A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. IX).
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Spil(l, Spyl(l, v. Also: spille, spyl(l)e, spel. P.t. and p.p. also spe(i)lt. [ME and e.m.E. spille(n (c1175), spil (Cursor M.), spylle (a1400), spyl (c1425), OE spillan, MDu., MLG spillen, ON spilla.]There is some overlap with Spuilȝe v.
I. 1. tr. To kill or slay (a person or animal), to put to death. Also in contrast with save (Sav(e v. 4 a), spare (Spar(e v. 1). Also ellipt. and absol. Also absol. in collocation with spede (Sped(e v. 4 a).(1) a1400 Leg. S. xl 986.
He ves for his gilt Be manis sicht sa foul spilt 1460 Hay Alex. 185.
To vndo this bairn or him to spill For the goddis may mak airis at thair will a1500 Henr. Fab. 2664 (Bann.).
It is wrang, that for the faderis gilt The saikles sone sall pvneist be and spilt c1475 Wall. v 1032.
To wemen ȝeit we do bot litill ill Na ȝong childir we lik for to spill a1500 Colk. Sow i 179.
Mony galt mony gilt Come let the pig to be spilt 1513 Doug. ix ix 75.
Lycus … Quham Turnus … With speir in hand persewys forto spill a1568 Scott xvii 24.
Now lat my lady do quhat evir scho will, … Small honor is hir scherwand for to spill(2) 1567 G. Ball. 170.
Thow may me saif, thow may me spill, Baith lyfe and deide, lyis in thy will a1605 Montg. Misc. P. xxxiv 33.
Do … as sho that may alone My persone saiv or spill To grant me lyf or kill All lyes into ȝour willellipt. ?1438 Alex. ii 10392.
I may do of thé my will, To leif or die, to spare or spill c1475 Wall. xi 1378.
It suld beyn at his will, Quhat plessyt him, to sauff thi king or spillabsol. c1590 Fowler I 291/4.
To thé do I adres myself who both dois cuir and kill, And potent is als well to hail as thow ar bent to spill(3) absol. c1420 Wynt. vii 98 (W).
He put him in his [sc. the King's] will To hang or heid, or speid or spill
b. reflex. To kill oneself, commit suicide. a1400 Leg. S. xxix 435.
He … oft-tyme wes in to wil Hyme-self in-to the flud to spil 1513 Doug. iv vi 83.
Reddy to de and my selvyn to spill, My sweit gest quhamto thou me leif will? 1513 Doug. iv xii 107.
Nor ȝit by natural ded peryschit sche, Bot … Befor hir day had hir self spilt 1533 Boece 222b.
Heregust … went to his quiet chalmer … and with violent handis spilt him self c1550 Rolland Ct. Venus iii 39.
Thisbe, quhilk spilt hir self for luif of Pyramus a1585 Maitl. Q. 203/66.
In wrape tha woes … And stint in tyme to spill thy self but plaint … Thow may not duire with sorrow thus attent
2. To bring (a person, oneself) to misery or ruin. a1500 Sir Eger 604.
He was red he should him spillreflex. a1400 Leg. S. xxix 148.
Quhen man for his gylt Brekand my byding hym-self spilt, To succoure hyme I be-com man 1513 Doug. iv vi 159.
Lat be to vex me, or thy self to spyll
b. To destroy or ruin (a person's soul). a1400 Leg. S. xxviii 368.
My saule ma nocht thu spil … For Crist sal kepyt at it wrocht
3. To deprive (a woman) of her chastity against her will, to rape (a woman). a1400 Leg. S. xi 350.
Scho … sad, that he agane hir will Hyre difforsit, & sa can spill c1475 Wall. i 164.
Both wiffis, wedowis, thai tuk all at thair will, Nonnys, madyns, quham thai likit to spill
b. reflex. Of a woman: To allow herself to be degraded through adultery or fornication. a1400 Leg. S. xxx 108.
Certis, vnreulyt ware my wil Gyf for thé my-self I suld spil
c. To spoil morally, to stain, tarnish or abuse (a person's character, his or her qualities, etc.) through behaviour perceived as sinful or wrong; also reflex. to spoil (oneself) by over-indulgence. d. Of a thing: To upset or ‘disagree with’ (a person's temperament).c. a1500 Henr. Test. Cress. 91.
O fair Creisseid … Thy womanheid, thy wisdome and fairnes The quhilk fortoun hes put to sic distres … and nathing throw the gilt of thé, throw wickit langage to be spilt a1500 Lanc. 1988.
