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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2000 (DOST Vol. VIII).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

S(c)hot, S(c)hote, S(c)hoit, n.1 Also: s(c)hott, shotte; schoitt, schoyt, shoite; schoote, schoott, shoot(e; schoatt, shoat(e; (schowt); schoet; shute. [ME and e.m.E. shotte (Piers Plowman), shot (Chaucer), scot (Cursor M.), schoyt (a1450), shoote (1534), shote (1545), shute (1578), OE sc(e)ot, gesc(e)ot.]

1. A swift, or sudden, movement forward; a rush, dash. b. An onset; an attack (on another person).Cf. Du. schot maaken ‘to make headway, of a ship’ (SND, s.v. Shot n.1 1)).The Barb. quot. may possibly be, in the E. MS at least, an example of S(c)hout n. 1, though the sense ‘rush’ seems to suit the context better.1375 Barb. xii 77 (C).
Quhen the kyngis men thame saw Swa in haill battale thame vithdraw A gret schot [E. schowt] till thame can thai mak And thai in hy tuk all the bak And thai that followit thame has slayne Sum of thame that thai haf our-tane
?1438 Alex. i 1790.
Emynedus ane great shot can make Far by his feiris euerilkane
b. ?1438 Alex. i 1486.
Ane schot on Pirrus can he mak With swerd into his hand all bare
(b) c1420 Wynt. iv 1073.
Hys stwart maid on hym a schote [C., W. schot], And tyte hym … be the throte, And … steykyd hym quhyll the lyff he lefft

c. At the shoot, ? in the moment of onset; suddenly, without warning.1635 Dickson Wr. 70.
Job has here ado with a merciful father, who took him not at the shoot, or in his passion

d. ? A race. Only in after-schot *After-schoot n., Efter-schot n. and Fore-schot. n.

2. A sudden sharp pain; a spasm of pain; a shooting pain.(a) a1500 Seven S. 747.
God tuke wengeans on Ypocras With sic ane schot in till his wame That he had seiknes saire & schame
1597 Misc. Spald. C. I 136.
With ane extraordiner birnand heat at his hart and luiffar … with ane schot in his syde
1598 Crim. Trials II 66.
Ane indigestioun and cruditie of his stommok, with schottis throw his body
1662 Ib. III 607.
When we vold goe in the liknes of an cat we say … I sall goe [in till ane catt] [With sorrow and sych and a blak] shot
Ib. 608.
God send thé a blak shot! (or a blak thraw!)
(b) 1659 A. B. Barty Hist. Dunblane (1944) 97.
And charme this man … For blood and melt for shotes and grippe

3. a. A rush, or downpour, of water.c1420 Wynt. i 404 (E).
Ranys riche befor than rested xl dais with forssis fell Schot out thar schottis [R. schowrys] scharp and snell

b. A discharge, or flux, of blood from the body. Cf. 10 below.c1500 Rowll Cursing 67 (M).
Never to be but schot of blude Or elf schot … And mony vther maleteis

c. A broad expanse, or sheet, of ice.a1651 Calderwood II 248.
The rain falling freezed so vehementlie that the ground was like a shott of yce

