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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. IX).
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Spirit, Sperit(e, Sprit(e, Spret(e, n. Also: spirite, -yt, -eit, -et, -itt, spyrit(e, -yt(e, spereit, -at, speirit, spryt(e, spritt, spright, spreit(e, spreitt, spreyt, spreat. [ME and e.m.E. spirit (c1250), spirite, spreit (both Cursor M.), spyrite (Manning), spryt (1340-70), sprete (c1400), sperite (a1420), spyryte (Caxton), spright (1536), OF esperit, esprit (c1050 and 14th c. in Larousse), esperite (Godefroy), L. spīritus.]

I. The principle of life.

1. That which gives life to a being, the breath of life. Also spreit of lyfe; cf. 14 below. a1400 Leg. S. xviii 1011.
One the ȝerd done fal I wald, But spret or steringe hand … A ded body as I thane ware
1513 Doug. iv xii 84.
To … hald hir in myne arm, Syne with my mowth at I may sowk, and se Gyf spreit of lyve left in hir body be
1513 Doug. x xiii 143.
Sone efter is the spreit of lyfe furth went … And left the body ded
1513 Doug. xii xiv 153.
The cald of deth dissoluyt hys membris all. The spreit of lyfe fled murnand with a grone
c1552 Lynd. Mon. 721.
Quhen man wes maid … God … did hym behald; Brathand in hym ane lyflie spreit

2. The spiritual part of man seen as surviving after death, the soul. Chiefly, with verbs of relinquishing as give, leif, rander, (re)commend, ȝelde, etc. (furth, up) the or one's spreit (to God, heaven, etc.), also expire, spend the or one's sp(i)rit.(1) c1420 Wynt. vii 1146.
Deyd, and enteryd wes he In till Kelsow. Thare he lyis, Hys spyryte [C. spirite] in till Paradys
c1420 Ratis R. 496.
God maid man, He gaif hyme lyf and spretis … That euir-mar mone lestand bee
c1460 Wisd. Sol. 396.
It is nocht in manis poware … to hald in his spreit quhen God will at it pas
a1500 Henr. Fab. 2959 (Bann.). c1475 Wall. ix 1532.
Decest scho was, God tuk hir spreit to leid
1490 Irland Mir. II 38/31.
Jhesus deit in his body bot lyfand in his saule and spreit he passit to the spiritis and saulis that war inclusit in the presoune
c1490 Irland Asl. MS 5/12.
Thocht it be trew that als lang as thi spreit & thi saull is in thi bodye and thou has vse of reasone thou may forthynk thi syn neuertheles [etc.]
1513 Doug. ix viii 69.
Nor I, thy moder, layd not thy corps on beir, … Nor wysche thy wondis to reduce thy spreit, Nor drest thé in thy lattir clathis
1533 Boece 469.
He sufferit nocht his broderis sprete tak rest, bot … causit his carioun be tane out of sepulture, and [etc.]
a1538 Abell 83b.
The Sone of God … mot now ascend to His fadir and with Him He mot tak my spret at he creat
c1550 Lynd. Test. Meldrum 146.
Faill not to warne and call All men of musick and of menstrallie About my beir … . My spreit, I wait, salbe with mirth & ioy
c1552 Lynd. Mon. 5165.
Thy lyfe … Efter quhose dolent departyng, Thy spreit sall passe but tarying Straucht way tyll ioye inestimabyll, Or to strang pane intollerabyll
1590 Crim. Trials I ii 210.
For feinȝeing of him selff … lyand … deid, his spreit tane
(2) a1400 Leg. S. i 730.
He ȝalde The spyrit, of God in-to the halde
c1420 Wynt. vi 682.
He luwyd God … he wan hys will to wyrke. Thoucht and deid he mad bath ewyn, And send hys spyryte syne till hewyn
c1420 Wynt. vii 606.
Tyll God the spyryte … yhald he
a1450 Fifteen Ois 279.
Quhen to thi Fader thou commendit Thy spirit, saying: ‘Father, in thine Handis commend I spirit myne’
a1500 Henr. Test. Cress. 587.
My spreit I leif to Diane … To walk with hir in waist woddis and wellis
?a1500 Dewoit Exerc. 312.
Fader, in thi handis I commend my gaist & my spreit
c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 9/81.
Betuix tuo theiffis the spreit he gaif On to the Fader most of micht
1530 Lynd. Test. Pap. 1132.
Sen my spreit mon fra my body go, I recommend it to the quene of farye, Eternallye in tyll hir court to carye
c1550 Lynd. Test. Meldrum 32.
I leif to God … My spreit the quhilk he hes maid immortell, Intill his court to dwell … Till Christ discend & judge baith quick & deid
1570 Leslie 166.
He yeldit his spreitt to almighty God, and departit fra this warld
1570-3 Bann. Trans. 51.
He yeildit the spreit in the handis of our Salvior the 4 day of October
1570-3 Bann. Trans. 425.
Lord, I comend my spreit, saull and bodie, and all into thy handis
(3) a1400 Leg. S. xxiii 452.
Ȝald the spryt as God wald, That he resawit in his hauld
c1400 Troy-bk. i 544.
He apon the Croice The spyrit yhald
1513 Doug. i iii 9.
Quhy mycht I not on feldis of Troy haue deit And by thi rycht hand ȝaldin forth my sprete?
1533 Boece 330b.
The king … randerit his spirit
c1552 Lynd. Mon. 1590.
Noye … wes, or he randerit the spreit Nyne hundreth and fyfty ȝeris compleit
1560 Rolland Seven S. 3154.
In sin ay to remaine, Quhill thay ȝald vp the spreit
1560 Rolland Seven S. 4670.
Ane damisell … to hir mother tald Ȝour dochter the spreit scho will vpȝald. And cum ȝe not, I say to ȝow … Scho is sa faint, we trow all scho sall die
a1580 in Bann. Trans. 485.
At ewin, … he randerit the spreit, as it plesit God
1622-6 Bisset II 280/6.
Haifand remaned on the croce naled thairto on lyve, quhill … he gaif up the goist and spreit sayand it is fynisched
(4) a1508 Kennedy Pass. Christ 933.
Crist … Inclynit him the spirit till expire
1626 Garden Worthies 7.
Soe thy sprit did spend And in defending of thy countrie fell