It stant apone thi will For to amend thi puple, or to spill; Or have thi court of vertewis folk, or fullis c1550 Lynd. Meldrum 964.
Think ȝe my womanheid to spill? … Na God forbid it wer greit syn; My Lord and ȝe wes neir of kyn 1560 Rolland Seven S. 5950.
Is that ȝour will, … my womanheid to spill: With ane lipper? 1579, 1617 Despauter (1617) 107.
Maroco, to corrupt or spillreflex. 1637 Rutherford Lett. (1894) 207.
Verily, we know not what an evil it is to spill and indulge ourselves, and to make an idol of our willd. 1595 Cal. Sc. P. XI 689.
[The Chancellor … has advertised the King that nothing] spillis [the Queen but Edinburgh]
4. To spoil or destroy (something) by a deliberate or accidental action; to damage, ruin or render useless through misuse, carelessness, etc.; to pollute or soil. Also, once, const. of what is spoiled. Also with non-personal subject and in passive.The Makeson Genesis quot. in (1) p.t. (b) may be erron.(1) pres. 1456 Hay II 164/1.
Gude governaunce that stent him nocht to spill thy treis na gader thy fruytis, that is to say thy subjectis gudis wrangwisly a1500 Henr. Fab. 2636 (Bann.).
How durst thow … to fyle this bruke … with thy fowll, slauering? … To hurt my drink and this fair watter spill [OUP fyle] c1475 Wall. viii 740.
The temporall land thai spoulȝeit at thair will, Gud gardens gay, and orchartis gret thai spill 1489 (1527–8) Reg. Great S. 120/1.
Outlandis folkis … lauborand and usand ther craft … passand fra house to house mendand and spilland nychbouris werk and stuf 1513 Doug. ii viii 124.
The Grekis occupyis haly—al is tharis, Quhat so thame lyst tospil is nane that sparis 1522–3 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 209.
Gif … the myllaris ony way to spill ony stuf that thai grynde of the saidis baxteris … the fermoraris to pay the samyn to the baxteris that beis hourt 1531 Edinb. B. Rec. II 54.
Gyf ony fremaister of the said craft … brekis ony manys stuf vnordourly, or womanis, and spillis the samyne in his defalt of werkmanshype [etc.] 1556 Peebles B. Rec. I 236. a1568 Bann. MS 143b/9.
Ȝe suld be myne & thairin laid And we durst spill the lairdis bed … Q scho I sall mak it agane 1573 Davidson in Sat. P. xlii 741.
It wer better verraly Ane steding for till laubour weill … That in proces … It micht bring forth to help the rest, Nor for till spill all ten atanis 1584 Burntisland B. Ct. 5 May. 1596 St. A. Baxter Bks. 57.
Gif ony millar … spill ony quheit or flowre in the grynding thairof 1620 Broxmouth & Pincarton Baron Ct. 4 May. 1633 Aberd. Trades 204.
Na occupiar of the saidis craftis sall receive or tak ane uther occupiar's wark out of his boothe except he spille the samen 1656 J. L. Hilson Border "Burrow" of Barony 6.
He that spills his workmanship to any, sall repay the samyne upon his awne expence and sall pay to the trade fourtie shilling 1677 Rec. Old Aberd. I 130.
All such young boyes … that sall be found … goeing amongst mens pease spyleing and tacking away aither the pease or the straw [etc.]p.t. c1475 Wall. v 1137.
Tre wark thai brynt that was in to tha wanys; Wallis brak doun that stalwart war off stanys; Spylt at thai mycht syne wald no langar bid 1488 Treas. Acc. I 94.
Til … ij pure wyfis at the King spilt thare corne, xviij s. 1532 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 122.
Joke Moffat sal pay … James Champany v s. for spylling his sek [MS stok] and haldin his hors thre dais and raid to Edinburgh aganes the said James vyll and spylt hyme thar 1631 Lanark B. Rec. 127.
They to exact fra … the walkeris that spilleit the cloathe throw thair negligence and unskilfulnes sick penalties, [etc.] 1653 Peebles B. Rec. II 10.
Thomas Moses, walker, … affirmit that the websteres in Pebles spilt and stoll his work(b) c1554 Makeson Genesis (ed.) 16/145.
The Palestyns him buir at syk invy That thai speilt [appar. sic altered in MS f. ceillit = sealed] al the vattyr of his vellisp.p. (1) 1460 Hay Alex. 4123.
