A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1990 (DOST Vol. VII).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Revengeabil(l, -abyll, -able, adj. [Reveng(e v. Cf. e.m.E. revengeable (1552).] Revengeful. Also transf. —1513 Doug. xii iv 100.
Grevos Pluto, that god revengeabill [Ruddim. reuengeabyll] 1551 Hamilton Cat. 264.
Geve us grace to ouircum our awin wickit and revengeabil hart —1513 Doug. xi xi 126.
Tak thir dartis, and sone owt of my cays That ilke revengeabill [Ruddim. reuengeable] arow thou owt rays