3. a. The disembodied soul of a particular deceased person. b. A supernatural or incorporeal being, chiefly of a terrifying or hostile nature.a. 1375 Barb. iv 758.
The Phitones … Raysyt throw hyr mekill slycht Samuelis spyrite [C. sperit] als tite, Or in his sted the iwill spyrite That gaiff rycht graith ansuer hyr to
c1420 Wynt. vi 1112.
Pape Benet dede … Thare was a byschape … That … saw rydand This Pape … This byschape … Spak to that spyryte … And sayd, ‘Is thow noucht that Benet That quhylome held the Papys set?’ … ‘That sary Benet,’ [he] sayd, ‘am I’
c1475 Wall. xi 1251.
The spreyt, changyt out off this warldy payn In that sammyn hour com to the monk agayn … A woice said thus [etc.]
c1500 Crying of Play 14.
I am the spreit of Gy
c1500-c1512 Dunb. Flyt. 172.
Thy skolderit skin hewd lyk ane saffrone bag Garris men dispyt thar flesche, thow spreit of Gy
1513 Doug. vi vii 90.
Eneas … Set him to meys the sprete of Queyn Dido
1540 Lynd. Sat. Proclam. 251.
I trow ȝone be the spreit of Gy, Na faith, it is the spreit of Marling Or sum scho gaist, or gyrgarling
1567 Sat. P. iii 185.
Than sall our spiritis be at mortall feid My spirit hir spirit sall douke in Phlegethon
b. 1375 Barb. iv 220.
Men said [Enclosit he] had A spyryt [C. spirit] that him ansuer maid Off thingis that he wald inquer
1375 Barb. iv 752.
Nygromancy … kennys men on syndry wys Throw stalwart coniuracionys And throw exorcizacionys To ger spyritis to thaim apper And giff ansueris on ser maner
c1420 Wynt. v 1932, 1943.
He sayd, ‘the spyryte rycht Gerrys me spek this in prophecy … This spyryte that spak in to the brest … off this wode preste Wes off the de[wi]le'
c1420 Wynt. v 1935.
Spyryt [C. spiryt]
a1500 Henr. Fab. 558.
Then spak the cok, with sum gude spirit inspyrit, Do my counsall [etc.]
1596 Dalr. I 122/15.
Burne … al juglaris, magitianis, familiars with wicked and euil spirits
1597 James VI Dæmonol. (STS) 11/39.
There are foure principall partes; the persons of the conjurers; the action of the conjuration; the wordes and rites vsed to that effect; and the spirites that are conjured
1601 Aberd. Eccl. Rec. 184.
There came to his dur a spirit, and callit upone him, Wattie, Wattie, … and thaireftir came averie yeir … bot saw na thing, bot harde a voce as said is
1606 Birnie Kirk-b. xii.
Brunies … were spirits employed for the benefite of our militant mortality heere
1685 Sinclair Satan's Inv. World Postscript 242.
She would not tarry a servant in that house, it being haunted with a spirit or ghaist
(b) a1400 Leg. S. ii 1162.
c1420 Wynt. v 5229.
Ane evil spryte A Crystyn man that tyme taryit, Off that spyryte he was than Delyveryd throuch that haly man
a1561 Q. Kennedy Breif Tract. (ed.) 128/19.
S. Paul callis our bodeis efter the resurreccione spirituall bodeis, nocht changit in sprites, bot clede with spirituall giftes and qualiteis
1662 Crim. Trials III 606.
Ther is threttein persones in ilk coeven; and ilk on of vs has an sprit to wait wpon ws, quhan ve pleas to call wpon him
1681 Colvil Whig's Suppl. (1751) 75.
A bishop Covenanter … Causeth more joy to sp'rits divine, Than all the other ninety nine
(c) 1456 Hay (Glenn) III 76/9.
Cummys thare with the rayn … mony othir vexaciouns of grete wateris and speratis [v.r. spatis] that tormentis the peple
(d) a1500 Rois Garlandis 140.
O sweit Jesu … deliuer me fra the accusacioun of the ewill spreittis in the hour of my ded
a1540 Freiris Berw. 471 (M).
Ewill spreitis quhyt colour euer will fle
a1561 Q. Kennedy Breif Tract. (ed.) 129/16.
He said plainly to thame that ‘ane spreit hes nocht flesche and bonis, as ȝe se me haue'
1571 Sempill in Sat. P. xxviii 14.
Ane pieteous spreit appeirit to my thocht, Sayand ‘allace’
1590 Crim. Trials I ii 211.
Fylit … for the bewiching and possessing of Williame Hutsoune in Windiegoull, with ane ewill spreit
1596 Misc. Spald. C. I 100.
Thair com in to thi fathers hows ane ewill spreit, in lyiknes of ane pyit
1602 Colville Paraenese 43.
The deuill and such reprobat foull spreittes
1603 Philotus 1036.
Ȝe feir, ȝe fray, ȝe fidge, ȝe fyke, As with a spreit possest
a1605 Montg. Sonn. xxxvi 14.
If that I kneu of vhome I culd inquyre, Fain wold I speir vhat spreit doth me inspyre
1605 Crim. Trials II 478.
Thair appeirit to thame ane devillische spreit in liknes of ane woman
1605 R. Brown Paisley I 206.
Wm. Elphinstoune, glaisewricht, being movit be ane evil spreit as apperit … straik the said James with his nief upon the chiek
1629 Reid Auchterarder 70.
Being dilatit for ane manifest sorcerar … having also ane familiar spreit attending him to give him instructions in the practeis of all his diabolical and unlauchfull cures
1662 Highland P. III 18.
Out of a furz in the mids of the fald ther apeared a spreit in the lyknes of a litle browne dog
(e) 1513 Doug. vii i 150.
Thai spretis that beyn yclos In Achyron
c1520-c1535 Nisbet I 9.
The transfiguratioun of Christ, quhilk helis the childe that was possest with a dum sprete
a1538 Abell 72a.
Quhen he wes in the mes he hard ane hideos beire of ewill spretis
a1538 Abell 109b.
Thai … folloit on the king … & thare thai slew him hes before it wes said be a spret coniurit
1576 Crim. Trials I ii 51.
Dilatit of the vsing of sorcerie, witchcraft, and incantatioune, with invocatioun of spretis of the devill