He trymblit for raddoure And sare fortocht that he had spilit the toure 1570 Inverness Rec. I 186.
Johne Abraham that … hes brokin downe distroyt and spilt ane wall 1572–3 Inverness Rec. I 224.
William Tomson the brebnar hes split and destroyt to me xiij elnis hewit clayth quhilk I gaiff him to wirk 1596 Dalr. II 421/16.
He vnderstude thame to set thair myndes vpon the ludgeng of S. Egidius quhilk the hæreticks had afor visited and spilt(2) 15… Old Dundee II 232.
[He refused to pay the wages of Reche Gowan, his servant, because] he had been spilling of malt in the making sen Witsunday, and had [also] spilled a safull [pr. fafull] of wort(3) ?14.. Ship Laws c. 13 (H2).
A schip … brekis out of hir festnyng Ane vthir schip cumis and strikis hir and he is hurt of the strak and spillis the gudis a1500 Seven S. 1820.
[They] sperit quhy his gret covatis Had spilt thair iowell [sc. a mirror] on sic a wys 1494 Loutfut MS 25a.
Quhen he is deid or tynt thai tyne faith & jugement in sic maner at thai brek thair hunny & spillis thair hivys 1560 Rolland Seven S. 4369.
This foull tyke … To spill our bed that is … Couerit with clais sa clene … With his foull feit cum new furth of the myre 1562 Thirds of Benefices 135.
[The victual was green laid in, long kept and] thairthrow a grite parte spylt 1567–8 Inverness Rec. I 159.
Hyr styrk … gnew and spylt his tartan quhilk wes worth fyf merkis 1578 Inverness Rec. I 261.
Young plantis … quhilkis ar all eittin, destroit and spilt be the sweyne a1605 Montg. Ch. & Slae 397 (Wr.).
Vntimous spurring spilles the stead 1595 Skene in Misc. Stair Soc. I 146.
The cariage of tapistrie … weiris and spillis the samenproverb. a1628 Carmichael Prov. No. 55.
A drop of sute will spil a potful of bruse a1628 Carmichael Prov. No. 210.
A tuird will spil a potful of bruse(4) 14.. Burgh Laws c. 94 (B).
Of thyng reft … He resayvit it or ellys the valw of it gyf it be peryst or spylt in his kepyng c1475 Wall. iii 81.
At Corssentoun the gait was spilt that bide; For thi that way behowid thaim for to tide 1495 Halyb. 21.
3 sekis of forest woll. Sald 2 sekis of tham … the thrid sek was il spylt in the schip and forpakit 1522–3 (c1580) Edinb. B. Rec. I 209.
That the … fermoraris caus to mak and graith the … mylne sufficientlie at all pointis swa that the quheit that beis ground efter the … malt be na way spilt thairthrow 1533 Boece 529b.
Be ane wete hervist, all the corne … was corruptit and spilt 1560 Rolland Seven S. 4501.
Ane key ȝe sall into the buirdclaith knit, Quhilk at ȝour belt dois hing … Than sall ȝe rise with ane faird haistelie … Than sall ȝe all the meit and tabill doun cast. On this fassoun all ȝour meit salbe spilt With displesure, and all ȝour naiprie gilt 1560 Rolland Seven S. 4532.
The tabill turnit, and all the meit doun flang Allace scho said … I sair repent, that I sa schortlie rais The meit is spilt, and fylit ar all clais 1561 Reg. Privy S. V i 211/2.
Make advertisment that nane [sc. artillery] be spilt or dekay throw lak of mending or laubouris to be takin thairupoun 1569 Treas. Acc. XII 174.
To Andro Alexander, messinger, to support him to ane hors spilt and tint in his grace service 1569 Canongate Ct. Bk. 56.
Marioun Luif to … pay to Jonet Turnebull xxs money … for the skaith and dampnage sustenit be the said Jonet of ane brewing aill spilt be the said Marioun in hir defalt and negligence in harvest lastbipast 1579–80 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 151.
The provest [etc.] … ordanis Androw Stevinsoun thesaurer … to cawse mend the vtter dur of the scolehous and clois thairof with sic vther thingis as ar spiltt in the said maisteris negligence 1602 Conv. Burghs II 140.
Gif the geir be spilt be leik, quhairof the skipper nor his company hes na wyitt … he sall pay the skipper his hail fraucht 1603 Paisley B. Rec. 257.
