A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. IX).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Sover, adj. (adv.). Also: sou-, sow- and -ere, -ir, -yr, -ar, souvir, seuver, swuer, suffer. [Appar. OF soür (1080 in Larousse), var. of seür (F. sur), with intrusive v, perhaps as also in Javel(l)o(u)r n.] Cf. Siker adj. (adv.) and Sure adj. (adv.).
A. adj. 1. a. Of circumstances or a condition of affairs: Ensuring safety or freedom from danger; safe, secure. b. Of a person: (Feeling) confident; safe; reassured.a. 1548 Corr. M. Lorraine 241.
Tha think mair souer is to tham that this realm be nevir at perfit hwnyte nor at perfit justice, for dreddour of thair pwnissiounb. 1513 Doug. i v 105.
Julius … Quham efter this sovir of thyne entent … Amang the nowmyr of goddis ressaue thou [sc. Venus] sall [L. hunc tu olim caelo … accipies secura] a1568 Moffett in Bann. MS 260a/37.
Thus sall thow stand in no degre Sover ferout perplexitie
c. Of a person or thing: In sover keping, in a place where safety and freedom from harm or theft can be ensured; in reliable custody.(1) 1515 Douglas Corr. 318.
To bryng theyr graces owt of the kepping of suspeccioun as theye be nowe, ande to be pute in souer kepping(2) 1478 Cochran-Patrick Coinage I 39.
His hienes wil … ger tak the irnys fra the cunyeouris incontinent and put thaim in souer keping 1521 Boyd Fam. P. No. 3 (3 Nov.).
Deliuerand the samyn soum in gud and souer keping to the profet and utilite of vs 1529 Selkirk B. Ct. MS 138b.
xii merkis of gud and vsuel mony of Scotland, quhilk sovm is put in souer keiping in handis of James Bradfut 1578 Aboyne Rec. 150.
The said soume … with the letter of tak … to be consignit in the ballies handis … in thair commoune kyst in sower keiping
2. Of a place: Sheltered (from (fra) wind); that offers protection from attack. Also const. to a person.(1) 1513 Doug. i iv 15.
In a braid sound sovir from all wyndis blawis 1513 Doug. iii viii 127.
The port … wes ful large And fra al wyndis blast … Sovir [L. ab accessu ventorum immotus] al tyme(2) 1513 Doug. ix vi 146.
Thai … fra thar fays held the sovyr way [L. et tuta capessunt] 1513 Doug. Exclam. 4.
In sovir raid now ankyrrit is our bark 1533 Bell. Livy I 183/28.
The pepill … garnist thare tentis with maist sovir trinschis & fowseis(3) 1533 Bell. Livy I 141/22.
Mont Velia sal be sovir to ȝow [L. tuta erit vobis Velia] without suspicioun
b. Of a way or route: Safe; that avoids danger. 1513 Doug. vii v 34.
Haue thai nocht fund, forto eschape away Throw myd fyre and myd ostis, sovir [Ruddim. souir] way?
3. Of things: Stout, solidly-constructed; strong, tough. 1501 Doug. Pal. Hon. 1362.
This gudelie carwell … Richt souer ticht and wonder stranglie beildit 1513 Doug. ix x 78.
Hys bow with hors sennonys bend hes he Tharin a takill set of sovir tre And [etc.] 1513 Doug. ix xiii 68.
Hys sovir armour [L. solida aera] strang and na thyng thyn 1529 Aberd. B. Rec. I 126.
The haill tovne ordanit that thair suld be ane kyst dentit [ed. denit] in the souerest sort quhilk sald haue four lokis [etc.] a1568 Sempill Bann. MS 126b/59.
Ȝit is my claith seuver for sadillis to ceuver Suppois the sessioun raid thame sell 1619 Garden Elphinstoun 1988.
This … Churche to keep more sover … With cakes of lead caus'd cover
b. Of ground: Stable, solid. c1552 Lynd. Mon. 1700.
