Scottish National Dictionary (1700–)
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First published 1941 (SND Vol. II).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
CLASH-MA-CLAVER, Clashmaeclaver, Clashmaclater, n. [′klɑʃmə′kle:vər]
1. Gossip, idle tales (Bnff.2, Fif.10, Lnk.3 1937). MacTaggart Gallov. Encycl. (1824) 136 gives the form clashmaclaters. Gen. used in pl.Ork.(D) 1880 Dennison Orcad. Sk. Bk. 105:
Gin I could grip an' forsal [harness] Tangy, An' beuld him i' the yaird o' Hangy, Than could I stop his clashmaeclavers.Mry. 1851 D. Paul Poems 63:
Nor bother fowk wi' clashmaclavers.Abd. 1853 W. Cadenhead Flights of Fancy 179:
Keep your clash-ma-claver and idle fuss.Edb. 1893 A. Marshall in Mod. Sc. Poets (ed. Edwards) 15th Series 201:
And women folk forgether an' tell owre wi' muckle glee, Sae mony clash-ma-clavers, an' it's a' 'tween you an' me.
2. “A gossip, tattler” (Rxb. 1923 Watson W.-B.).
[Formed on analogy with Clishmaclaver, id., on the basis of Clash, v., 2 (2).]