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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2000 (DOST Vol. VIII).
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Set, n. Also: sett, seit(t, sait(t. [ME and e.m.E. set (Manning), sett (a1400-50), sette (c1410), seat (1594); Set v.]

1. The action of leasing, an instance of this; the lease itself; a particular lease.Const. indef. art., def. art., without art., to have (tak) in set, lettre of set.(1) 1439 Edinb. Chart. 64.
Charteris takis and settis of feefedorme made to thaim [sc. tenants]
1490 Exch. R. X 669.
ix chalder xij boll malt … rasit on thaim … at settes maid of this lordschip
c1500 Harl. MS 4700 281b.
Gif ane tenent clamis ane sett of land to jois
1511 Antiq. Aberd. & B. III 107.
Gif he will nocht sett his tend to your lordschipe he sould nocht gett na sett of your fischingis
1520 Fife Sheriff Ct. 173.
Thar wes mony … alienacionis of kyrklandis and specialie settis & gevine of landis in few
1559 Inchcolm Chart. 98.
And quhat mycht be ane ressonabill sett of the samyn stedingis to tenentis that wald pay ferme … thairfor
1563 Linlithgow Sheriff Ct. 22 April.
To be haldin of our souerane for making and geving of the thrid pert of ane sett at our soueranes court of Linlythgow and of ane punny of siluer at the feist of Witsounday
1572 Prot. Bk. W. Cumming 154.
In sing and takyn of putting of the said Dowgall in possession of the croftland the said James deliuerit to hym ane rentell and set mad to hym be our souerane the quenis commissonar
1607 Cramond Ch. Aberdour 5.
Being posit if he had made ony sett of teinds within the paroch … deponit that he had made na sett to onie man
1611 Reg. Panmure I xcvii.
Of the baronie of Panmor … thear ar many lytil settis thearin, … to wit, the Mains, etc.
(2) 1450 Coll. Aberd. & B. 428.
The quhilk sett of the landis … witht … all rychtwyse pertinens pertenande … till ane maler … we retify
1471 Acta Aud. 13/1.
The tak & set of the said custumys tollis & foggage efter the forme & tenour of the lettres of tak
1496 Acta Conc. II 23.
Jhone of Ballone and Margret … his spowse … to enter thame to the tak and set of the landis of Petlare
1534 Misc. Spald. C. II 189.
The set and fewferme he hes of oure saidis landis and lordschip
1538 Haddington B. Rec. (Robb) 13 June.
That thai will contini the set of the millis to the xxviij day of Junii
1558 Inverness Rec. I 24.
The said Jasper offerit … twenty pundis … for thair set of ane tak of half stell brand in thair handis
1570 6th Rep. Hist. MSS App. 650/1.
Writ to David Dumber … to make the sett of your currokis [on the Spey], for now is the tym of yeir
1582 Conv. Burghs I 158.
The ȝeirlie dewties to be payitt to the kingis maiestie for the sett of his hienes customes
1591 Mining Rec. 25.
The set of the myrbers
1595 Douglas Bequest 7 July.
I bind … me … to keipe and warrand this sett and priuiledge of fevall
1649 Banff Field C. (1908-9) 89.
The sett of Saturdayes mercat at Rynye
1450 Reg. Great S. 84/1.
The quhilkis said balȝery and set for the said termez of five ȝeris … I … oblise me … to the said Thomas
1470 Newburgh B. Ct. 15b.
Thom Rogerson & Gylbert off Kynloch helde ii aykaris … mayr thane wes stet thame at the fyrst set
1479 Acta Aud. 93/2.
That the instrument of the said sett … subscriuit with Schir Johne Reid publik notar was fals
1480 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 38.
The quhilk day the customes of Leith ar sett with all lawfull dewteis … to Jhone Young … quhilk sett is maid with al daynger of weir
1517 Acta Conc. Publ. Aff. 89.
Lachlen McYllane dyssyris geyf ony of the Ylis settis, wedsettis, or rasingis ony landis or offycis tyll hym … and geyf the resugnatioun be in our soveraen lordis hand … that he may hayf a lettir of permit that he sall hayf the samyn agane with all profetis
1517 Fam. Rose 193.
The grassumis of the landis of Moy at the last sett
1533 Aberd. B. Rec. I 148.
Gif thair be ony takkismen of the tovne that dissentis to the paiment of thir settis, that thai salbe dischargit of thair takkis
1581 Acts III 211/2.
That na personis [sc. ministers] … mak or sett ony fewis [etc.] … to the preiudice of his successoure … quhairuntill in cais he failȝe his sett and locatioun to be decernit null
1604 Urie Baron Ct. 5.
The detfull serwice that is to be crawet of euerie tennent … according to thair sett and laboring
1614 Orkney Rentals ii 118.
This sett in tak with Or. Scappa; gersum hereof comptit with or Scappa
(b) 1571 Inverness Rec. I 202.
Tackis the seit of my cornis yeirle
(3) 1476 Acta Aud. 41/1.
At the said landis … belangit him be resone of sete & forfalt be the said Andro
1497–8 Acta Conc. II 125.
That he had tak and set of the sadis landis
c1500 Harl. MS 4700 281b.
Resonis throu the quhilkis … ane lord … may forfet thair tenend quhilk clamys tak of termis of ȝeris be sett of lettir and seile
a1634 Forbes Rec. 368.
He sall not delapidat in any way his benefice, neither mak sett nor disposition therof
(4) 1576 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. I 7.
xij s. vj d. … restand of the … Vitsounday maill of ane buith quhilk the said Androw hade in set of the said William
1597 Misc. Spald. C. I 93.
Thow com to Mr. Androw Clerkis … to his wyiff, to haif takin in sett of hir, hir draff
1600–1 Misc. Spald. C. V 128.
His new biggit hous at the burne heid, takin in sett to be ane sang school
(5) 1478 Acta Aud. 67/2.
As is contenit in a lettre of sett maid to the said Johne and Agnes be the said Sir Thomas