4. The action of shooting with a bow, machine of war, firearm, etc.; the discharging of a missile or projectile from one of these; missiles or projectiles discharged, viewed collectively as the result of such action. Also fig.Also const. of the missile, etc., discharged, or of the weapon, etc., employed.(1) 1375 Barb. xiii 52.
The Inglis archeris schot sa fast That mycht thar schot haff ony last It had bene hard … Bot King Robert that wele gan ken That thar archeris war peralous And thar schot rycht hard and grewous Ordanyt … a gret menȝe … on lycht hors … to prik amang the archeris … That thai na layser haiff to schut
?1438 Alex. i 1629.
Quhan Emynedus … Saw how [his] fers … War skalit with thair shot of far
Ib. 1644.
The kingis folk … Febillit with shot richt felly wair Foroutin wound I trow wes nane … For the Turkis with arrowis braid Schott thikker … than hale or snaw
c1420 Wynt. ii 1502.
[Of female children] away thai walde ger bryn The rycht pape … For dowt it sulde let thame off schot
1460 Hay Alex. 1387.
With that the culuerinnis begouth to schute With crapaldis serpentinis and ribaudykinis … Quhill thair battallis with schot sa maglit ware
Ib. 15755.
For to gif the assalt thai made thame boun Sum with ledder sum schotte and sum with myne Sum cast of stane sum gvn and sum engyne
c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 99/30.
Gy off Gysburne, na Allan Bell, … At schot war never so slie
c1550 Lynd. Meldrum 1123.
The archeris … Of braid arrowis let fle ane flicht Amang the squyeris companie And thay agane … With hakbute bow and culueryne … And thair began ane bailfull bikker Thair was bot schot and schot agane
1569 Reg. Privy C. II 38.
The said Andro … maid schot at the said … servandis
1573 Sempill Sat. P. xxxix 97.
The vehement schot ȝeid in at ather syde By threttie cannonis plasit at partis seuin
a1578 Pitsc. II 23/34.
The governour and cardinall … layed ane seige to the castell with schot at it the space of aucht dayis with cannonis bot thay war nevir ane hairbred the better nor the castell the war of thair schutting
?a1648 Polemo-Mid. 125.
& ivit Valde procul, metuens shottum woundumque profundum
(b) 1456 Hay I 50/31.
The consul was slayn … with schote
1460 Hay Alex. 15752.
Than tuke thai schote and newlingis him assalȝeid
a1500 Henr. Fab. 819 (Bann.).
He fand his fader dede Be sudane schote for dedeis odious
Ib. 789. 1513 Doug. i iv heading.
Eneas … thar with schote slew sevin hartis belyve
Ib. ix vii 91.
Do dres my dartis … So that my schote and myssour may go rycht
Ib. xii vi 26.
A quhirrand arrow ... dyd in hys the bayn lycht, Oncertane fra quhat hand that it was sent, Quhat kynd of schote, nor of quhat instrument
c1552 Lynd. Mon. 2384.
To Sanct Bastien thay ryn … That frome the schote he saf thare syde
1610 Reg. Privy C. IX 57.
[Not] to hunt and slay hairis with houndis, girnis, shoite, or utherwayes, [within six miles of the palaces of Haliruidhous, (etc.)]
(2) ?1438 Alex. i 1660.
The furriouris ware With shot of arrowis woundit sare
a1500 Henr. Fab. 2923.
Ane hart of crueltie Smytis more sore than ony schot of arrow
1533 Boece 240.
Scottis and Pichtis … with schott of arrowis ganeȝeis and cors bowis denudit the dyke of inemyis
1597 Skene Verb. S. s.v. Actilia.
And is vsed … vnder the habirgeon to saue ane mans bodie fra the schot of ane arrowe or fra the bruising of the straik of an sword
(b) c1500-c1512 Dunb. G. Targe 199.
Thik was the schote of grundyn dartis kene
1558-66 Knox II 321.
The inner yett of the abbay keapt him that nycht; and the danger was betwix the Croce and the Salt Trone and so he was a large quarter of myle from the schote and sklenting of boltis
(3) 1460 Hay Alex. 2949.
Thair was sic ane slauchter … With schot of gun baith furthwart and inwart
c1475 Wall. ix 166.
Commaund thi men … Thar schot off gown … to ces
1535 Acts II 345/2.
The schott of gunnys hagbutis … and vther small artalȝerie … is sa felloune … to the pith and hie curage of … vailȝeand mene
1570 Leslie 228.
The Inglismen … doing quhat thay culd with schot of artailyerie and harquabusyers to ding thame back
a1578 Pitsc. II 170/19.
Money of thame slaine … be schot of cannon and wther peceis schottand at the wallis
1578 Acts III 100/2.
Exponit his awin body and lyff … to the schott of the cannone and ege of the suord
a1649 Drummond Wks. 185.
By shot of pistols
c1650 Spalding I 209.
And causit cloiss wp the samen stronglie with thik faill to hold out the schot of the cartow
Ib. 272.
Midding mountis … to defend the toun fra the cannon schot fra the castell
1685 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 306.
The whole shipes answering the health with shott of cannones
(b) a1508 Kennedy Flyt. 465.
Had thai bene prouvait sa of schote of gune By men of were but perile thay had past
1558-66 Knox I 121.
The stoutnes of the larde [of Craigmillar] gave it over without schote of hackque-boote
a1595 Cullen Chron. Aberd. 40.
[In] 1573 … the fyrst schoitt of canwine was schoitt at the castell of Edinburg, be the Inglis men, in the Kyngis of Schottlandis nayme