c. specif. With reference to the Devil, chiefly as the (evill) spreit. Also, once, to Pluto, king of the Underworld.(1) 1375 Barb. iv 759. a1400 Leg. S. xlviii 64.
Scho vest in hy That it wes Sathane, … That hir thane entysyt … A voice … bad hir tak that wik sprit sone, & hyme vndir hir fet lay
c1490 Irland Asl. MS 7/19.
God … knawis our … inclinacoun to syn … and our temptacoun … thairto be … the evill & wikit spreit enemy to God and mankynd
1597 James VI Dæmonol. (STS) 12/27.
The diuers formes of apparitiones, that that craftie spirit illudes them with
1622-6 Bisset II 107/27.
The crowell innimie of man that vicked spreit the devill … did posses and inpryson the hartis of thaim
(2) a1585 Polwart Flyt. 557 (T).
Suppres all power of King Pluttois sprit [H. this evill spereit], That byddis … in him als blak as jet

d. In reference to the angels and, once, to God. Cf. 6 below.Irland Mir. II 149/29 may rather belong in b above. c1420 Wynt. i 53.
Angelis yhe may spyritis call, Bot angelis ar noucht thare spyritis all
1490 Irland Mir. I 120/28.
And efter spak the haly spiritis of the secund ierachie, the secund state of the hevinly realme, And said: … And sene the prince of prid, lord of all iniquite and myrknes has drawin fra this nobile realme mony spiritis of gret ranoune and hie estait [etc.]
1490 Irland Mir. II 149/29.
The noble angellis that now ar dampnit spiritis and deuillis
c1515 Asl. MS I 300/2.
Thrys thre the thrinfald celestiale cherarchijs and all angely spretis of God figur of the trinite
1513 Doug. vi Prol. 82.
We trow a God, regnand in personys thre, And ȝit angellis hevinly spiretis we call
1653 Binning Wks. 9.
Angels and men next to God, are spirits, as He is a spirit

4. fig. Chiefly in a literary context: A being. Cf. 12 below. c1450-2 Howlat 100 (B).
‘I com to speir’ quod the spreit ‘into speciall Quhy I am formit sa foull’
1456 Hay II 77/36.
Hye science and understanding that scantly may ony spirit mortall tak ony knaulage tharof
1501 Doug. Pal. Hon. 2126.
O hie Honour … Of grace thy face in euerie place sa schynis, That sweit all spreit baith heid and feit inclynis Thy gloir afoir
1611-57 Mure Early Misc. P. i 65.
Faint is the spirit, Of lytill vertue, worth, or merit, Can tolerat to liue Thrall to an others will
a1624 W. Alexander II 546.
A comparisone betuix heich and law estaitis … myld plebeyan spreitis may leif secure, Quhylis michty tempestis toss imperiall myndis

5. The spiritual part of man seen in its moral aspect or in relation to God. Also in collocation with saule. Chiefly, in contrast to flesche or body. Also in (the) spreit.(1) a1500 Henr. Fab. 971 (H).
O fylit spreit, and cankerit conscience!
a1500 Henr. Orph. 601.
This vgly way, … Is nocht ellis bot blinding of the spreit, With myrk cluddis and myst of ignorance
c1520-c1535 Nisbet Rom. ii 29 marg.
Quhat sa euir God wirkis in man abone the cours of nature, it is callit spreit; and quhat sa euir man dois of is awin nature without the spreit of Gode, it is callit letter
a1568 Scott xxxvi 71.
Pennens of spreit thow nolt despyis: Lord God deliuer me
a1585 Maitl. Q. 140/11.
The stering spreit quhilk poetis call devyne Into my febill breist I find decay I nather courage haue to sing or say Quhen I behauld this warldis wickednes
1611-57 Mure Early Misc. P. xii 27.
Lord, … Erect my puir dejected spreit Prostrat befoir thy mercies feete
(2) 1490 Irland Mir. III 97/12, 14.
The saule and spreit of the woman & lady is iunit in consent & luf with the saule and spreit of the man and als hir body is iunyt tendirlie with his body
c1490 Irland Asl. MS 37/4.
The gift is of mair valour for it is spirituale and the thing that is helpit is better that is the spreit and saull
a1568 Bann. MS 32a/1.
O wondit spreit and saule in till exile
c1590 Fowler I 56/240.
My wofull hart Is soundred from his spreit and soule
(3) c1520-c1535 Nisbet Galat. v 17.
For the flesch couatis agane the spirit, and the spirit agane the flesch; for thir ar aduersaries togiddir, that ye do nocht althingis that ye will
c1520-c1535 Nisbet III 340/13.
He exponis mair largely quhat the nature of the fleische and of the spret is, ande how the spret cummis by Christ, quhilk spret makis us spirituall, tamyis, subdewis, ande mortifyis the fleis, and certifyis us that we ar neuirtheles the sonnes of Gode
c1520-c1535 Nisbet 1 Cor. vi 17.
He that adherdis to ane hure, is made aa body … and he that adherdis to the Lord, is aa spirit
1533 Bell. Livy I 125/6.
The body is allanerlie defoulit, but the sprete is innocent & clene. The deith sall be witnes thareof
1533 Gau 22/18.
We suld dant the body onder the spreit that it sal noth lewe as it desiris bot efter the wil of God
a1561 Q. Kennedy Breif Tract. (ed.) 113/27.
The flesche profitis na thing, it is the spreit that giffis lif
a1561 Q. Kennedy Breif Tract. (ed.) 118/17.
Certane of his discipulis quhilkis var vaik and imperfit, and … lenit to the jugement of the flesche, outwart vittis and sensis, … and nocht to the jugement of the spreit
1567 G. Ball. 28.
Ane sang of the flesche and the spirit … The spirite said [etc.]
(4) c1552 Lynd. Mon. 2176.
Habraham, in spreit and veritye, … prayit to the Lorde allone; Fals imagry he wald haue none
1554 Knox III 125.
The very just are sore troubled and tormented in bodie and sprete in this life
1567 G. Ball. 12.
Lord, thow will haif allanerlie Wirschip in spirite and veritie And till nane vther geue thy gloir
1567 G. Ball. 146.
Lat vs incres in lufe of thé … That we … May in spreit serue thé
a1595 Cullen Chron. Aberd. 70.
In spritt I do desyr Dissolwit to be, and on to Crist, In hevanis heicht inpyr