Spelt 1635 Dumbarton B. Rec. 47 (see Spil(l)ing vbl. n. (1)). 1650 Lorimer St. Cuthbert's 109.
Spyled 1671 Forbes Baron Ct. 287.
Ewry … master of ewry myln … sal tack speaciall care of the cornes … that it be not speilt or hunied cornes 1677 M. P. Brown Suppl. Decis. III 176.
Their last refuge was to offer to prove … that the victual offered was spilt with the sea waterproverb. a1628 Carmichael Prov. No. 363.
Better bellie burst nor gude meit spilt
b. specif. Of a disease: To have a detrimental effect on (the blood). 1581-1623 James VI Poems I 168/1028.
The gout, the grauell, leprosie Withall that spilles the blood
c. With personal or non-personal subject: To spoil (something non-material), to hinder, mar or ruin (an action, ability, occasion, purpose, etc.). Also in collocation with other verbs.(1) a1400 Leg. S. iii 923.
The kynge of hewyne … sa hale set his entent … that othir worthit we do his will, or halely my purpus spill, Or thole torment-gret and tell ?1438 Alex. ii 3917.
He tuke his cod and haistaly Kest at the chais and spilt [F. le jeu depeçoie] the play 1456 Hay II 139/23.
Ane unkyndely hete that … destroyis the vertu of the mete in the stomak, that hynderis the nature, and spillis degestioun 1492 Myll Spect. 273/28.
Lechory distroyes the bodi … spillis the sicht [etc.] c1500-c1512 Dunb. (STS) xv 22.
He that dois all his best servyis May spill it all … Be fowll inoportunitie 1540 Lynd. Sat. 1955.
Haist thé away, Thow art our perte to spill the proces of our play 1567 G. Ball. 134.
Man I gaif thé nocht fre will, That thow suld my Gospell spill 1567 G. Ball. 158.
Thow … did cast thy self away, And thy posteritie spill 1571 Bann. Trans. 167.
And ye caus me to goe … with you, I will spill the whole mater for and they accuse me of my conscience I cannot but confes the treuth 1581-1623 James VI Poems I 71/3.
All lang words hes ane syllabe in them sa verie lang, as the lenth thairof eatis vp in the pronouncing euin the vther syllabes, quhilks are placit lang in the same word, and thairfore spillis the flowing of that lyne 1597 Misc. Spald. C. I 97.
Thow … dang the said Kathren Mitchell, becaus scho spillit your dans, and ran nocht sa fast about as the rest 1587-99 Hume 74/191.
Euen they themselues the ordor partlie spils, With bringing in of heapes of bosome bils 1615 Highland P. III 208 (see 6 below). c1616 Hume Orthog. 22.
If a man change the accent, he sall spill the sound of the word 1616 Glasgow Weavers 54.
The complaint … agains James Gray, wobster, for spilling and wrang working of ane small linning wob, in casting round hardin yearine in the midis thairof, … quhilk spillis the pryce of the wob. Quhilk complaint hard … thai all … declairit the samin to be unsufficient work, and that the same will hurt the pryce of the wob a1658 Durham Clavis Cantici 292.
A light manner of speaking in serious things, often spills the beauty of them, marrs edification, and diminisheth from the weight of the matters themselves 1680 Cloud of Witnesses 26.proverb. a1598 Ferg. Prov. MS No. 1049.
Mony spils a feast for fault of good chear(2) passive c1420 Wynt. v 1331.
That stat and that honowre War noucht spylt 1475 Acts II 112/2.
In the haldin of courtis of querra [pr. guerra] to the grete hereschip and skath of our souerain lordis liegis and of his awin hienes in his justice aris quhilkis ar spylt be the said querra courtis 1513 Doug. i Prol. 150.
Hys ornate goldyn versis … I spittit for dispyte to se swa spilt With sych a wyght a1570-86 Maitland in Maitl. F. 309/8.
This realme is liklie to forfair Throw ȝour grit necgligence That … tholis it be spilt Throw ȝour grit sleuth and gilt 1586–7 Rait & Cameron King James's Secret 171.
My Lord Bourgley is most temperat of all the counselours. If it be not spilt be sic … who lovis not the quene your majesties mother, we hoype yit weil of it c1607–15 Goudie Shetl. Antiq. 156.
This benefice [is] evil spilt be ane forcit pensiowne taine from it be my Lord of Orknay 1644 Rutherford Lex Rex (1644) 42.
