A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2002 (DOST Vol. XII).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Won(e, v.1 Also: wonne, von, woun, win(e, wyn(e, uin, vyn, wun, wan, wende. P.t. also wound, wind, wend, woun. P.p. also woinit, wont(e, wonnt, wount(e, wownt, woont, wint, wynt, wnt, vont, vount, won(e, wown(e. [ME and e.m.E. wun(en, wnie(n (both c1175), wunenn (Orm), won (Cursor M.), wone (c1430); p.p. also wunedd (Orm), wont, wonnt, wunt (all Cursor M.), wnt (Manning), wonte (1520), woont (1647), OE wunian, MLG, MDu. wonen, ON una.]
1. intr. To dwell, reside, stay, chiefly in, at, etc. a place, with, etc. a person or persons. Also fig.(1) 1375 Barb. v 273.
Than a man wonnyt [C. wonnit] thar-by That … had bene till his fadyr leyll 1375 Barb. viii 388.
Fele that wynnyt thaim about Fra thai the king saw help him swa Till him thar homage gan thai ma a1400 Leg. S. xvi 816.
A cawe … That twelfe stage was fra the place, Quhare the Magdelane vynnand vas c1420 Wynt. ii 690 (W).
Than sperit he thraly of that land Quhat thai wer therin wonnand ?a1450 Florimond 216.
At Damitie within the toune Thair vonnit ane lord of greit renoun a1500 Rauf C. 527.
Quhair winnis that Wymond thow hecht to meit to day? a1500 K. Hart 798.
He stall away … And socht quhair Ȝouthheid and his feiris wound a1500 Colk. Sow i 464.
Vmquhile he wonit thair 1532 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 128.
The child vonnyt twa halff ȝeiris, ane for meit and clath, the tother for fee a1568 Bann. MS 77a/19.
Me think it to the best To haif in mynd thy ending … Quhen thow sall wend and quhair that thow sall won c1635-80 Edwards Commonpl. Bk. 44.
My love sho uinnes not heire away(2) pres. 1375 Barb. v 499.
The-quhether he & his sonnys twa War wonnand [C. vonand] still in the cuntre a1400 Leg. S. i 578.
Cryste, that mad bath sone and mowne, Vs callis now with hym to wone c1420 Wynt. i 642 (W).
One sum hillis in to that land The Pigmeus ar wonnand c1420 Wynt. ii 800 (W).
[They] Banyst fra thaim a gentilman That wes amang thaim wonnand [R. duelland, C. duellande] than 14.. Acts I 71/2.
Thar lordis in quhais landis thai wonne may for scathis til thaim done debel the misdoaris(b) a1400 Leg. S. xxxii 564.
Quha in oure seruice mais ende, Euirmare with ws sal wende(c) a1400 Leg. S. xxix 127.
Sa sal thu now wonnyn be, & pas til Hewine & wyn with me(d) c1475 Wall. i 290.
Gentill wemen … Off Ingland born in Lithquhow wounnand was(e) c1590 Fowler I 66/213.
So manye spreittis which in that pitt did wun 1587-99 Hume 52/11.
O yee that wuns amang the pleasant feildsp.t. 1375 Barb. x 150.
In the contre thar wonnyt [C. vonnyt] ane That husband wes 1375 Barb. xv 426.
Schir Robert Nevile … Wonnyt at Berwik ner besid The march c1420 Wynt. viii 4314.
He wonnyd at Lochawe ner by c1475 Wall. xi 687.
Trow man I was, and woun agayn my will With Inglismen, suppos I likit ill 1513 Doug. xi xi 82 (Sm.).
In maner of hyrdis in pasturage, On wild montanis he wonnit all his age 1531 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 115.
We ordand Elesabetht Tait to preff be the man that vonnyt in the hous … gef that the said hous is awnd hir v s. of annuell(b) a1500 Henr. Fab. 165.
The eldest duelt in ane borous toun; The vther wynnit [Bann. wend] vponland 15.. Wyf Awcht. 1 (K).
In Auchtermuchtie there wind an honest man 15.. Clar. v 2842.
He maryit thair the sex virginis … That winit with the Ladie de la Careir 1576 Crim. Trials I ii 53.
Thai war the gude wychtis that wynnit in the Court of Elfamefig. a1400 Leg. S. xl 18.
The gyfte of the Haly Gaste … wes nocht in waste; For he hyme kepyt sa fra syne, That it wonnyt hyme ay withine a1500 K. Hart 16.
He was inclynit cleinlie to remane, And woun vnder the wyng of Wantownnes
2. To live, exist or remain in a certain state or set of circumstances. a1400 Leg. S. i 690.
That I ma ga To Jhesu Criste … With hym to wine in-to his b[l]ise c1420 Wynt. v 3430 (W).
All the tyme fra land to land In monkis habit he wes wannand [C. wauerande, R. vagand] … He ȝarnyt till haue bene emperoure c1450-2 Howlat 963 (A).