b. A particular discharge of any one of these; an act of shooting. Also fig.In pl., also without inflection.sing. (1) c1420 Wynt. ii 42.
And wytht that schot he Nynus slwe
Ib. v 4528.
Ane angyle … slwe that herytyk … Wyth that scharpe schot suddanly
Ib. vii 445.
Wyth a rekles schot off cas A knycht hym slwe
c1475 Wall. iv 284.
Sone at a schot a gret hart has he slayne
Ib. 570.
At him he drew a sekir schot and sar
c1515 Asl. MS I 244/28.
The gret gwn the quhilk a Franche man schot richt wele and falȝeit na schot within a faldome quhar it was chargit him to hit
1501 Doug. Pal. Hon. 1202.
He tauld … How throw ane ladyis schot his sydis bleidis
1549 Compl. 131/16.
Ane preist of Turque … schot ane bolt … contrar Basit … That schot sleu nocht Basit
15.. Christis K. 122 (M).
Ane ȝaip ȝoung man … Lousit of ane schot with ire
1553 Balcarres P. 313.
The … slauchter of Duik Oras be ane schot
1570 Sempill Sat. P. xii 6.
James, Earle of Murray, … Slane with ane schot
1570 Sat. P. xvii 105.
That schot, allace! this realme hes shot in tway
a1578 Pitsc. II 252/2.
The cannonis of the castell … schot at thame … the castell schot throche … my lord Lyndesayis chalmer quhair he lay for thair come ane schot … and tuik avay the twa cuppillis of his chalmer
1590 Crim. Trials I ii 199.
Thay sat the pictur [of clay] at the wall-syd … and wes schott [sic] … with the said elf-arrow tuelf tymes … And persauing that ye mist the samin efter everie schott [etc.]
1657 Hibbert P. No. 19.
The first shotte that ever he shotte he killed two sparrows with hir [sc. a gun]
(b) 1456 Hay I 245/17.
Or with a schote in at a wyndow
(c) c1475 Wall. iv 554.
And at a schoyt the formast sone he sleu
(d) 1558-66 Knox I 121.
The Englismen … hasarded a schoote at the for-entree of the castell
(e) 1615 Melrose P. 222.
Duncane McDoull, … who slew his maister … with ane schoatt
(f) a1597-1617 Hist. Jas. VI (1804) 179.
A onlye horsman of Edinburgh was hurt, and a suddart slaine be a shute from the toun of Merchestoune
(2) c1515 Asl. MS I 202/11.
He endit … sodandlye … be a schot of ane arrow
1539 Treas. Acc. VII 257.
Ane Frencheman quhilk wes hurt with the schot of ane gun in the Fortht and mutilat of his finger
1570–1 Canongate Ct. Bk. 311.
His heid being hurt with the schot of ane hagbut
1558-66 Knox II 6.
He was hurte in the arme by the schote of ane haquebute
1596 Dalr. II 474/4.
Ane of the gentlemen … with a schot of a hagbit schuites … and slayes him
1644 Aberd. B. Rec. IV 27.
The said John Walker wes hurt in the said left arme be the shoote of the said gun
infl. pl.(1) 1507–8 Treas. Acc. IV 105.
The king tynt with Johne Inglis on tua schotis with the culveryn, ij Franch crounis
a1605 Montg. Ch. & Slae 156 (Wr.).
I sprang up with Cupido's wings, Whose shots and shooting geare resignes
1585 Reg. Privy C. II 743.
With ane of the same schoittis thay schott ane bullon throw his hatt
1590 Crim. Trials I ii 192.
Thow schott twa schottis with the said arrow heid att the said Lady Balnagowne
1594 Cal. Sc. P. XI 313.
[The like congratulation of] shootes [and ordnance was used]
1598 James VI Basil. Doron 178/2.
Secrettis, pleatesleues & siclyke unseene armoure … [are] not onlie unable to resiste bot dangerouse for shottis
1614 Denmylne MSS in Highland P. III 172.
Thay suld be sett out ouir the wals to kep the first shoittis
1623 Melrose P. 510.
Thair wes schoitis and straikis on ather syde
c1650 Spalding I 182.
Thay … schot diuers schotis fra the hous heid
Ib. 236.
The countrie people … beginns to persew thame with schottis
Ib. 374.
And thrie soldiouris [were] apoyntit … to schute thrie deid schottis at him whill he wes schot deid
1677 4th Rep. Hist. MSS App. 534/1.
[He] loused severall shotts [against Inverey's party]
(2) a1578 Pitsc. II 170/3.
The principall blokhouse … was doung doune be schottis of cannons
1592 Strathendrick 249.
[And] shoit three or foure shoitis of pistollettis at him
1596 Dalr. I 297/6.
Sche subtilie, to flie the schotis of that ingine, slipis intil a nuik neir by
1598 St. A. Kirk S. 867.
Thair wes sum shottis of pistollis or hagbuittis dischargeit at hir stair behund the kirk
1605 Reg. Privy C. VII 154.
Cullaine first shot him throw the body with 2 shotts of pistolls
1625 Justiciary Cases I 27.
Eftir dyuers schottis of hagbuttis, muscattis
1627 Ib. 62.
Persewing of Alexr. Forbes of Toweis with schottis of hagbuttis and pistolettis
1644 Wemyss Corr. 91.
Their wos monye schots off ordinance schot from the castell
fig. 1604-31 Craig ii 21.
Fair marks are hit with shots and shafts mischivous
uninfl. pl. a1578 Pitsc. II 302/22.
And so continewit daylie schuitting to the nommer of twa thowsand schott in the day
1590 Digest Justiciary Proc. M 17.
Loskie Loncart schott thrie schott at the said ȝownge laird
1597–8 Crim. Trials II 36.
Quha … schott and delascht aucht schott of hagbuttis and pistollettis att the said Sir Thomas
1610 M. Works Acc. (ed.) I 324.
The expencis of the warkmen that schot fywe schot in the castill
1615 Denmylne MSS in Highland P. III 181.
The hoy hawing come wnder the shoat of the castell … the rebelles … powrit out a great many shoate one the twa boats that wer abringing in the hoay
Ib. 185.
Sum of the luiftenant's men … did gewe them a woille of shoat
c1615 Chron. Kings 145.
Bothuell … schot at the paleiss sindry schott of mwscatt

