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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. X).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Thar(e)anent, Thairanent, adv. Also: thairannent, -anence, ther(e)anent, thearanent, thairanentis, theiranents. [North. ME and e.m.E. þar enent (Cursor M.), þer anentes (c1400), thereanendes (1564).] About, regarding or relating to that matter, etc.(a) 1508 Reg. Privy S. I 252/1.
That ȝe tak ȝour … directioun of our traist cousing … quham we have instrukit of our minde thareanent
1535 Stewart 32029 heading.
How Kennethus … maid his oresoun to thame, fra quhilk tha disassentit, and off his subtill ingyne diuysit thairanent
1557 Edinb. B. Rec. II 262.
That the samyn extent be nocht ekit without the counsale and dekinis be all callit and hard to voit and ressone thairanent
1563 Facs. Nat. MSS III xlvi.
It is our will and plesour that ye allyat your self to na party in mareage … quhill we declair our opinioun and mynd to your self tharanent
1567 Antiq. Aberd. & B. III 22.
The said William procuratour … requirit the said Patrik … to serue him at the said day of law and parliament … and protestit in cace the said Patrik failȝeit thairannent that [etc.]
1583 Glasgow B. Rec. I 102.
Thay and thair successouris … to abyde thairanent [sc. the declaration of the provest and baillies] wnder sick penultie as the proweist and baillies pleasis
1584 Misc. Bann. C. I 105.
Concerning the accusations laid to his charge, whereof the proces will bear witnes in the examination of him thereanent
1584 Melvill 214.
Now, as to that nam of obedience … mister I to wryt anie thing to yow thairanent?
1608 Glasgow B. Rec. II 556.
With deliberat advyse and consultatioun had and taikin thairanent
1622-6 Bisset I 8/26.
Sanct Guthagonus … wes banisched … as the cannoun thairanent beiris
1695 Cramond Kirk S. IV 21 Oct.
Tarbats desire to have a commodious seatt in the church, for himself & family, & proposealls made thairanent
(b) 1501 Antiq. Aberd. & B. II 404.
The said lord sal shaw him his mind theranent betwix this and Yule
1591 St. A. Baxter Bks. 56 n.
[Dundee Town Council ordained] … that nane of the … baxteres presume to bake or sell any oat bread within this brugh vnder the pain continit in the actes maid theranent
1603 Moysie 8.
The lordis that wer chosin to pacifie the foirsaid inimetie … efter ressoning thearanent be the spaice of echt days, could not condiscend vpone the headis and artickelis
1637 Rutherford Lett. (1894) 226.
I shall go through yours upon the Covenant at leisure, and write to you my mind thereanent
1639 Baillie I 229.
We have communicate our mindes thereanent to the bearers
1643 Baillie II 110.
They were willing, as private men, to sitt in the assemblie and … give their advyce in poynts debated; but for the uniformitie, they required a committee might be appointed from the parliament and assemblie to treat with them thereanent
c1650 Spalding I 238.
That he had no order to assault the Spangȝeard vpone the Kingis road, or that he afterwardis wes to receave ony order thereanent
1665 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 223.
The premisses being presentit to the tounes heid court, they approvit of the counsellis ingadgement theranent
1669 Galloway P. 16 Nov.
He obleises him … to make up the hedges & knots of the gardin handsumly & to do his deutie theranent
1670 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 260.
To haue compeared … to haue answered to the … complaint, and to haue heard and seen such ordour takine theranent as apperteinit
1678 Edinb. B. Rec. X 330.
The councill act and proclamatione ishewed furth theranent
1678 Cramond Kirk S. II ? Sept.
It was urged by Sir John Young of Leny that … the minister should aske the mynde of the session what was thair thoughts concerning Muirehouse his putting in of his seatt, and what should be done thereanent
(c) 1552 Reg. Privy C. I 133.
We … salbe hartlie contentit to do … quhat thing your Grace and Counsel will divise … and sall leif nocht behind that lyis in our possibiliteis thairanentis
c1568 Murray in Campbell Love-Lett. Mary (1824) 218.
My Lord of Argyll … spak largely … theiranents to the Queen herself
a1570-86 Maitl. F. 172/87.
For haue thow bayth richt and defence Sall na man blame thé thair anence
1622-6 Bisset II 311/2.
Alfonsus … writtis ane … discourse anentis hir glorious deceise … allegeand mony authouris thairanentis

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"Tharanent adv.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 4 Dec 2024 <>



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