His argument is but spilt, and the nerves cut from it a1658 Durham Clavis Cantici 381.
The several pieces of a holy walk, are in a manner but spilt, when not rightly ordered 1684 Hay Fleming Six Saints I 127.
[Being transported to Ireland] these books will do no hurt in this country, for I saw the sale of them spilt this last nightproverb. a1570-86 Maitl. F. 161/63.
Ane gud taill ewill tald is spilt in the telling(3) c1420 Wynt. vii Prol. 21.
My wan wyt preswmptwus … A matere gud suld blok or spylle c1420 Ratis R. 773.
Thai twrne thi jugment, And spill and perwert thi resone c1490 Porteous Noblenes 184/1 (Asl.).
The feble hert cassyn in wariance spillis & tynis in schort space all that it dois 1544–5 Hamilton P. II 554.
Jhon Ker is kepit soliter, … it dullis and spyllis his ingyn, that he is the mair unable to do guid service 1596 Dalr. II 395/19.
Tha wald tyne waichtie materis … outher throuch thair absense, or lang tarieng, close tyne or al spil 1599 Mackie Denmilne MSS 8.
The knowlege off the mater, & the devulgating off the dealing, may spill and hinder all good success 1632 Rutherford Lett. (1894) 75.
Ye can die but once, and if ye mar or spill that business, ye cannot come back to mend that piece of work again 1637 Rutherford Lett. (1894) 456.
My Lord Jesus will not mar nor spill my sufferings 1637 Rutherford Lett. (1894) 515.
My Lord Jesus hath not miscooked or spilled this sweet cross
d. To waste time, etc. a1568 Bann. MS 54a/61.
Quhairfoir sowld I my ȝowtheid spill Pynnand my self doand away pleseir … Thairfoir in to my ȝeiris grene and ȝing I will to craif and tak that I may gett 1568 Argyll Fam. Lett. 11.
Ȝe schal si farder by the instructions, bot … heuue dun ȝourself and al our frindes ne letle honour and gud in … schauin ȝour forduartnes and obediens to my. Y wil nocht spel tym in wourdes, bot Y think me so far adet to ȝou that [etc.]
5. intr. a. Of people: To die, perish; fail; come to ruin. a1400 Leg. S. xvi 274.
Thu … That warldly gud has in hald, … & tholis Godis servand [is] spyll & de fore cauld & hungyre gret a1400 Leg. S. xvii 6.
Scho the Cristyne treutht brocht til mony, at in poynt ware to spil c1400 Troy-bk. i 183.
Gyf that ȝe lat ȝour bodyis spill, That now may sauf ȝow 1513 Doug. iii ii 39.
Salve ws … that we ne spill Levyngis of Grekis and of the fers Achill 1535 Stewart 53623.
For puir pitie of hir in poynt to spill … in Scotland than come he … For to releis that ladie of distres a1561 Norvell Meroure 28b.
How many are my fathers house withine Of hyred seruandes, that hes bread at will, And I his sonne, for falt is like to spill a1568 Bann. MS I p. 19/31.
Thow michtie makar of all thing … Quhan we wald spill thow gart ws speidproverb. a1598 Ferg. Prov. No. 448.
Of proud persons … He spils unspoken to
b. Of things, chiefly food: To rot, spoil, deteriorate. a1400 Leg. S. xl 206.
Gyf it [sc. seed] gadderit wes il, He skalit it, ore it suld spil a1500 K. Hart 503.
His courtlie cloke … Thriftles, threidbair, and reddy for to spill 1548 Antiq. Aberd. & B. III 359.
The said schiref haldis the saidis cornis under arreistment upoun the ground rottand and spilland 1574–5 Reg. Privy C. II 432.
That the tymmer of the frater of the said abbay, quhilk consumis and spillis … be tane doun 1624 Melrose P. 562.
Importaris of this victuall … had suche a quantitie thairof lyand vpoun thair hand, and readdie to spill 1685 Edinb. B. Rec. XI 144.
He had about thrie hundred sex pennie loaves … which wer likly to spill upon his hands
c. Of something non-material: To perish, be lost or destroyed. a1500 Bernardus 45.
It is gret prudence … Oft tyl ourese thi gud and gouernance That thow may hafe in freche remembrance Gef thar be ocht in perel for to spyle 1535 Stewart 36394.
The lordis thocht rycht mekill ill, Seand the realme in sic ane poynt to spill 1567 Sat. P. v 48.
