A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1990 (DOST Vol. VII).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Raiso(u)n, Raso(u)n, n. Also: raiss-, rays-, rass- and -o(u)ne, -own, -in. [ME re(a)isun (a1225), -oun, raysoun (14th c.), reyson (Wyclif), e.m.E. rayson (Caxton), F. reis-, raison, -un, raisson. Cf. Reso(u)n n.] Reason, in various senses of Reso(u)n n.
a. = Reso(u)n n. 1, 3, 4 and 5.(1) a1570-86 Maitl. F. 399/27 (see Reso(u)n n. 1 (1)).
Rasownis 1570 Inv. Q. Mary cxxxiii n.
We knaw not be what tytills or raison he hes to crave the same 1573-1600 King Cat. in Cath. Tr. (S.T.S.) 209/34.
Faithe consideris nocht the order and rewllis off natur, nor yit dependis on the experience off corporall sensis, naither leanis it vpone the puissance or raisons of man 1596 Dalr. I 333/26.
With argumentis maist constant, rassounis baith suir and sinceir Ib. II 91/22.
Mony rasonis he inferis, bot cheiflie [etc.] Ib. 422/14.(2) 1596 Dalr. I 1/1.
Mony rasouns persuadet me … the original beginning, institutions [etc.] … of the natione selfe … to sett doune 1683 Laing MSS I 431.
I can not denay but ther is som raison to have garisons thik ther(3) 1513 Doug. i xi 73.
O lupiter, quod scho, on thé we call, For this rayson, that [etc.] a1538 Abell 70b.
The rasone of that is redy 1596 Dalr. I 3/19.
A rasone verie euident, that [etc.] Ib. 50/4.(4) 1519–20 Stirling B. Rec. I 2.
Robert the Brus of Archt was interit to the fredoum of burgesry and gild be rasoun of hus fader 1520 Ib. 6.
All anualis pertenyn to him be rasoune of the said altar 1549 Compl. 6/6.
Ther durst none … pas … be rason of the mony assaltis ande escarmuschis that he maid contrar them Ib. 98/8.
[He] vas exempit … be raison of his grit aige 1560 in Knox II 79.
Rassone 1596 Dalr. I 130/8. — 1549 Compl. 15/23.
I vait nocht quhat ansuere to mak, be raison that [etc.] Ib. 70/9.
Thai vald haue clair myskend it be rasone that it vas sa mekil altrit 1560 Soc. Ant. XXIII 55.
Quhair sche culd nevir have bruicked her awin lievin peciablie be raisin the saime lyes in sa brokin ane cuntrie 1582 Cal. Sc. P. VI 185.
[I am not able to maintain … them] … be rason I have not that is abill to norise thame withal 1619 Inverurie 206.
Be rasone ther was uther cowmond affairs to be down therewith
b. = Reso(u)n n. 6, 7, 8, 9, 12 and 13.(1) 1513 Doug. Comm. i ii 12.
Iohn Bocas, be Eolus … ondirstandis raison set hie in the manis hed Ib. iii 100.
Eolus, the neddyr part of raison, quhilk sendis the storm of mony warldly consalis in the iust manis mynd Id. Æn. x Prol. 71.
Vndirstandyng, rayson, and memor Ib. 121.
Maid thou not man …, Enarmyt him with raison and prudence a1570-86 Maitl. F. 398/8.
Treuthe is putt doun rasoun is haldin fabill(2) c1500-c1512 Dunb. (O.U.P.) 192/24.
Lat Fortoun wirk furthe hir rage Quhome that no rasoun may assuage 1513 Doug. xi Prol. 42.
Of tyme nor rayson gevis he na cuyr a1570-86 Maitl. F. 398/13.
The warld is maid a permutatioun Fra rycht to wrang fra rasoun to wilfulnes — 1565 Mill Mediæv. Plays 164.
My lord of Rason(3) 1549 Compl. 139/34.
[The] maist obstinat contrar raison ye reput hym for the maist prudent man of the realme a1570-86 Maitland Maitl. F. 327/12.
To all men do rycht and rasoun 1596 Dalr. I 170/33.
Without rycht and rasoune, mony menis gudes and geir he maid cheitt of c1610 Melville Mem. 3.
How to temper the rage of furious youth be the reull of godlynes and raisoun(4) 1596 Aberd. Council Lett. I 65.
I understand that ye mak ȝour acompt to pay myself at Michelmas quhilk is na raisson. It is mair nor ane yeir sense I debursit my money for ȝour advance … It is na raisson that I sould lend it sua lang — 1513 Doug. xi Prol. 150.
Quha vertuus was, and fallys tharfro, Of verray rayson malewrus hait is he c1550 Corr. M. Lorraine 439.
Trewlie I never intendit sic ane thing, howbeit that it mycht be doun of rason 1616 J. Maitland in Misc. Hist. Soc. II 155.
Bot whan, in raison and be reason, the true storie … sal be examined(5) 1513 Doug. ix Prol. 81.
Affectioun sa far my rayson blyndis Ib. x Prol. 91.
Considir thy raison is … lyte, And Hys knawlage … infynyte a1538 Abell 7*b.
Law of Machomeit is detestabil to al at vsis rason 1549 Compl. 37/5.
The lang conteneuatione of studie … did fatigat my rason a1570-86 Scott Maitl. F. 294/12. — 1549 Compl. 73/6.
I maye say ande conferme be raisone, that al pepil ar disnaturalit fra there gude nature(6) 1549 Compl. 139/30.
Quhen ȝe hef flyttyn ande berkit but ryme or rason al the lang daye
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"Raison n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 15 Jan 2025 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/raisoun>