b. specif. A piece of land so leased.(a) 1574 Antiq. Aberd. & B. II 238.
The ouer sett and nether sett of Kilmanitie, the landis of the Clerk Saitt [etc.]
1574 Antiq. Aberd. & B. II 238.
The mains and landis of Straithylay, … the Clerk Sett, Boglugy, Thornetoun [etc.]
(b) 1514 Reg. Cupar A. I 295.
The half of the seit besyd the kyrk is set to Donald Fyndlason

c. A list of leases. Cf. Rental(e n. 1. 1502 Orkney Rentals i 3.
This set and rentale of Sanct Olavis parochine maid at Kirkwall [etc.]. … Imprimis Waster Maill iij farding terre [etc.]. … Grymesetter [etc.]

d. Set roll (Roll n.1 4 d), ? a list or catalogue of lessees or leasers or ? an example of Set ppl. adj. 7, drawn up, put in writing. 1442–3 Ayr B. Ct. 28 Jan.
That ilke fre man haf a tenement with in a ȝer and his borowis be distrenȝit or than that he [be] put out of the sett roul & be depriuit of his fredome
1562 Inverness Rec. I 75.
William Budeth producit … ane charter and sesing of ane ruid of land lyand in the kyrk get for entring of hym in the set roll, and alse proclamit … gyf thair wes onne tendyrrer … to by the … land quhilk he [sc. John Budeth] sald to William [etc.]

2. Something laid down to govern events, a (body of) regulation(s), a (set of) procedure(s. Also in the phrase in set and furme (in forme and sett) with reference to the repetition of previous procedures or the verbal reiteration of events.(1) 1456 Hay II 112/34.
God has nocht sa straytely ordanyt his werkis … that he may nocht … change the first set of the devise at his awin liber arbitrage
1478 Acts II 118/2.
That his hienes … sall … mak a sett & reuyle of his moneye baith gold & siluir of the wecht & finance
1604 Urie Baron Ct. 5.
The detfull serwice that is to be crawet of euerie tennent … according to thair sett and laboring
1661 Haddington B. Rec. (Robb) 20 May.
What [arrangements for keeping the anniversaries of the Restoration] they [sc. the magistrates] sall appoynt … is hereby ordanit to be insert in thar cosell bookes, & to stand as a set all tymes comeing
1672 Stirling Common Good 80.
For proclaming the setts of the letter fair 4 s.
1699 Fountainhall Decis. II 55.
They had entered into a bargain by way of set, whereby George excambed some shares he had in the paper-manufactory and African Company, with some shares James had in the bank, and thereon a guinea of earnest was given. James … now … resiled, seeing the transfers of these excambed shares were not as yet subscribed. Answered, In such bargains as thir … there was no more required but the set, and they were binding … Replied … if lands were excambed by a set [etc.]
(2) 1491 Dunferm. B. Rec. I 30.
The hed cowrt of Michelmes haldyn … the soytis callit the court affirmit. This cowrt continuit in set and furme qwhil the Weddinsday … nixt to cum
1493 Dunferm. B. Rec. I 368.
The cowrt of justis is continuit to the viij day of Februerij … in set and furm that day as this day
1535 Stewart 20932.
Ane herald sone to ȝoung Fergus [tha] send, Quhilk schew to him ilk word fra end to end, With circumstance at lenth and greit laseir, In forme and sett as I haif said ȝow heir

