A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2002 (DOST Vol. XI).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Trun(s)cheo(u)n, n. Also: trunschio(u)n, trunchion, trunschoun, trunschon(e, trunchoun, trunshun, trunsioune, trunscyoune, trwnsowne, trounsoun, trounschoun, trownsown, trownsciown, troncheon, tronsioune, trinschoun, trenscheon. [ME and e.m.E. tronsoun, trunsoun, trunchoun (all 14th c.), trwnsown (15th c.), trunchon (Prompt. Parv.), troncheon (1470-85), trenschon (1570), truncheon (1611), OF trunçun, tronchon.]
1. a. A fragment of (the shaft of) a spear. b. The shaft of a spear.a., b. ?1438 Alex. i 3123.
The tane half [sc. of his shield] was neir in tua, And in the laif was thair truncheonis Of speris ?1438 Alex. ii 4204.
Ilkane of thame tua of his speir Ane trunscheoun in his hand can bere ?1438 Alex. ii 4221, 4224.
The trunscheonis war baith great and sqware … the knychtis … raucht quhill the trunscheonis Rycht to thare neiffis to-fruschit ar ?1438 Alex. ii 4207.
Truncheouns ?1438 Alex. ii 4236.
Trunshun 1460 Hay Alex. 1524.
He … braik his speir … And left the trunschioun in his bodie stikand 1460 Hay Alex. 1542.
The speris all befor haid brokin bene, And all trunchionis sawin on the grene 1513 Doug. x vi 120.
Numytor furth of hys brotheris corps Ruggis the trunschon [Sm. trunschoun; L. iaculo], and with all hys fors It swakkis at Ene 1513 Doug. xi i 22.
The brokyn trunschions of hys speris rude 1535 Stewart 50352.
Ane man on hors all in glitterand geir, Buir in his hand the trunchoun of ane speir, Tha[t] schew perfitlie how the feild tha wan(b) ?1438 Alex. ii 1230.
He him [straik] in the blasoun Till of his speir he maid trounschoun(c) c1420 Wynt. viii 5224.
Willame the Ramsay … Borne throw the hewyd wyth a spere, And throw the helme wyth strynth off hand Qwhill the trwnsowne [bad] thare stekand a1500 Lanc. 2960.
The spere is gone, and al in pecis brak, And he the trunscyoune in his hand hath tak(d) c1420 Wynt. viii 5240.
He … wyth gret strynth owt can aras The trownsown [C. troncheon, W. trunschone] that thare stekand was(e) a1500 Lanc. 239.
In to his hed a brokin suerd had he, And in his body … The tronsioune of o brokine sper that was(f) 15.. Clar. ii 1139.
The trinschouns ower thair heidis ȝeid, And fyr out followit alse reid as ony gleid; They restit never quhile they awcht speiris brake, So them betwine thair was ay rap for rap(g) 15.. Clar. v 2019.
The trenscheons of thair speiris up gois on loft
2. A staff, club or cudgel.1375 Barb. xvi 129.
With a trounsoun [C. trunsioune] in till hys new To schyr Colyne sic dusche he gewe a1500 Lanc. 2888.
Galiot non armys bur that day Nor as o knycht he wald hyme-self aray, But as o seruand in o habariowne O prekyne hat and ek o gret trownsciown In til his hond