Ȝe had done wrang … Hir to withald agane hir will; Bot … quhill trew tryall be sene Sho moste be keipit or all will spill c1590 J. Stewart 48/16.
My minschit meitir may bot mank and spill c1590 J. Stewart 203 § 14.
I awow … Till recognose thy fauor and guidwill Vith humyll seruice suir at thy command, And neuir sall my part ingraitlie spillproverb. a1568 Bann. MS 81b/36.
He that speikis mekle sum pairte mon spill a1605 Montg. Ch. & Slae 908 (W).
Quod dreid, ‘schir, tak heid schir, Lang speiking part will spill’ a1598 Ferg. Prov. No. 621.
Meikle spoken, part mon spill a1628 Carmichael Prov. No. 1118.
Manie irnes in the fyre some mon spil
II. 6. tr. To cause (blood) (of a person, etc.) to be shed. a. lit. b. To kill or slay.a., b. c1420 Wynt. v 2825.
Thow lefft to spylle sakles blud Off swa gret a multitwde Off innocentys c1420 Wynt. v 3692 (C).
Spyl c1420 Wynt. vi 1494 (C).
He gert sla men but mercy, And spylt gret blude habounddandly a1500 Henr. Fab. 1816.
Full mony off our [sc. birds'] kin he hes gart de And thocht it bot ane sport to spill thair blude c1475 Wall. vii 842.
Wallace men … Off Yrage blud full hardely thai spill With feyll fechtyn maid sloppys throuch the thrang a1500 Peblis to Play 128.
Help ws Lord, vpon this erde That thair be spilt na blude heir in a1570-86 Maitland in Maitl. F. 324/19.
All men be of gude will … Think tyme to ceis Scottis blude to spill 1558-66 Knox II 355. 1587-99 Hume 19/80.
The Lord hes placed … Agilitie into the blude, quhilk spilt the bodie sterfs c1600 Montg. Suppl. xxxiii 34.
Wickitt Iesabill … Eleas blod scho snair to spill 1615 Highland P. III 208.
Gif you go fordwart at this tyme you sall spill the haill eirand and thair wilbe mekle blood spilt ?a1648 Polemo-Mid. 166.
Una nec interea spillata est droppa cruoris a1649 Drummond Wks. (1711) 37/1.
Others … Who have no law to their ambitions will, But … born are humane blood to spill
c. intr. Of blood: To flow from a wound. 1560 Rolland Seven S. 4628.
Ȝe committit mis Quhilk causis me richt sair aganis my will, Of ȝour wilde blude sa mekill to se spill
7. tr. To cause (liquid) to run out of its container accidentally or deliberately, to empty (a container) of liquid. Chiefly in passive without agent.Some examples in 4 above may belong here.active 1520 Alloway Baron Ct. 15 Jan.
[He] tuk furth a caldronn that wes full of drink & spilt the drink about the wiffis luggis 1580 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. I 108.
Katherine McCartnay to pay to William Hendersoun Parks half ane stane buttir pryce xiij s. iiij d. for ane kirne with milk scho spilt to himpassive ?14.. Ship Laws c. 12 (H2).
The merchandis sais thair wynis ar distrublit and spilt in the maistiris defalt 1478–9 Acta Aud. 82/1.
[They] sall … paye … for … a kyrne full of mylk spilt & brokin iij s. 1596 Dalr. I 23/31.
A fontane … quhair gret drapis of oyle perpetuallie sa spring vpe. … Is said that quhen it first sprang to have beine spilte out of S. Catharines oyle, quhen thair the pig quhairin it was, negligentlie was brokne a1658 Durham Commandments (1675) 112, 113.
It boadeth good luck for folks to have drink spilt on themfig. a1508 Kennedy Pass. Christ 7.
Haill, God and man, borne of a virgin cleyne, Haill, boist of balme, spilit within my splene
b. intr. Of liquid: To spill, to run out of its container, to be wasted in this manner. ?14.. Ship Laws c. 10 (A).
Gif the schip men say the cordis ar gude & the wyn spillis the schip mene aw for to part the scath done a mang thaim self that aw the wyn ?14.. Ship Laws c. 28 (B).
c. tr. fig. To pour forth (verse). 1596 Dalr. II 8/14.
This mounk, halfe by his mynd, speikis or spilis this verse as … heir followis 1631 Sel. Biog. I 358.
I feare the charme be spilt
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"Spil v.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 1 Jan 2025 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/spill>