A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
Loutfut MS
[1494] Loutfut MS: heraldic collection
Loutfut, Adam; Variant text MS BL Harley 6149. fol. 44a and 78a. In The Book of the ordre of chyvalry, Byles, A.T.P. (ed.); EETS OS 168, London, 1926. pp xxvi-xxix. Also The Coat of Arms, T. O'Neill, vol. iv no. 32, 1957, pp 307-10. Also Deidis of Armorie. Recent edn. L. Houwen STS 1995. fol. 128v-132v. See Diane Bornstein The Scottish Prose Version of Vegetius' De re militari in Studies in Scottish Literature 8, 1970-1. pp 174-83. Dated by Bronstein as 1494 (p.177, fn. 12). Transcr. DOST Lib.