A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
Acta Conc.
[1478-1532] The Acts of the Lords of Council in Civil Causes. (Acta Dominorum Concilii.) Vol. I 1478-95, vol. II 1496-1501, vol. III 1501-3. Thomson, T.; vols. I & II and Calderwood, A. B.; vol. III (ed.); Commissioners on the Public Records of Great Britain (vols. I, II); HMSO (vol. III), Edinburgh 1839, 1918, 1993. Also MS NAS; also Selected Cases from Acta Dominorum Concilii et Sessionis, Shearer, Ian Hamilton (ed.); St.S. 14, 1951. Acta Conc. III refers to St.S. edn.; Acta Conc. III (1993) refers to HMSO edn.
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