. I 187.
And the said Lord James procedingis declarit at length, the quenis majestie fand that he had satisfiit the saidis … directionis gevin to him 1567 Anderson Collect. Mary I 91. 1568 Ib. IV ii 160.
Ȝit considering thair injurious and intollerable proceadings afoir this tyme be secreit surmysis 1577 Reg. Morton I 89.
That … we may haif sum certane intelligence of thair ettilling and proceidingis a1578 Pitsc. II 207/14. 1587 Waus Corr. 396.
The forme and maner of our procedens in oure voyage in ambassadie to Denmark 1590 Cal. Sc. P. X 268.
Procidings 1594 Warrender P. (S.H.S.) II 271.
Proceidingis 1596 in Melvill 379.
Being sa inormlie greivit and hurt be all his proceidings against us 1609 Lett. Eccl. Affairs I 185.
But scoffing rather at all your maiesties procedingis c1610 Melville Mem. 261.
Proceadingis 1623 Laing MSS I 160.
Swa leaffing to cumber yow, committes you and all your proceidinges to the favorable blissing 1626 Bk. Carlaverock II 77.
Sir Robert Ker hes moist senestrueslie informed his majestie of my prosidingis sene my cuming to Scotland 1638 Nat. Covenant in Facs. Nat. MSS III xcvii.
Proceedings a1651 Calderwood V 353.
To beare witnesse of his paines and severe proceedings(2) 1558-66 Knox I 255.
But the nobilitie of Scotland nothing content of such proceadingis … past to the palȝeon of Monsieur Dosell 1570-3 Bann. Trans. 312. 1585 Acts III 380/2.
We the nobilitie and estaitis … vnderstanding the course of the present proceidingis in foreyn partis and that [etc.] 1587 Rait & Cameron King James's Secret 161.
It be weyll aneughe knawyne … quhow heawelye your majeste takys this prosedings to hart c1590 Fowler II 81/26.
Loueis the 12, … ane quhase maner of proceidings is mair clerlye knawen Ib. 139/5.
I wald be very laith to set doune sic bygane proceidings for precepts c1650 Spalding I 109.
The covenanteris wnderstanding of thir haill proceidings laid compt [etc.]
c. Literary composition, or the lines of development or exposition being followed in this. a1561 Q. Kennedy Breif Tract. (ed.) 138/28.
And that efter this maner and conforme to the procedynge [F. forme of proceding] 1596 Dalr. I 69/21.
Quhairfor because the purpose of our method of proceiding permittis nocht that we be lang in … repeiting the opiniounis of vthiris men
2. The fact or manner of conducting legal proceedings or taking legal action. 1474 Charter (Reg. H.) No. 442.
For the wrangwis & inordinate proceding in the seruing of a breif of inquest 1478–9 Acta Conc. I 25/1.
The said Adam has raisit a summondis apon the arbituris for thair proceding & deliuering again him 1480 Ib. 53/1. 1482–3 Acta Aud. in Acta Conc. II ciii. 1484 Acta Aud. *143/1.
Anent the decisting of the proceding of the said accioun 1491 Acta Conc. I 202/2.
In the journaying and proceding aganis the tennentis 1499–1500 Ib. II 360.
[William of Douglace] did wrang in calling, proceding and unlawing of the sade Wilyeame 1546 Reg. Privy C. I 66. 1547 Edinb. B. Rec. II 128.
Desyring yow to superseid all calling and proceding crymenalie aganis Adame Liddale 1565 Instit. Ct. Sess. 139.
The ordour of proceding of causis befoir the lordis of sessioun 1576 Reg. Privy C. II 516. 1600-1610 Melvill 69.
Ather from the substance of the cause or forme of proceiding thairin Ib. 419.
Mr. Robert Wallace was … removit from St. Androis, be sum form of kinglie commissionar proceiding and proces a1633 Hope Major Pract. II 30. 1638 Rec. Kirk Scotl. 104.
3. plur. The business transacted by, or the dealings or transactions of, a court or assembly.Also const. with another person.(1) 1570 Misc. Bann. C. I 37.
I promised to aduertise yow of the proceidingis heir in court 1574 Reg. Privy C. II 402.
We the provest baillies counsale and communitie of the burgh of Abirdene … considering our procedingis in the resetting, assisting, contributioun and stent making with George Erll of Huntlie a1578 Pitsc. I 225/1.
Thairfoir luik that ȝour proceidingis be honest godlie and iust in all the leiding of ȝour proces 1586 in Kames Decis. Ct. Sess. 1730–52 (1799) 34.
Andrew Semple … disowned and lightlied the judgment and proceedings of the court of session 1614 Crim. Trials III 292.
The procedingis and ceremoneis tuik mekle of aucht dayes 1636 Aberd. B. Rec. III 102.
[A] report of the burrowes proceidinges … anent the matter of the custumes intendit to be hightit 1639 Rec. Kirk Scotl. 254.
The lazarlie proceedings of the Assemblie 1670 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. MS 3 Sept.
Johne Glendoning proveist gave ane accompt of the proceidingis of the last sessioune of parliament(2) 1626 Aberd. Council Lett. I 240.
The saids burghis … to report thair proceidingis with the conservator in the articles agreit upoun betuixt the burrowis and him with the proceidingis with Bryse Sempill and John Schaw takismen of the tendis of the Iles Ib. 241.
b. The deliberations and decisions of an (in these instances ecclesiastical) assembly, as recorded in writing, or the record of these itself. 1562-3 Winȝet II 76/11.
The blissit sentence of Cyril, quhilk is contenit in the procedingis self of the kirk 1681 Boharm Kirk S. 7 June.
In ane visitatione of the said church the proceedings of this book … being revised are found formall and approven
4. Advancing or continuing in action to some further action. 1596–7 Crim. Trials II 13.
That the repelling of the defenssis and proceiding to the electioun of the inqueist and proponing of the objectiounis … is nocht litescontestatioune
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"Proceiding vbl. n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 11 Jan 2025 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/proceiding>