II. The essential power of the Deity.

6. The (Haly, etc.) Spreit (of God, the Lord, etc.). The essential power of the Deity seen as a guiding, inspiring, etc. influence and also as the life-giving principle. Also transf. as the name of a mass (see Mes n.1 l b) and (part of) a church.See Haly Spreit n. for further examples.(1) 1490 Irland Mir. I 35/18.
The haly spreit of God throu the gift of dreid and grace & treuthe, garris us honoure the godheid
1490 Irland Mir. I 41/9.
The haly spireit of Jhesu teichis us, throu the gift of sciens, that we do nocht oure awine will, bot the will of God
c1520-c1535 Nisbet Acts ii 17.
The Lord sais, I sal sched out my spirit on ilk flesch; and your sonnis and your douchtris sal prophecie, and your yonng men sal se visiouns, and your eldris sal dreme dremes
1540 Lynd. Sat. 10.
The Halie Gaist … with His spreit ȝow inspyre
c1552 Lynd. Mon. 256.
I mon beseik … His heych superexcellent Maiestie, That with his heuinlye spreit he me inspyre To wrytt no thyng, contrarye his disyre
1560 Acts II 527/1.
Be the assistance of the michtie spreitt of the same lord Jesus [etc.]
a1586 Maitland Geneal. Setoun 8.
I pray our heuinlie Father to send thé his holie Spreit, to gyde your lordship
1562 Aberd. Eccl. Rec. 5.
The spreite of God
1568 Lyndesay Pref. (STS) 402.
[He] sall strenthin with His spirit, lychtin with the pure word of His euangel
1580 Hay in Cath. Tr. 70/16.
I will nocht desiste to pray the Almychtie God to assist theé with his holye spreitt that thow may knaw the trew Christian religion
1596 Dalr. I 106/32.
God … with his gude spirit sum he inflamet, quha sulde gyue ouer the warlde … and throuch thair exemple of lyfe, and doctrine sulde informe the people to pietie
1600-1610 Melvill 172.
Mr. Jhone Davidsone … being … a man of authoritie in the word and spreit of God
1633 Johnston Diary I 41.
That the Lord wald turne this my trouble unto my salvation throu the intercession of Chryst Jesus, and the inenarable sighs of his auine sprite
(2) a1400 Leg. S. xii 301.
Be-twene the ascencione Of Criste & the spryte sendynge-done, All the apostolis semblyt vare In til a howse
1490 Irland Mir. I 12/16.
Souuerane wisdome is a gift of the Haly Spreit … and it is gottin be the inspiracioun of the Haly Spreit
a1508 Kennedy Pass. Christ 1663.
His discipillis baid with that hevinly queyne … Graithand thair mynd, conscience makand cleyne Off the gude spreit to take remissioun
c1520-c1535 Nisbet John i 32.
I saw the spirit cummande doun as a dow fra heuen
1536 Misc. Wodrow Soc. 11.
The … holy Scrypture, whiche is the worde of God, taught and gyven by the Holy Spryte, and publyshed unto the worlde by the prophetes and holy apostles
1551 Hamilton Cat. 46.
Mony men reidis the scripture and hes nocht the gift of the haly spirit, callit … the interpretation of wordis
1559 St. A. Kirk S. 7.
We be sones of ane Father, parttakeris of ane spirite, and heyris of ane kingdome
a1561 Q. Kennedy Breif Tract. (ed.) 118/22.
Quharsumeuer Cristis flesche is, thair is his diuinite, quhilk is the spreit that giffis lif
1562-3 Winȝet II 30/18.
Giue we leue of the spirit, lat ws walk in the spirit
c1568 Lauder Minor P. i 373.
He euer is with ws present in the spreit
a1595 Cullen Chron. Aberd. 70.
Laitt affectionis of the spritt … work in thé
1598 James VI Basil. Doron 126/1.
Be not ashamed then to keape cleane youre boddie (quhilke is the temple of the holie spreit)
1581-1623 James VI Poems I 31/243.
Speak of that thryse great spreit whose dow most white Mote make your spring flow euer with delyte
(3) transf. 1511 Treas. Acc. IV 176.
In the chapele of Sanct Mungo … for foure trigentale missis of Oure Lady, Saint Gabriele, Sanct Mungo, and the Haly Spirit
1556 Old Dundee II 56.
The Chaplain of the Haly Spreit in lytill Gourde
1556 Dundee B. Ct. III fol. 73 (5 Oct.).
Schir Jhone Barnis chapilane of the haly spreit
c1559 Innes Rev. XVI 129.
Apud Kyr[cal]di et d. [? = de] Vemes tua grit breddis and the crucifix and the halie spirit

b. transf. The spreit dyvyne, divyne sprete, the essential power of pagan gods seen as operating within a person. 1513 Doug. iii vi 168.
The godly prophetes, Ful of the spreit dyvyne, that schawis expres The reuelationys and fatis fortocum
1533 Bell. Livy II 166/20.
The thing that he has schewin be instinctioun of divyne furie or sprete
1533 Bell. Livy II 166/31.
The faderis (nochtwithstanding his divyne sprete) beleving he was bot ane vane interpretoure, … determit to abide on the returnyng of thare legatis … to here the ansuere of Apollo