b. The sett, the rules and procedure governing the organisation of a burgh or of specific burghs.Orig. appar. applied to the decreets arbitral negotiated between the merchants and craftsmen of a number of burghs, as, e.g., Edinburgh, in 1584 (Acts III 360-4), and embodying the rules for elections, regulations governing the activities of the crafts, and the like. Many of the setts of various burghs are printed in Misc. B. Rec. 161 ff. Cf. also, Kennedy Aberd. Ann. II 217 f. 1630 Edinb. B. Rec. VII 83.
That all persounes of the said craft sall compeir before the deykin and brethrein … quhen they are wairnit for such thinges as concerne theme conforme to the sett
1661 Reg. Privy C. 3 Ser. I 76.
All differences betwixt them [sc. the crafts] upon the sett or their respective priviledges to be discust be the judge ordinar … commanding them … to observe the forsaid sett and decreit arbitrall
1673 Edinb. B. Rec. X 141.
[The act was] derogatory to the sett herin wherby the maner of electione and the persons to be elected is established … Be the said sett [the Council] ar sworne to choise the abilest men for offices within burgh in the maner and conforme to the rewells therin sett down
1674 Edinb. B. Rec. X 194.
Johne Cunynghame … protested … it wes a breatch of the sett
1675 M. P. Brown Suppl. Decis. II 190.
James the Sixth … gave his decreet-arbitral, commonly called the sett, by which he determines [etc.]
1680 Stirling B. Rec. II 28.
Without … altering the present constitution and sett of the counsell
c1680 Fountainhall in Sc. Lore I 80.
It was firmly believed by the wholle crafts that this was nothing but a designe to overturne their priviledges and seals of cause and it was clamored to be a breach of the Sett
1681 Edinb. B. Rec. XI 28.
The old magistrats and old councellors and deacons of trads and trads councellors whoe shall be wairned to compeir befor the Councell of Edinburgh as proxies to make up the number of electors conforme to the sett
1683 Edinb. B. Rec. XI 82. 1683 Edinb. B. Rec. XI 87. 1691 Edinb. B. Rec. XII 60. 1692 Edinb. B. Rec. XII 107.

3. Day sett, the time of day at which the sun sets. See also Day n.1 9. 1633 Orkney Bp. Ct. MS 87.
He gaid to his dauchteris hous efter day sett

4. A plant; a cutting intended for planting.In the first quot. there is a play on sense 6. 1501 Doug. Pal. Hon. 11.
Dame Flora … Hir heuinly bed powderit with mony a set Of ruby [etc.]
1513 Doug. xii Prol. 133.
The plane pulderyt with semly settis sovnd Bedyit full of dewy peirlys rovnd So that ilk burgioun syon herb and flour Wolx all enbalmyt of the fresch liquour
c1700 Pennecuik Poems 169.
Whereof I have sent both specimens and sets to Mr Sutherland, for our Physick Garden

5. A disposition of hunters, the area to be hunted; a trap or snare in the senses of Set v. 30, freq. to set (one's) settis, setis to set, also see Set v. 29 b.(a) 1375 Barb. iii 479 (see Set v. 29 b). c1420 Wynt. vi 1859.
He thowcht in hys dremyng That syttand he was besyd the king At a sete in hwntyng swa
1501 Treas. Acc. II 120.
Giffin for four hors in Strafelane to the king to ride to the sete of hunting
1507 Treas. Acc. III 336.
To ane woman brocht kittis to the king quhair he lay at the sete
1533 Boece 190b.
The king … went to ane schaw quhare … the wolfis resortit and … bade at the setis
(b) 15.. Clar. iv 1767 (see Set v. 29 b).
?1549 Monro W. Isles (1961) 66.
Quhilk deiris will never be slane downwith but the principall settis [v.r. saitts] man be in the heich of the hills

b. A disposition of troops, etc. in the sense of Set v. 28. 1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 58.
At nycht, the Inglis camp and settis quhilk was liand at the kirk and place of Restalrig changit thair camp to Pilrig

