A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2000 (DOST Vol. VIII).
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Secret Counsall, n. Also: secrete, secrett, secreit, sacre(i)t and counsale, -all, -el, -ell, councell, consal(l, consale, cunsall. [Cf. med. L. (Eng.) consilium secretum (regis) (1367 in Latham) the Privy Council of England; Secret(e adj. and Counsail n.; corresp. to ME (c1300) and e.m.E. privy council: See Privé Counsaill n.]
1. A body of advisers or counsellors chosen from the magnates of the realm to advise the sovereign or the regent on judicial or governmental matters; the Privy Council of Scotland (Privé Counsaill n.). Also fig.For further examples, see Lord n. 15 (1) and (3).1371 Acts I 183/1.]
[Ordinatum fuit in suo secreto conssilio de statu seu modo vivendi ipsius regis et eciam regine(a) 1471 Acts II 99/1 (see Lord n. 15 (1)).
Secret Consal 1489 Acts II 220/2.
Of the electioun and chesing of certane lordis spirituale and temporale to be and remane of oure souerane lordis secrett consale for the ostensioun and furth putting of the kingis autorite in the administracioun of justice c1515 Asl. MS I 242/10.
Ane letter wnder Sir James of Douglas sele … declynand fra the king … calland tham tratouris that war his secret counsall 1501–2 Acta Conc. III 137.
[Master Richard Lawson is designed as] of the secret cunsall and of the cession daily 1524 Acts II 285/2.
The lordis diuisit on the secrete counsale with the Quenis grace to directe all materis 1542–3 Acts II 414/2.
The namis of the lordis to be vpoun my lord gouernaris secrete counsale and vj to be ay present at the lest 1580 Cath. Tr. 65/3. 1593–4 St. A. Kirk S. 773.
The saidis personis … oblising thame … to reverence and obey the saidis magistratis for this present yeir conforme to thair electioun and decrete of secrete consall past thairupon 1613 Highland P. III 140.
Chargeing thame to find caution acted in the bookes of secrete counsell not to ressett [etc.] 1661-88 Lauder Notices Affairs I 186.
The secret councell would have given him ane reprivall(b) 1565 Reg. Privy C. I 334.
Quhilk actis and ordinances the quenis majestie ordanis to be actit and insert in the bukis of hir secreit counsall to lestand memorie 1567 Acts III 31/1.
The act of secreit counsell, grantit in fauouris of the ministeris, anent [etc.] c1575 Balfour Pract. 13.
Anent the … chesing of the lordis … [to] remane with our soverane lordis secreit counsall for the … furth-putting of the kingis authoritie a1578 Pitsc. I 50/15.
The king [sc. James II] … maid him [sc. Douglas] principall of his secreit counsall 1596 Dalr. II 250/5. 1603–4 Misc. Spald. C. V 74.
For bringing hame letteris fra the secreit counsall of lyiff and deathe, to be usit aganis the transgressouris of the ordinance maid concerning the pest, 10 s. 1624 Aberd. Council Lett. I 233.
To rais summonds befoir the secreit counsell 1633 Acts V 22/1.
It sall be lawfull to him [sc. any person] to haue recourse to the lords of secreit counsall for redres of any preiudice he may … susteine 1633 Edinb. Surgeons 107.
For the extract of the act of secreit consall contra James Weir 1670 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. MS (3 Sept.).
The said Mr Alexander his complaint befoir the secreit councell aganest the toune 1672 Edinb. B. Rec. X 136.(c) 1581 Sempill Sat. P. xliii 205.
And sacreit counsell can not be content To suffer lordshippis in equalitiefig. 1490 Irland Mir. I 108/1.
Foure nobile … wertuis, secretaris and wis counsalouris, merci, verite, justice and pece … ware … resauit in hevin … in the company of the godhede and maid of the sacret counsale of the hie and nobile king of paradice
b. Secreit counsell and sessioun, id.1606 (1621) Acts IV 616/2.
The Lordis of Secreit Counsell and Sessioun considdering the gryit extorsioun vseit by [etc.]
2. Applied to the Senate of ancient Rome or to a session of Senate.1456 Hay I 63/27.
And than quhen he rais, the senatouris send for him to be at the secrete counsale of the toune that day in the capitoile
3. Applied once, in Dumfries, to a council of the burgh.It is unclear whether this is the regular burgh council or an ad hoc or unofficially enlisted body.1523 Dumfries Burgh Ct. Bk. in Dumfr. & Galloway Soc. 3 Ser. XXXVIII 196.
The samin daye the secret consale fornamit be the awiys of my lord Maxwele in jugement sittand and hais statuit & ordanit … that na man dissobey the officiars & ministars of justice [etc.] 1523 Dumfries Burgh Ct. Bk. in Dumfr. & Galloway Soc. 3 Ser. XXXVIII 197.
The samin daye it is statuit … be the said lord & secreit consale that quhen the comon bell beis rung that [etc.]