A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1990 (DOST Vol. VII).
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Rental(e, -aill, v. Also: rant- and -all, -el(l; -ul; rentl-. [Only Sc., f. Rental(en.] tr.For numerous further instances, see Glasgow Dioc. Reg. I passim.Chiefly passive, freq. in p.p.
a. With personal object: To enter a person's name (in a rental), so admitting him as a tenant (of, in, into, intill (a lease, etc. of) land, etc., also with omission of prep. and without const.).See notes to Rental(e n. 3.passive (1) 1494 Acta Aud. 197/2 (see Rental(e n. 1 (1)).
Rentalit 1533–4 Acta Conc. Publ. Aff. 421.
[The Lords found … ] that the use is, a tennent beand rentalit in the said rentale usit nocht to be remufit fra thar maling for thar lyftymes, thai payand thar males and dewities with ane gratitude at the entres of ilk abbot c1575 Balfour Pract. 205 (see (6) below).(b) 1564 Prot. Bk. W. Cumming 167.
That … the said Johne Fresser be rentellit in our souerane ladies rentell in his place(2) 1492 Acta Conc. I 234/2.
Becaus baith … partiis claims to be rentalit of the said akeris and to haf tak tharof 1498 Ib. II 155.
The tak and maling of Camrone … set til him be our soverane lordis … Commissionare and is rentalit thareof and payit gressoume for the sammyn for termes to rin 1499 Exch. R. XI 435.
The … commissionaris … sett the landis … to utheris tennentis and rentalit thame thairof — 1581 Bk. Old Edinb. C. XV 41.
His said father, quha was rentallit to the guid toun of that westmost goldsmyth buith(3) 1509 Reg. Privy S. I 284/2.
The forest stede … in the quhilk Johne Oliver wes rentalit of befor 1512–13 Ib. 377/2.
David has … consentit that Thomas Logy … be rentalit and put with him in tak of the saidis landis … : Thairfor his grace has set the saidis … landis … for all the … termez of nyne ȝeris nixt tocum … payand thairfor ȝerely the auld male 1525 in Glasgow Dioc. Reg. I 55 (see Rental(e n. 2).
Rentalit 1526–7 Ib. 87.
Is rentalit Gilbert Durandis in the seruice of Clydis Myls, as with hauld vs and vount 1530 Exch. R. XV 584.
I … wes in the rentall tharof as the outdraucht of the rentall … beris and my predecessoris broukit the said merkland past memor of man, … and lat me nocht that is ane auld tenent to be put fra my small maling … [Endorsed 1530 as follows:] The lordis ordanis the … keper of the rentale to rentale this complenare in thir landis … becaus it is the kingis mynd that na tennent salbe remufit furth of thair malingis nochtwithstanding ony liverentis gevin to quhatsumevir persounes 1546 Ex. Processes (Reg. H.) No. i (Kirkpatrick v. Bell & Kirkpatrick).
The land … quhilk he is rentalit in be the abbot and convent of Melros 1555 Edinb. B. Rec. II 213.
The said William tobe rentalit yeirlie thairin [supra the Mercat Croce and rowme thairof] on Mertymes evin and his airis efter him for the said yierlie dewtie alanerlie 1557–8 Glasgow Chart. II 330.
Is rentalit Andro Dunlop in thre aikkaris of land … be vendition and ourgevin of Elazabetht Morton, rentalar 1558 Acts & Decr. XVIII fol. 273a in Sanderson Sc. Rural Soc. (1982) 51 (see (6) below). 1565–6 Reg. Privy C. I 429.
That hir … husband and scho had broukit the saidis landis and bene continewalie rentalit thairin fra tyme to tyme be the space of fiftie yeris bigane 1583 Edinb. Test. XII 200b.
Quhilkis landis I haif of the kingis maiestie and ordinis the said Johne to be rentalit thairin as I am(b) 1515 Glasgow Dioc. Reg. I 72.
Robert Wylsone is rantellit in xiij s. j d.1/2 off land off Balschagre(c) 1522 Glasgow Dioc. Reg. I 54.
Jhone of Mwyr, sone off Wylȝam Mwir, rentellait in xvij s. land … he and his wyff brukand quhyl thay leiff 1545 Ib. 129.
Is rentellit Thomas Drew, the son of Patrik Drew in [etc.](d) 1553 Glasgow Dioc. Reg. I 148.
James Paterson is rentaillit in … land, be the consent of Jhone Liche, elder, quha hes the kindnes thairof coft fra Jhone Andirson, last rentaillit thairinto, as the contrak of vendition … berris Ib. 200.
Thomas Simmervell is rentaillit in … land in Mosplait, of the quhilk he coft the kindnes fra Creisten Welson, and for varification thairof producit the copie of hyr rentail … togyder wyth ane instrument berring in effect quhair the said Cristen had renuncit and giffing owr hir kindnes … to the said Thomas 1569 Ib. 189.