6. A setting for a gem. Also transf. 1516 Acta Conc. Publ. Aff. 71.
Ane cheffroun with ane punct with settis of perle
1542 Inv. Wardrobe 67.
Bonettis with thair settis … upoun the samyne bonet tene settis in every sett four dyamonttis
1542 Inv. Wardrobe 68.
Sex settis of gold with ane gryt rubie in every ane
1542 Inv. Wardrobe 69.
Ane bonet of clayth with ane tergat and fourtie fyve settis lyk pillaris
1583 Inv. Wardrobe 309.
Ane foir garnessing of diamentis sett in gold … Tua diamantis of the same sett tane fra the bak garnessing … with tua … midcuppillis of gold joynit to the saidis settis
1585 Inv. Wardrobe 318.
Ane foir garnissing contening nyne roses of rubyis with ten settis of perll everie ane contening foure perll
1585 Inv. Wardrobe 318.
Ane grit diamont sett, a quheit sapheir sett, ane greit sapheir sett with ane greit perll at the end of it
1585 Inv. Wardrobe 319.
Sevintene diamontis sum tabled sum tallie a face of the same sett nyntene rubyis of the same sett
transf. 1528 Lynd. Dreme 405.
Fair Uenus … rycht lustelie Was set in to ane sett of syluer schene

7. A setting or arrangement of music, specif. the setting of parts in singing, perhaps with particular reference to pitch. c1550-c1580 Art of Music 92.
The fourtend rewil is be institucioun of musicians is dewysit putand the plane sang figurateuff aucht noittis abow the propir seitt quhilk dois keip the rewill of the plane sang forsaid
c1550-c1580 Art of Music 103b.
The secund rewill is that the tenor is put down to be modulat in thridis beneth the propir seit of the plane sang and thrie artificiall partis thairto annexit
1635 Music of Scotl. xvii.
I acknowledge sinceerely the whole compositions of the parts to belong to the primest musicians that ever this kingdome had, as Dean John Angus [etc.] … and others famous for their skill in this kind … collecting all the sets I could find on the Psalmes
1663–9 Sel. Biog. I 134.
Sometimes he would … have us sing setts of musick

8. ? An area or part (of a mine) (cf. 5 above) or ? cf. Sete n. 14.For immediate context see Reding(e vbl. n.2Cf. 18th, 19th c. Cornish usage (OED Set n.1 21). 1684 Sheriffhall Coal Accompt 23 Feb.
For reding the back sett

9. (A) disposition, inclination (of the mind,) etc., a pattern (of behaviour). c1420 Wynt. v 4634.
In hart set he was movyd then For pyte
1653 Binning Wks. 556.
The fall of man hath … broken his will, and put it in a wrong set
1690 David Williamson Sermon Preached Before King's Commissioner 12.
Young ones may get … a wrong set by bad masters
a1700 Charters Spiritual Disc. 5.
By which our souls get a right set, and are more fitter and better disposed for obeying God

10. The price (of a commodity) laid down (by an authority). (Cf. Set v. 41.) 1509 Aberd. B. Rec. I 440.
Bessy Layng … was conuict … for takin away of the set of the aile of hir dur, set be … Johnne Cuk officiar, and putting up and skorand viii d. aile

b. An estimate of the value of a ship's cargo for the purpose of agreeing a price. (See Set v. 41 b.) 1681 Stair Inst. i xvi § 4 (1981) 255.
The ordinary or usual remeid … of a roup at the half or major part of the owners against the rest, or a set at any of the owners' instance against the whole, either to take his part at such a rate, or quit their parts at the same price, or roup his own part when he pleases

11. An amount, batch, quantity (of a commodity). 1516 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 38.
Anent your vitell that thair be na part maid of the samyn quhill xii houris … . And the bred to [be] maid efferand to the set of quheit
1666 Melrose Reg. Rec. II 159.
[Michael Gibsone … ]to declaire whoe it was that stoll nyne sett of pease in September last … that the said Michaell … said that if the said David had gone west the Langlands gaite … he wold have mett with the last cairtfull of his peasse

12. An attempt or planned attack. Cf. Set v. 59. 1460 Hay Alex. 4207.
He wauld nocht ceis quhill he sould him assalȝe—The vald all thing haue provit, sett on faleȝe
1598 Paterson Ayr & Wigton II 46.
Thay maid mony settis to haue gottin him selff, bot God preseruitt him
1603 Paterson Ayr & Wigton II 69.
[The Earl next] maid ane sett for Benand [whom he took]

13. Ane sett of weddir, a settled period, a spell of (fine) weather. Cf. Set v. 38, cf. also Set v. 60. 1588 Waus Corr. 425.
I pray you that ye faill nocht to caus cleip the scheip … sa sone as yie sie ane sett of weddir

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