A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2000 (DOST Vol. VIII).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Ruby, -ie, -é, n.1 and adj. Also: rubb-, roob-, roub-, rewb- and -ye, -ey, -ei, -i. [ME and e.m.E. ruby, -ie (a1310), OF rubi (c1175 in Larousse), repr. the stem rubin- Rubine n.]
A. noun. The ruby, the precious stone, ‘of a colour varying from deep crimson or purple to pale rose-red’ (OED). Also fig. and attrib.See also ruby caboschoun, s.v. Caboschoun n., Ruby ballas, and Rok rubé.For numerous further instances, see the indexes to the various volumes of Treas. Acc.(1) 1390 Reg. Morton II 173.
In quo stat unum ruby endlang ?1438 Alex. ii 3706.
The poyntis [were] of emeraudes … And of rubeis birnand as fyre c1450-2 Howlat 344 (A).
The jaspis joynit in gem and rubyis in rold a1500 Henr. Fab. 875.
A croun … With … royall rubeis rold a1500 Gol. & Gaw. 886.
And rubeis sa round 1488 Treas. Acc. I 85.
Thre small ringis with rubeis 1501 Doug. Pal. Hon. 1914. 1530 Lynd. Test. Pap. 25.
As of rubeis the charbunckle bene chose 1535 Stewart 11898.
Thair coit armour … With rubeis reid … depantit ouir throw pryde 1538 Treas. Acc. VII 39.
The King of Frauncis ordour garnist witht diamandis, rubeis and perlis 1561 Crim. Trials I 416.
Rubye 1567 6th Rep. Hist. MSS App. 643/2.
Ane gryitt rubye … bakkytt only with blak enamaleit Ib.
Ane cheyn … with … ane tablett rubye 1573 Reg. Privy C. II 247.
Ane chayn of rubeis [etc.] a1578 Pitsc. I 360/6.
Rubieis 1583 Edinb. Test. XII 55b.
Ane buttoun of gold with ane rubye(b) 15.. Clar. iii 228.
He gave hir ane rubbie bricht of hew 1603 Montgomery Mem. II 248.
Ane rubbi 1640 Black Bk. Taymouth 346.
Ane rubbie and ane saphyre(c) 15.. Clar. ii 1437.
With croun … Set full of roobies and sapheiris blew(d) a1605 Montg. Ch. & Slae 310 (W).
The chirries … Like twinkling rewbeis round and reidfig. a1568 Bann. MS 228b/12.
The chafrone sett with fyne favour And rubeis of rycht ressoun(2) 1460 Hay Alex. (S.T.S.) 6252.
The torris was owthir of ruby or diament, About the sepulture that war standand 15.. Clar. v 2077.
Whill … everie blythfull starne celestiall As roobie twinklit in the firmament a1568 Scott xiv 9.
Jassink, jasp, ruby, jem [etc.](3) a1500 Henr. Test. Cress. 582.
This royall ring, set with this rubie reid 1494 Loutfut MS 11a.
A richt precius stane callit the ruby quhilk is comperit and callit hardynes 1590 Burel Queen's Entry 273 (see Pallet adj.). 1596 Dalr. I 24/6.(4) attrib. a1500 K. Hart 90.
The rose … In ruby colour reid c1500-c1512 Dunb. G. Targe 24.
Throu bemes rede birnyng as ruby sperkis Ib. (O.U.P.) 143/96.
Reid … as is the ruby glance c1590 J. Stewart 136 §2.
[Flowers] Sum rubie reed, … Sum jassink hewit — c1500-c1512 Dunb. Tua Mar. W. 367.
In ringis ryally set with riche ruby stonis 1574 Acts III 84/2.
Ane greit H of dyamont with ane ruby pendand 1649 Wemyss Chart. 232.
My … roubei braislits
b. Applied to a person pre-eminent in some respect.In the quot. for 1558, a pun on a personal name. c1515 Kennedy Asl. MS II 274/41.
Ruby of reuth c1500-c1512 Dunb. (S.T.S.) lxxxvi 42.
Haile, redolent ruby, riche and radyus! … Haile, moder of God! 1558 Knox I 262.
Fra France we thought to have gottin a Rooby, And yit is he nothing but a cowhuby 1591-2 Rob Stene 19.
Thy Lavinia … That joyfull jem, that ruby rair
B. adj. Having the colour of a ruby; (dark) red in colour. c1500-c1512 Dunb. G. Targe 38.
The ruby skyes of the orient Kest beriall bemes on emerant bewis grene 1513 Doug. xii Prol. 25.
Eous the steid, with ruby harnys red 1515 Treas. Acc. V 9.
Ane unce of rubey silk to thair quaiffs a1570-86 Maitl. F. 206/14.
My ruby cheikis wes reid as rone
b. specif. Post positionally, applied to a variety of apple. See also Rubyn.2 1445 Exch. R. V 186.
Et pro centum pomis ruby pro rege, ij s. c1500-c1512 Dunb. (O.U.P.) 42/57.
He gaif till hir ane appill ruby
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"Ruby n.1". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 22 Dec 2024 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/ruby_n_1>