Is rentaillit Thomas Aikin in v s. x d. land in Cryston(e) 1567 Prot. Bk. J. Scott 70.
The foirsaid Andrew rentulit in the samyn [land] … Quhilk rentuling of the said Andrew … the said Lawrens … ratifeit(4) 1536–7 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. II 85.
[They] ordanis the said James Bassenden to be rentalit thairintill conforme to vtheris haifand the commoun buithis 1540 Wigtownshire Chart. 69.
Thair wes uther rentalis of the said place, into the quhilk the said umquhile Symon and his foirbearis wes rentalit past memour of man 1547 Acta Conc. Publ. Aff. 565. 1553 (see (3) (d) above).(5) 1522 Dumfr. & Galloway Soc. 3 Ser. I 305.
The said Herbert payand … twa merks for entres and the quhilk [lands] be this present act he is rentallit(6) 1532 Wigtown B. Ct. 263b.
It suld nocht tovrne to na pregydeis be caus scho vas nocht rentalyt quhen the laif of the brocht vas rentalyt 1558 Acts & Decr. XVIII fol. 273a in Sanderson Sc. Rural Soc. (1982) 51.
Becaus of the consuetude of the barony … ane tenandbeing anis rentallit … be vertew of his rentale hes tytle and ryt to the landis quhilkis he is rentallit in … ay and quhill the same be forfaltit in ane court c1575 Balfour Pract. 205.
Ane man beand rentallit in the kingis rentall … deceissand, and leivand … ane wife and bairnis, the bairnis aucht to be rentallitactive (1) 1507 Exch. R. XIII 596.
The saidis tenentis in thair takis and malingis … attentikly to rentaill for the saidis termis 1514 Wigtown B. Ct. 36a.
The alderman & balȝeis … hais rentalyt Schyr Johne McCrekane vicar of Vigtoun in the halff of the Camakyr 1530 Exch. R. XV 584.
Rentall thes barar in Frowche Mell in Fyf …, for the Arsdan has commandit me the sam, he payand xx s., the qwhelk I haif gottin Ib.
Tharfor rentale him thairintyll conforme to his faderis charter(2) 1561 Irvine Mun. II 13.
Tharfore the … comunitie hais interit rentallit and resavit … Hew his ares and assignayes nerast and lauchfull tennand to the foirnamit landes 1562 Maxwell Mem. II 129.
Giff he [sc. the Chamberlain of Glasgow] … dissyris me to rentale ȝow, I sall do it with gud willreflex. 1582 Lanark B. Rec. 88.
All that hes commoun landis to cum to the tolbuith … and rentell tham in the saming or ellis the land to be in the tounes handis
b. With a thing as object: To record or enter details of a piece of land, a lease, rent, etc. in a rental; to lease (land) on the basis of the rental system; to fix (a rent or value) at a certain level.passive (1) 1561 Reg. Episc. Morav. Pref. xxi.
The rentale of the chancellarie of Murray sett in assediatioun of £100. Bettir rentalit in Mr. Robert Gordoun's tyme for twelve score merkis 1566 Misc. Maitl. C. I 46.
Quhat euer inlakis of the said ȝeirlie maill and dewitie rentallit as said is, the said Alexander and his aris bindis … thame to mak payment 1598 Yester Wr. 193.
And the minut heirof extractit and rentallit according to the act and proclamation maid thairanent 1627 Rep. Parishes 205.
The teind thairof is rentallit to tuentie bollis 1656 Boyd Fam. P. No. 220 (16 Jan.).
Fyve bolls meill rentallit at aucht merks the boll(2) 1607 Reg. Privy C. VII 342.
Seing the North Ilis wer nevir rentallit … they think that thir Ilis sould be rentallit in portioun and availl ansuerable to the South Ilis 1614 Orkney Rentals ii 130.
This markland … being rentlit as said is, was presentlie disponit be him to the owneris tharof 1627 Rep. Parishes 227. ?a1640 Copie of a Baron's Court (1821) 17.
The roomes are rental'd to so high avail, The tenants termly cannot pay their hail 1640 Kirkcudbr. Min. Bk. 95.
It is appoyntit, that all rentallers be valued as weill as the heritores, and that the full worthe of the land be valued as gif the samen were not rentalled 1642 Orkney Rentals iii 13.
Bot the plaice, yairds, and middow are not rentalled 1693 Fountainhall Decis. I 571.
Whether that superiority should be included in the sale or not, and if it was formerly rentalled, and if the debtor was in possession of itactive 1627 Rep. Parishes 155.
Sir William … hes sett the haill townes and landis off the … barronie … and making rent off stok and teindes hes rentalled the said barronie as followeth
c. To lease (a person) land. Const. indirect object or to a person; also with adv. compl. (of rent due). 1530 Exch. R. XV 584.
Thairfor ye sall rentale him the said landis conform to his assedation 1663 Lamont Diary 167.
It [sc. land] was rentalld to him about fowrteine chalder of victuall
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"Rental v.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 28 Dec 2024 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/rentale_v>