I couth nocht won in to welth wreth wast I was so wantoun of will a1500 K. Hart 22.
Thai kest thair tyme to occupy In welthis for to wyne 14… Edinb. Univ. MS La.ii.318.
Men of religion That wonis to gider in company And to serue God specialy 1560 Rolland Seven S. 6316.
The bricht angell, for pryde he fell, In hell ȝit still in paine ay winnis a1570-86 Maitl. F. 251/14.
Quhen d[e]id callis may lat it to compeir In blis or bale than man thow wend to wyne
3. tr. To inhabit (a place). 1576–7 Shetland Doc. 216.
The complaynt giffin in be Magnus in Quhytisnes … upon the laird of Cultemalindie, that quhair he compellit him to tak certane land aganis his will … and because he wald nocht wone the land, the said laird causit [etc.]
4. p.p. Conjugated with the verb to be, chiefly, followed by the infinitive: To be accustomed to (be or do something).(1) 1312 Facs. Nat. MSS II xix.
Cum quibus husbandi eandem terram ad firmam tenere solebant [gl. was wont] 1375 Barb. iii 582.
Newys that stalwart war & squar That wont to spayn gret speris war a1400 Leg. S. iv 158.
Sancte James thane gaf hym the wand, That he was wonte bere in his hand 14.. Burgh Laws c. 63 (A).
Gif ony sic women be wont to cum be nycht with fysch 15.. Dunb. App. vii 14.
Saufand beaute I can prise na mare Of hyr, that was wont to be gudeliest c1520-c1535 Nisbet Matth. xxvii 15.
Wonnt c1615 Chron. Kings 106.
The Queine … lougis in … ane hous quhair thay war wont to hald the chakkir c1650-1700 Descr. Zetland 36.
The other Voe … is called Dutch Pool, because the Dutch or Hamburgh merchants were wont to ly there, & make merchant fishes(b) 1375 Barb. i 220.
That folk that euer wes fre, And in fredome wount for to be 1375 Barb. v 574 (C).
Vount c1420 Wynt. v 2379.
Thow wes wownt on nakyn wys To do but dekyn thi serwys 1499–1500 Dunferm. B. Rec. I 106.
That the Lear stane suld be set agane in the place quhar it wes wount to stand 1554 Facs. Nat. MSS III xxxvi.
Wounte 1576 Orkney Oppress. 64.
The man that aucht the grund was wount to gett for the grundleiff ane barrell of beir(c) c1420 Wynt. viii 5518.
Folk, that wes noucht wowne [C. won] To se swilk a want … Abaysyd off that sycht thai ware(d) 1460 Hay Alex. 2243.
Sa com thair fra king Dare ane messingeir Askand thair trewis as thai war woinit to do At king Philip for Macedone and Grece also 1541 Chart. Coupar A. II 192.
In augmentatioun of the rentall to the soume of three merkis ȝerlie mair nor wes wonit to be payit(e) 1517 Acta Conc. MS XXIX 21.
The landis … he was wynt to hayf of befor c1568 Lauder Minor P. i 615.
Repent … Or God … sall … punysche ȝow be fer moir creuellie Nor ignorantis befoir wes wint to be!(f) 1627 Rep. Parishes 34.
The tak of these teyndis quhilk wer woont to be payet to the prebendar of Middiltoun(2) 1375 Barb. iv 246.
Sathanas … as he all tyme wes wone, In-to dissait maid his ansuer a1400 Leg. S. x 68.
Thai cuth … Ger serpentis strik men ful sare, As befor-tyme wechis vont ware c1420 Wynt. ix 970.
The Kyng wes febill for elde, And alsua his eldare swne Wes noucht fery, as he wes wown c1450-2 Howlat 491 (A).
Wend on as thou was wont, Throw the batell in bront 1456 Hay I 223/3.
The thingis ar nocht in termes as thai war wount. The realmes was than in pes that now ar in weris 1473 Reg. Cupar A. I 177.
The ledaris hafand thar met as tha war wnt in tym of the ledyng c1475 Wall. xi 348.
Inglismen thocht he tuk mar boundandly Than he was wount at any tym befor 1513 Doug. vi iii 126.
The body … haue thai laid In a soft bed, and thar abuf was spred Purpour robbis, quharwith he wont was cled 1567 G. Ball. 184.
Thay think to bleir ȝour e, And syne at ȝow to hount, And do as thay war wount a1605 Montg. Flyt. 281 (T).
The wird sisteris wandering, as they wer wont than, Saw revinis 1623 Aberd. Council Lett. I 215.
For not suffering thair nichtbors to mak mercat and sell in Leith as thei wer wont conforme to the 35 act a1649 Drummond Wks. (1711) 6.
Phoebus arise! … Spread forth thy golden hair In larger locks than thou wast wont before
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"Won v.1". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 15 Jan 2025 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/wone_v_1>