Thare gret fortres than did thay founde And kaiste tyll thay gat souer grounde
4. Of a person or thing: Reliable, dependable.(1) 1489 Aberd. B. Rec. I 45.
And inlikuase his tresour … to be putt in souer and comptabile mennys handis c1500-c1512 Dunb. Tua Mar. W. 466 (Ch. & M.).
I haue ane secrete serwand rycht sovir [M. sobir] of his toung(b) c1475 Wall. vi 484.
He was baith suffer wys and trew(2) c1552 Lynd. Mon. 167.
The Pole artick, wrsis, and sterris all … Tyll errand schyppis quhilks ar the souer gyde(3) 1429 Acts II 18/2.
The ȝeman that is nane archer … sall haif a gude souer hat for his hede c1475 Wall. iii 84.
Gude souir weide dayly on him he wour Gude lycht harnes … A habergione [etc.] c1475 Wall. iv 551.
Rycht stark he was and in to souir ger c1475 Wall. iii 357. 1513 Doug. vii x 96.
A sover swerd beltis law doun by his the [L. fidoque accingitur ense] 1513 Doug. x xiii 105.
Ene … all enragyt hys sovir targe erekkit 1513 Doug. xi xv 8.
With weirlyke bardis cled, and sovir weid Of coyrbulȝe or leddir with gilt nalys 1513 Doug. xii ii 99.
b. ? That guarantees security; ? that is itself secure (from interference). a1500 Henr. III 172/7.
No seill is sover now this is a wofull werd
5. Of a person: Determined, resolute; bold. 1513 Doug. iv x 64.
Bot Eneas sovir to depart [L. certus eundi] … sownd slepand kan ly 1513 Doug. viii x 40.
My son, now art thou sovyr and stark, That thé not nedis to haue ony feir … the strang Turnus to assaill 1513 Doug. x iv 45.
Astur maist sovyr horsman forto seik [L. equo fidens] 1535 Stewart 47915.
Richt nobill men that war bayth traist and trew So souer als in all tyme at ane sailȝe
6. Of undertakings, conditions, etc.: That may be counted upon to be steadfastly maintained; sure, secure.(1) 1499 Douglas Chart. 173.
For the gude of peax and souer keping of the treux 1501 Acta Conc. III 67.
Ane obligacione … in the stratest style … for the fulfilling and sower keping of the premis 1513 Doug. iv iii 69.
In sovir [L. stabili] wedlok I sal conioyn hir thar 1531 Bell. Boece (M) I 44.
Ȝe knaw now … how we … has wyncust oure inymyis and brocht oure lanndis … to sover peace 1531 Bell. Boece I 258.
The Scottis and Pichtis war confiderat togidder … in maist sover way 1534 Boyd Fam. P. No. 11 (17 April).
Geif this obligatioun be nocht souer eneuch I oblis me and myn airs to reseing the samyn agane in the sikkerest wis men of law can deuis kepand the effect abon writtin 1540 Lynd. Sat. 986 (B).
We mon be diligent, And mak betuix ws sovir [Ch. sikker] bands 1569 Glasgow Chart. II App. 547.
For souir payment of the said sowme 1589 Misc. Spald. C. II 278.
Quhow meit … it is to ws twa to knet vp ane sower freindschip(2) 1396 Sc. Ant. XIV 218.
Gif sal happyn the forsayd lorde erle til pay the forsaid soume othirwayis in ony souar maner 1519 Aberd. B. Rec. I 96.
Thar commont seill to be affixit to thar said gift and it to be extendit in the best and souerest fassone can be maid 1580 Bk. Islay 75.
Be it kend … ws Angus McConill of Donyvaig … bindis and oblisis ws in the most souir form of obligatioun, that [etc.]
b. That has been definitely agreed or settled; certain, decisive. 1513 Doug. xii ii 156.
Enee … Bad the messyngeris bair hame but delay Sovir answer [L. responsa … certa]
c. Assured, guaranteed. 1542 Grant Chart. 88.
I … may nocht gait souyr enteres to my landis 1615 Bk. Islay 251.
