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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)


Nisbet, M. 
[c1520-c1535] The New Testament. Being Purvey's revision of Wycliffe's version, turned into Scots    Nisbet, Murdoch; Law, T. G. (ed.); STS 46, 49, 52, Edinburgh, 1901-5. Later additions: vol. I pp 116; vol. III pp 315-56. Includes Acts, Apoc., Colloss., 1 Cor., 2 Cor., Ep. Ald Test., Ephes., Gallath., Heb., John, Luke, Mark, Matth., 1 Peter, 2 Peter, Philemonn, Philipp., Prol. Rom., Rev., Rom., St. James, 1 St. John, 2 St. John, 3 St. John, St. Jude, 1 Thess., 2 Thess., 1 Tim., 2 Tim., Titus. DOST Lib.