A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2000 (DOST Vol. VIII).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Scat(t)land, n. Also: scait-. [Scat(t n. 4 and Land n.1 Written as one word or two.] a. Only in Orkney (cf. b below): A quarter of an urisland, a 4½ d. land. b. Only in the rentals of Paplay and Greenwall: Land subject to scat. c. In certain references to Shetland, equated with Scat(t)ald n.a. 1492 Rental in H. Marwick Orkney Farm Names (1952) 207.
Lyngrow, 1 scattland, viz. 4 d. terre et a half … Camstaith, a scattland 1502 Orkney Rentals i 99.
Brusgarth ix d. terre inde the haill scattis of iiij d. terre & a half ar fre in the handis of William of Clat … for als meikill land male of ane uther scat land quhilk wes coffit for the said scattis 1503 Ib. 54.
And of the uther iij scat land of Tenstayth … the uthale men payit yeirlie the butter scat [etc.] 1548 Prot. Bk. Gilbert Grote 67.]
[Malkcum Movat of Swynnenig to infeft the Earl in 5½ scatlands of the lands of Scaill 1595 Orkney Rentals ii 86.
Grobuster 2 scat land, in butter scat [etc.] 1630 Retours I Inq. Spec. Orkney et Shetland (14).
9 denariatis vel duabus lie scatland vocatis Grobusterb. 1502 Orkney Rentals i 11.
All the land in Paplay and Grenewall is bocht & conqueist be umquhill Erle William except allanerlie j d. terre scat land & j½ d. terre of the quoyland quhilk is onlie the kingis with the haill scattis of the laif Ib. 13.
The Bull of Skaile v d. terre scat land Ib. 14.
iiij d. terre callit the scatland of Greinvall 1595 Ib. ii 11.
Braguyis 2 d. terræ scat land and 1 d. terræ quoyland payis for the scat land 16 merks butter [etc.] 1642 Ib. iv 9.
Ane penny scatland 1684 M. P. Brown Suppl. Decis. III 509.]
[A full exoneration of all his feu-duties preceding 1655, for his scait and udal landsc. 1576 Orkney Oppress. 46.
In Unst there is xxi scatlandis vtherwayis callit scathaldis Ib. 47.
The inhabitaris of Fetlar … grant … that thai have payit for ten scatlandis contenit in their yle … to the laird for the swyne ruting … xxx dolors
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"Scatland n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 27 Dec 2024 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/scattland>