Scottish National Dictionary (1700–)
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First published 1968 (SND Vol. VII). Includes material from the 2005 supplement.
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
PANDIE, n., v. Also pandy: †pand. [′pɑndi]
I. n. 1. A stroke with a cane, strap, etc., on the palm of the hand, a beating, esp. one administered by a schoolmaster (n.Sc. 1825 Jam.; Uls. 1880 Patterson Gl.; Cai. 1903 E.D.D.; Edb., Ayr. 2000s). Gen.Sc. Phr. to get (gie) (a) pandie(s), to (be) chastise(d). Also fig., as in 1808 quot. = punishment in general, a severe reprimand, censure.Rxb. 1808 A. Scott Poems 13:
If for little rompish laits I hear that thou a pandy gets.Abd. 1851 W. Anderson Rhymes 183:
Then lickin's there maun be sae a' got our pandie Frae R —, wha keepit the school i' the Green.Ags. 1861 Arbroath Guide (16 Feb.) 3:
And the boys . . . will, instead of sugar candy, Get a most tremendous “pandy”.Uls. 1901 J. W. Byers in Northern Whig:
He disliked very much when the master of the school called him up to his desk for a “pandy”.Abd. 1906 Banffshire Jnl. (22 May) 10:
A curn got pandies o'er a fecht.Abd. 1922 G. P. Dunbar Whiff o' Doric 16:
They tholed their pandies, smilin'.m.Sc. 1947 Scots Mag. (April) 12:
“An' how mony pandies the day?” says I tae the laddie. “Juist fower,” says he.Rs. 1951 Scots Mag. (August) 339:
We duly paid the penalty in pandies next day. Edb. 1960s:
Ye'll get pandies fae the teacher if ye dinna dae yer homework. Sc. 1995 David Purves Hert's Bluid 9:
" ... A wadna blame the maister, mynd,
for giein him a wee bit pandie,
nou an than, the tymes he wants it,
but Jek, this man's fair veiciuss,
an lethers bairns for nocht ava."
II. v. tr. or intr. and absol., to beat on the palm of the hand with a cane or strap. to administer a pandie to, usu. of a schoolmaster (Rxb. 1883 J. B. Webber Rambles 19. pand; ne., em.Sc.(a), Rxb., Uls. 1965); more generally, to punish, chastise.Rxb. 1895 J. B. Webber Rambles 26:
Them that barred him oot that day Wad a' be pandit sair.Ags. 1896 Barrie Sentimental Tommy xiv.:
You are like Miss Ailie with her cane when she is pandying.
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"Pandie n., v.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 10 Jan 2025 <>