III. The principle of thought, feeling and action in man.

7. a. The emotional part of man, esp. as affected by circumstances. Passing into: b. The mind, will or mental faculties as the seat of thought, intention, etc.Sometimes referring in sing. to a group and in pl. to one person.Some examples may belong in 2 or 5 above.a., b. sing. (1) ?1438 Alex. i 2042.
Quhan Emynedus that had sene, He woxe thairat in spreit all tene That Gaudifeir was sa cruell
c1460 Wisd. Sol. 54.
I … had contemplacioune in my mynd of mony syndry thingis … and with hie wysdome & contemplacioune leryt thaim and considerit … and fand that in syk thinge is gret lawbore & afflixone of spreit, and at in mekile wysdome is mekile indignacione
a1500 Henr. Test. Cress. 142.
Quhen this was said, doun in ane extasie, Rauischit in spreit, intill ane dreame scho fell
c1500-c1512 Dunb. G. Targe 242.
Wyth spirit affrayde apon my fete I sprent Amang the clewis, so carefull was the crak
1513 Doug. vii xiii 78.
With spreit [L. animis] abasyt thai gove hir forto se
1531 Bell. Boece II 90.
Mungo, heirand Sanct Colme preiche … was ravist in spreit be his devine wourdis, and followit him to Dunkeld
1560 Rolland Seven S. 9104.
Florentine was sa confound in spreit Scho culd do nocht, bot sat hir doun to greit
1580 Edinb. Test. VIII 367b.
The said Jonet Small albeit seik in persoun neuirtheles haill in spreit
c1590 Fowler II 29/29.
Thou grosse creature, of gritter age then of spreit, of ȝeirs then of knawledg
1593 Edinb. Test. XXV 102.
The said William … seik in bodie ȝit neuertheles haill in spreit and perfyte in his knawledge makis his testament
c1614 Melvill lviii.
Lifting up himself bothe in bodie and spreitt in the bed, in the audience off all, he declared his will
1615 Edinb. Test. XLVIII 286.
The said John being haill and perfyte in spereit and memorie
1632 Misc. Bann. C. II 251.
I, James Cathkin, … being for the present seik in body, bot haill in speirit and mynd, … mak my testament and lettre-will as efter followes
(2) c1450-2 Howlat 620 (A).
Mair awfull in all thing saw I never aire … That terrible felloun my spreit affrayd
c1475 Wall. xi 1463.
It is weill knawin I am a burel man, … My spreyt felis na termys asperans
a1500 Lanc. 81.
As I thus lay rycht to my spreit vas sen A birde
a1508 Kennedy Pass. Christ 1059.
My gle is gone, renewit is my wo, My spreit is spitit with malancolie
c1500-c1512 Dunb. Tua Mar. W. 160.
With that sprang up hir spreit be a span hechar
c1500-c1512 Dunb. Tua Mar. W. 247.
God my spreit now inspir and my speche quykkin And send me sentence to say substantious and noble Sa that [etc.]
1513 Doug. ii iv 11.
My spreit abhorris this mater to declare
1513 Doug. iii ix 44.
My fader Anchis … furthwith gaue that ȝong man his rycht hand, And assurys hys spreit [L. animum] with that presand
1513 Doug. iv xi 95.
Thus said scho, and with … Hir faynt spreit in al partis writhis sche, Sekand the way … Forto bereif hir self the irksum lyve
15.. Lichtoun Dreme 2 (M).
1560 Rolland Seven S. 8341.
Efter my lessoun was compleit, Than to refresche I recreat my spreit … I laid on syde my buke And in my hand ane vther volume tuke, Of lychter dyte
a1568 Scott xviii 25.
My spreit dois quaik for dreid, My thirlit hairt dois bleid, My panis dois exceid Quhat suld I say?
1573 Cath. Tr. 8/34.
He neuer ansueris to that quhilk was demandit of him: bot … castis in mony other maters … to distrack the readars intentioun and spreit
1585 James VI Ess. 70.
Lord inspyre my spreit and pen, to praise Thy name
c1590 Fowler II 91/22.
Thir [ecclesiastic] principalyteis … ar … by a houlye providence reuled, susteaned, to the which na mortal mans spreit and senses can attaine vnto
1583-1602 Lett. Jas. VI to Eliz. 171.
Yet could I not satisfie my unrestfull and longing spreit, except be writting of this feu lynes
1513 Doug. xii vii 106.
Aganyst thar fays he Hes first thar spreit [L. animos] inflammyt to melle
1535 Stewart 31914.
Quhen all this thing … wes … to the Scottis knawin … Into thair hart it kendlit sic ane heit, with so greit ire and malice in thair spreit, Tha thocht ilkone far levar haif bene deid, Or tha war nocht revengit of that feid
(3) a1500 Henr. Fab. 21 (Bann.).
It is rycht proffitable Amang ernyst to myng a mirry sport, To blyth the spreit, and gar the tyme be schort
a1585 Maitl. Q. 201/22.
Sumtyme I call the michtie God for grace That I micht have the spreit for to persaue Quhat misterie apperit in that place
c1590 Fowler II 109/22.
As touching the exercise of the spreit a prence thairfor suld be weill versed in historyes
1587-99 Hume 106/1.
The spirit of man and every function of the spirit (either the imagination, the reasoun, the judgement, or the memory) may be divers and sindrie waies damnified and troubled: Some tyme by naturall sicknes … , sometime by the exterior leision of the partes of the head
1630 Hawick Arch. Soc. 75.
Joyfulnes To glad the weirie spreit
1631 Justiciary Cases I 157.
Hir awin confessioun quhilk can nocht be fals witnessing bot the vacillatioun of ane disturbit spreit of ane pure woman … consternet in mynd befoir his maiesteis honorabill and grit counsell haifing nevir sene the face of ony judgement befoir
pl. (1) 1375 Barb. vi 223.
He … sumdele affrayit was, Bot in schort time he till him tais His spyritis full hardely
c1420 Ratis R. 777.
Thai [sc. the seven deadly sins] twrne thi jugment, And spill and perwert thi resone … And al thi spretis set vnricht, And wit and resone out of sicht
c1420 Ratis R. 1755.
For thocht and will and al the laif Of his spreitis ar set to bee In anger and perplexitee
1456 Hay II 115/3.
God … has … illumynit thaire spiritis to knaw syk secretis of God, to teche till otheris be the giftis of the sapience of God
a1500 Lanc. 1030.
Confusit with an hewy thocht … Deuoydit was his spritis
1501 Doug. Pal. Hon. 148.
This laithlie flude … In quhome the fisch ȝelland as eluis schoutit … Thay grym monstures my spreits abhorrit and doutit
1513 Doug. ix iii 116.
Baldly with hardy wordis on hie Thar spretis [Ruthv. richt spretely; L. animos] rasyt, and rycht fersly he Can thame repreve
1528 Lynd. Dreme 125.
Idelnes, ground of iniquitie, Scho maid so dull my spretis me within
1533 Bell. Livy I 1/13.
Appollo … quykin the spretis of my dull ingyne With rutuland bemes of thi low dyvine
1549 Compl. 37/9.
I thocht it necessair til excerse me vitht sum actyue recreatione, to hald my spretis valkand fra dulnes
1571 Sat. P. xxviii 160.
The Lord … Inspyrit thair spreitis
a1585 Maitl. Q. 68/113.
I pray to Him that is of lordis Lord Bring all our lordis to ane perfyte concord And with thi grace thair sprits all inspyire Amang thame kendill of cheritie the fyire
c1590 Fowler I 218/4.
My faynting spreits to feide theme did reteire … to lenghte my lyfe furthe of my eyes they fliee
1597 Brechin Test. I 151.
The saidis wmquhill Johne Smytht … perfyt in his spreittis and wittis
(2) c1420 Ratis R. 806.
Thi spretis … suld reull thé with richt entent As spretis of gud jugment
1585 James VI Ess. 31.
With spreits aflought, and sweete transported loue
1599 Mackie Denmilne MSS 10.
Itt pleses us the faction that the king hathe in Ingland bot that they have owther spreites or force to doo the King's towrne we doo nocht sie itt
(3) c1420 Ratis R. 793.
Gret joy that hapnis sudandly To steir thi spreitis hie … That thai can nocht determyne rycht
a1500 Bernardus 362.
Qwhen febyle elde has tane thé throw his dat, And thi spretis vax dul and blat
c1580-90 Rules of Health 1.
Gros cluddy aire greit windis … and humide placis, maikis the sprittis mair gros & dull, drawis togidder the passagis and poris of the skyn
c1580-90 Rules of Health 1.
Abstene … fra all maner corruptit aire and ewill saweris, as of preveis caryonis, [etc.] … Be ressoun thei invenome the body and dullis the spritis and mortefyis them