Gif I had sua proceidit in George Grhaymes trafique for Laird Ramfurdlie and Bischope of the Iles his souvir libertie
d. Of an immaterial benefit, or a condition of affairs: Assured, confirmed (to another). 1449 Acts II 35/1.
It is ordanit that general pece be proclamyt and kepit … that al men may trauel souerly … throu the lande swa that … the kingis pece be souer til al man 1533 Gau 65/16.
Lowe Hime al pepil for his marcie is maid swuer to wsz [L. quoniam confirmata est super nos misericordia eius]
7. Assured of receiving, or of continuing to enjoy (something). Also, to mak (a person) sover of (lands).(1) 14… Edinb. Univ. MS La.ii.318.
The prayer of al the convent That is souir of ane assent 1533 Bell. Livy I 120/28.
Traisting (gif he war … haldin in contempcioun) to be sovir of his life [L. tutus esse](2) 1527 Aberd. B. Rec. I 117.
At your lordschip will infeft ws … in your landis of Ardlar … makand ws souer thairof … for we desyir … to be maid souer
8. Fully assured of something. 1490 Irland Mir. III 138/10.
That the prince in that space of tyme may informe him quhen he is sovyr [ed. sobyr] of the mater 1544 Corr. M. Lorraine 73.
I say thes to yowr grays for na warete becawes I am not sower herof
9. To mak sowar, to give assurance (that one will or will not do something). 1444 Melville Chart. 28.
At the said Jon mak sowar that he sall nocht disheris his sisteris
10. Of evidence, information, experience, etc.: Assuredly true or accurate, certainly known (to be true), reliable. 1513 Doug. iii v 57.
Schawis thou to me a verray sovir warnyng [L. verus mihi nuntius adfers]? 1513 Doug. vii viii 11.
Thar [sc. the hounds'] nes thirlys with a sover sent [L. noto odore] Scho fillis so, that [etc.] 1513 Doug. x ix 2.
Tho nane incertane rumour nor demyng, Bot sovyr boydword [L. certior auctor] cam thar, and warnyng c1520 Reg. Episc. Aberd. I 385.
I had all my fwel of your L. grownd qwen I plesit to request my lorde of Abirden for thame as your L. may geit sowir informacion 1589 Misc. Spald. C. II 279.
As ane sover testimonie of our faythfull promeis 1593 Lett. Jas. VI to Eliz. 88.
For since that tyme souir experience hath taucht to my self that the thickness of no wallis can hold out treason
11. Certain to come about; predictable, inevitable. 1531 Bell. Boece (M) I 230.
Na thing was moir sovere than vtter rewyne of thame boith
12. Efficacious, effective. Also const. to do something.(1) 1513 Doug. xii vii 58.
Bot, for na chance … Wald forton dres hys hand the sovir way [L. nulla viam fortuna regit] 1531 Bell. Boece I 70.
To have his Goddis in reverence, quhais favoure wes ane sover protectioun 1531 Bell. Boece II 8.
Belt yow with gud hoip, gladnes and virtew; for sic thingis ar the soverest way to bring your materis to gud fine 1532 Aberd. B. Rec. I 146.
And the houisse to be bigit in the maist souer vise for sauete of the raid and hevin 1560 Inverness Rec. I 48.
That the same droge is … for the syknes of cankyr sowyr rameid 1570 Misc. Bann. C. I 48*.
Lyving mair to the constitutioun of the politik lawis than the souer operatioun of the eternall God(2) 1531 Bell. Boece (M) I 39.
Na vther way is sa sovir to stabill oure pepill in this ile
B. adv. Securely; safely; firmly. 1494 Loutfut MS 110a.
The iuge … puttis thair appellationis & ansueris in to writ … and … deliueris it … to ane officiar of armes to keip sover wnopinnit quhill thair peremptour day c1550 Rolland Ct. Venus i 92.
His hugtoun … crammesie … With precious perle, and gold was souer set c1550 Rolland Ct. Venus ii 698.
Than reillis all war maid of euir bane Weill souer set with diuers christall stane
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"Sover adj.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 27 Dec 2024 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/sover_adj>