c. The spreitis gydaire, the optic nerve. 1581-1623 James VI Poems I 151/344.
The ophtallmie … breidis the pearle upon the eye That dimmis the schein … by gathering of to grosse ane humoure picht Uithin the bricht spreitis gydaire doth the durr close of the licht

8. pl. Physical energies or strength in a person.There is some overlap with 7 above. c1400 Troy-bk. ii 2533.
I allone with the wod se As deid was cassyn to the land, … Bot the watter throw goddis will I devoded, syne come me till Sic spreitis, that I couth recovire
c1420 Liber Calchou 449.
For al is opyn the porys of the body and makis the vennomouse ayr to enter and dystroys the lyfly spretis & infeblys the body
a1500 Henr. Test. Cress. 37.
I mend the fyre … Than tuik ane drink my spreitis to comfort, And armit me weill fra the cauld thairout
c1475 Wall. xi 176.
He agayn in greiff him grippyt sayr, Quhill spretis failȝeid ner; he mycht do no mayr
1490 Irland Mir. III 140/5.
A litle refeccioun of wyn or sic thing war richt conuenient for curage and augmentacioun of the spiritis of the persoune
1558-66 Knox II 355.
When he was up on foote his spreitis failed him, (be reassone of his corpolencie,) so that rychtlie a longe tyme he could do nothing
1584 Sempill Sat. P. xlv 982.
A lowne … With spreitis employed to everie vice, As whoredome, drincking, cartis, and dyce
c1614 Melvill lviii.
The day befoir his death … gaddring spreittis to himselff, … he had a speich to everie ane, be way of blissing

9. The essence of a quality, emotion, ability or the like seen as existing within a person resulting in the possession of a particular ability, characteristic, etc. and chiefly viewed as a gift from God, the Muses, etc. 1456 Hay II 77/9.
God Almychti … conferme thy spirit of thy governaunce till his honoure and service
a1500 Henr. Orph. 586.
This perfyte wisdome … Fleyis the spreit of fenȝeid profecy
c1520-c1535 Nisbet III 319/29.
A man … mvst prepaire him self to grace and to the fauoure of Gode be gude werkes, before that he haif the spret of treu faith in Christ
1559 Knox VI 100.
Desiring God … to give unto you … the spreit of wisdom in such meassour as that ye may perseave that which is righteous in His sight
1573 Tyrie in Cath. Tr. 3/7.
Be the spreit of discretione thay may discerne betuix treuth and falset
1580 Hume Promine 36.
Ȝit wald my Muse inspire me with the spreit Of poetrie … To schaw the maner
a1599 Rollock Wks. I 409.
Tak ȝour chose quhidder I sall cum to ȝou with ane rod, or in love and in the spreit of meiknes
1631 Sel. Biog. I 365.
Lord pour out the sprite of prayer and prayses, and let us nevir forget that quhilk we suld prefer to our particulars

b. transf. The spreit of comforte, treuth, verite, the Holy Spirit; the spreit of erroure, leyis (and error), the Devil. Cf. 3 c and 6 above. c1520-c1535 Nisbet I 13.
He … promised thaime the Haly Gaist, the spreit of comforte
c1520-c1535 Nisbet I 15.
Difference of spretis. And how the spret of God may be knawin be the spret of erroure
c1520-c1535 Nisbet 1 St. John iv 6.
In this thing we knaw the spirit of treuth, and the spirit of errour
1561 Q. Kennedy Compendious Ressonyng (ed.) 172/26.
‘I sall pray the Father, and he sall geif ȝou ane vther confortar that may byd with ȝou for evir: the spreit of verite'
1581 Hamilton Cath. Tr. 12b.
Quhasoeuir rashlie adheris to ane particular opinion not examining the contrare be the consent of all eagis bypast, ar iustlie geuin ouer be God to thair auin iugement to credeit the spreit of leyis and error
1587-99 Hume 49/55.
Into the prophets mouthes the spreit Of lies could neuer enter in

10. Courage; mettle; strength of character or mind.There may be some overlap with 11 below.(1) 1456 Hay I 80/28.
Folk thare is that has the body rycht lytill, and ȝit thai have the hert and the curage grete, and that is a grace of God … othir is that has mekle body, and small spirit and wayke
1501 Doug. Pal. Hon. 98.
Comfort ȝour man that in this fanton steruis, With spreit arraisit and euerie wit away, Quaiking for feir
1531 Bell. Boece I 106.
Vespasian tuk gret admiration seing Caratak of sa invinsabil sperit quhen al the remanent princis of Albion wer subdewit, he only, pretending to fecht aganis Romanis
1531 Bell. Boece II 376.
Thay ruschit pertely, with new spreit and curage, on thair ennimes
1531 Bell. Boece I cxi.
Young knichtis suld be men of weir, With hardy sprete at every jeoperdie … Ay to defend thair realme and liberte
1533 Bell. Livy I 100/8.
Ȝoung Terquyne … was ane man of feirs and birnyng spreit
15.. Clar. iv 1064.
Full corpolent he was with breist ursyne, With masculine heart and sperit leonine
a1570-86 Arbuthnot Maitl. F. 57/66.
Pudicitie is comptit lak of spreit
a1605 Montg. Ch. & Slae 542 (Wr.).
They get no credance where we come, In any man of sprite
1626 Garden Worthies 41.
Want of spreit, nor power to repell Effronts, nor force brought me wnto this bay Since non was knowen that could my courage quell
(2) 1513 Doug. ix x 50.
Nor ȝit the slaw nor febill onweldy age May waik our spreit, nor mynys our curage
1571 Sempill Sat. P. xxviii 41.
To preif my spreit and say my scharp ingyne, With John of Cliddisdail thai [ro]usit me to striue
1572 Sempill Sat. P. xxx 50.
Aganis his fais ay formest on his feit, … with ane lyouns spreit
a1578 Pitsc. I 143/27.
Ane stout curage ewin representand the Allmantis or Gildranttis curage and speirit quhome of scho was desendit
(3) 1531 Bell. Boece I 32.
Quhay sall have the curage or spreit to punis thaim for feir of this insolent prince?

11. The (specified) character, nature or disposition of a person or group.There may be some overlap with 10 above.(1) a1500 Bk. Chess 1412.
Throw waik spreit of thaim that has the cure Schippis ar tynt mor than with stormys stur
a1500 Colk. Sow Prol. 64.
1560 Cal. Sc. P. I 565.
Yow know the vehemency of Mr Knox spreit which cannot be brydled, and yet doth sometymes uter soche sentences as can not easely be dygested by a weake stomach
a1585 Maitl. Q. 267/4.
An worthy knight … Quhase lyflye spreit did warldlye things despyse
1581 Hamilton Cath. Tr. in Cath. Tr. (STS) 86/7.
Gif men vald considder aricht this his [sc. Calvin's] arogant spret accusing all the ancient doctors of ignorance
a1605 Montg. Ch. & Slae 143 (Wr).
‘What would thou give, my heart,’ quoth he [sc. Cupid], ‘To have these wanton wings to flee, To sport thy sprite a while?’
1596 Dalr. II 181/2.
To … had doun his wicht, noble, and coragious spirit with sharp and feirful wordes or at leist to halde him laich till [etc.]
1611-57 Mure Dido & Æneas i 27.
Sacred Apollo! Lend thy Cynthia light … That I partaking of thy purest spright, May grave (anew) on tyme's immortall shryne … those sweit deliciows ayrs
c1615 Chron. Kings 143.
He wes conwoyitt to Ingland, and wes executt … on the Tour Hill … quhair he schew his magnefeik spreitt to the end, schawing that he wes ane frie Prince, and wald dein so never to acknawlidge the Queine off Ingland as his maistres
1626 Garden Worthies 37.
The precious pairts plac'd in thy parents spreit, Into thy courage kith'd & doeth decore thé
1626 Garden Worthies 87.
For thy perpollent sprite and prudence plac'd Cheeff chancellour of this kingdome
1637 Fugitive Poetry II xii/9.
Prophetick censures propheits sprites underly, Yit all discerne, who use that spirituall sword
(2) 1494 Loutfut MS 142a.
He that beris a cote armour suld nocht be proud of his manhed bot law of sprite
1513 Doug. iv Prol. 116.
Sum person waik in spreyt, Sum hait byrnyng as ane onbridillyt hors
a1570-86 Maitl. F. 448/10.
He was … Off ancient bluid of nobill spritt and name
a1578 Pitsc. I 133/12.
The realme of Ingland … [thocht] expedient for the government of the pepill … to chese ane man not onlie wyse and prudent of spreit bot [who] also was lustie of spreit and of body
1594 Charteris Wall. Pref. 164.
The Bruce ane man of free spreit and stout hart, impacient with thraldome and seruitude to enjoy authoritie answerit [etc.]
1626 Garden Worthies 135.
Who greatter graces hade of graver yeares? Who of his place of greater spreit hes spir'd? Who hes more prudent proven among the peers [etc.]?
(3) 1513 Doug. v Prol. 21.
The wys tharof in proverb wrytis, A blith spreit makis greyn and floryst age
1531 Bell. Boece I 229.
Angusiane … exhortit his men to have curage, and set asid al dredour … remembring the gret spreit and manheid of thair eldaris
1533 Gau 22/11.
This command requiris ane puir spreit
a1597-1617 Hist. Jas. VI (1825) 84.
This gentilman indeid was of a subtile spreit
a1585 Maitl. Q. 117/108.
To knaw the bewteis in ȝow bein Can not ane rude ingyine Ane lurdane spreit can not attein To ȝour graces divyne
1596 Dalr. I 163/9.
The Scottis couragious, of a blyth hope, and a mychtie spirit, leipis to straikis
c1650 Spalding II 446.
This young gallant, byding so long in prissoun, and of ane hie spreit, brak his hart and deit
a1670 Scot Staggering State 106.
A woman of a masculine spirit, but highland-faced

b. In adverbial phrases indicating the attitude or frame of mind with which something is done, said, etc. Also const. (in or with) the spirit of a person implying possession of a similar attitude, disposition, etc. to that person.(1) a1400 Leg. S. xviii 98.
He saw mene schynand be, & bot reprofe to God seruand, Of dedis gud & spyryt schaldand
a1500 Seven S. 1127.
Scho … to the wyndo past And spak furth with a sprete full stowt Quhat devill is it makis that dyn thair owt
c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 15/4.
To Thé, O marcifull salviour myn, Jesus, … I schrife me cleyne with humile spreit and meik
1538 Lynd. Justing 44.
James drew ane sweird with ane rycht auful spreit And ran til Johne, til haif raucht him ane rout
1559 St. A. Kirk S. 7.
We, in ane mynde and ane spirite, may endivour us … to walk fordwart in the waiis of the Lord
1562-3 Winȝet I 9/25.
We persaue mony amangis ȝow … quha with humil spirit wald flee fra al idolatrie
1567 G. Ball. 41.
Quhen Lazarus he [sc. the richman] saw with him also … he said with drerie spreit: Father Abraham, haif mercy on my wo
(2) a1400 Leg. S. xxxvi 69.
Before God he sal wele suynke In spryt & vertu of hely
a1605 Montg. Sonn. viii 13.
A martiall monarch, with Minervas spreit

12. A person of a specified character, nature or disposition. c1500-c1512 Dunb. Tua Mar. W. 397.
I spittit quhen I saw That super spendit evill spreit spulȝeit of all vertu
a1568 Bann. MS 144a/14.
He is a noble spreit, Ane furthy man and ane foirseand
a1568 Wedderburn in Bann. MS 287b/2.
O man transformit and vnnaturall O trublit spreit possest with frenesye
1573–4 Reg. Privy C. II 334.
Thair is diverse of the borne subjectis of this realme of quhome some ar declarit tratouris and utheris seditious, rebellious and unquiet spreittis
a1585 Polwart Flyt. 49 (H).
Aske mercie … In tyme, leist for feirles I forefaire [thé]. Ill spreite, I will no longer spare thee
c1588 Cath. Tr. 253/1.
Souber and quyet spreites, who lyked to grund them selfes upon the assured rok of the kirk
1593 Crim. Trials I ii 299.
Quhilkis wickit and vnhappy spirittis … ceissis not to make and tell lesingis betuix his hienes, his nobilitie and gude subiectis, be previe or oppin speichis [etc.]
1598 James VI Basil. Doron 79/22.
Take heede therefore … to suche Puritanes, very pestes in the churche & common-weale … ye shall neuer finde with any Hie-land or Bordour theeues greater ingratitude, and moe lies and vile perjuries, then with these phanatick spirites
1614 Aberd. Council Lett. I 120.
I fear the smalnes of his stipend salbe ane hinder to all gude sprittis
1626 Garden Worthies 137.
No brainsick-heads was harbour'd in thy houss, … Thy noble nature … Could nought allow such lauless spritts a place
c1646 Craufurd Edinb. Univ. fol. 7.
It being thought fit that an third classe should begin, programs were set forth to invite able spirits to give tryall for two regentis places

13. pl. Spiritis naturale, vitale spreitis, spreitis vital or animal spiritis, the substances, or essences which maintain life and health in the body. 1456 Hay II 97/4.
Syk melodious soundis of musik gerris the mankynde tak delectacioun naturale, and gerris his spiritis naturale rest fra all vexacioun of mynde
1456 Hay II 122/12.
Gud odouris reconfortis the hert and the body, and gerris thame rejoys. And than rynnis the blude throwout the corps in the rycht vaynis be the gaynesse and the blythenes of the saule and of the spiritis vitales that conduytis the lyf and haldis all in joye
1456 Hay II 125/29.
The naturale hete … consumys … the fude in the stomak, and sendis it … to the partis of the body quhare it is ordanyt to be, to confort and reinfors the membris and the spiritis vitalis for the conservacioun of mannis nature
1531 Bell. Boece II 206.
His maledy was the mair in admiration, that the aind proceding fra his vitale spreitis, schew his blude in dew proportioun, with soft pulsis; and … he grew sa leine, that his body semit haistely to evanis
1549 Compl. 67/34.
Morpheus … assailȝeit al my membris, ande oppressit my dul melancolius nature, quhilk gart al my spreitis vital ande animal be cum impotent & paralitic
1597 James VI Dæmonol. (STS) 48/16.
A thick fleume, falling into our breast vpon the harte, while we are sleeping, intercludes so our vitall spirites, and takes all power from vs
1622 Crim. Trials III 516.
Thair is na deid lybellit bot ordinarie deidis of vizeiting a patient, be a freind or a phisitioun, to wit, graipping of the pulses or chaikill-bane and breist, quhilk is the steiring of the spreittis-vitall, and is the ordiner behauiour … practizet be the visitouris of ony patient

14. The spreit of lyf, blood. Cf. 1 above. 1513 Doug. ix vi 96.
To ded he duschis down bath styf and cald, And vp the purpour spreit of lyf he ȝald, And blude and wyne mixt he can furth schaw, At he last drank owt ȝeskis in the ded thraw

IV. 15. Alcohol, distilled spirit. 16… Alchem. MSS V.
Tak your salt that is not dissolved in your sprit and massine him in a glas morter [etc.]

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