c. A shot, or ? series of shots, fired in sport at a nominated target as the subject of a wager or as (part of) a contest. See also Schuting vbl. n.11507–8 Treas. Acc. IV 106.
In the hall of Strivelin, the king tynt on ane schot with the culveryne xiiij s.

d. An act or occasion of firing a gun as a salute.1634 Maxwell Mem. II 252.
Quhen nobill cummis heir … to vissit the same, thay get sum schot of the grit ordinance to thair bonevale
1650 Lamont Diary 20.
The kings maiestie … was welcomed with a very ioyfull declamation of the whole armie, as also with seuerall shoote both great and small
c1650 Spalding II 85.
The castell salutes the king at this supper with 32 schot of gryte ordinans

e. The noise made by the firing of a gun.1567 Anderson Collect. Mary II 176.
He answerit, that he heard at the Kirk of Field like the schot of ane cannoun
1569-73 Bann. Memor. 134.
[They] shot a peice or tuo vpoun the hous heid for a wairning … But the toun heiring the shot, [etc.]

f. Men of schot, ? bowmen or crossbowmen.1460 Hay Alex. 1307.
Ȝour men of schot so magill sall thair hors
Ib. 1368.
The men of schot haid send thame sic ane flycht Thair mycht nothir silk nor sandall hald agane

g. transf. The action of throwing, or thrusting with, a spear; a spear thus discharged as a projectile or missile.(1) a1578 Pitsc. I 314/35.
The laird of Cesfurd was slaine be the schot of ane speir
(2) 1513 Doug. xii viii 110.
Mesapus … Twa … speris … Towart Ene … leit he glyde. Eneas hovit still the schote to abyde, Hym schrowdand vndir … his scheild

h. fig. ? A dispute or quarrel (lit., ? an exchange of shots).?c1675 J. Gordon Hist. I 97.
But this paper shott quickly ended betuixt him and them

5. The distance a missile will carry from the point at which it is discharged; the range of the shot.For further instances, see archer(is shot, s.v. Archar n., Arrow schot, Bowschot, Flicht-schot and Mark-schot.Wnder the schoat of (a place), within range of the firearms held therein.1530 Lynd. Test. Pap. 941.
Thay haue ane boumbard … Within quhose schote thare dar no enimeis Approche thare place
Ib. 947.
Dame Sensual with seage dar not assailȝe, Nor cum within the schote of thare artailȝe
1531 Bell. Boece (M) I 256.
Becaus baith the armijs war within schott of arrow, Maximus … gaif signe to ioyn
1560 Misc. Wodrow Soc. 83.
Neere unto Leith, about twoe flight shott from the same
1558-66 Knox II 356.
Or thei approched, ney by the space of the schote of ane arrow, they caist frome thame thair … long weaponis
1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 260.
Thaj past … to the Dene, a dricht fra schote of the castell
1613 Misc. Maitl. C. III 36.
Within a flight schoit to the Laird of Grantis place of Ballichastell
1615 Denmylne MSS in Highland P. III 182.
Thei broght the cannon within shoat of the castell
Ib. 181 (see 4 b uninfl. pl. above).
Wnder the shoat of the castell
1640 Dumbarton B. Rec. 61.
Thay had appoynted it [sc. the Lammas fair] to be held … safflie within the liberties and without dainger of the castell schot

6. A missile or projectile designed or intended to be used in conjunction with engines of war, cannon or other firearms; ammunition for firearms, muskets, and the like.See also Hail-schot n., Saker n. b.coll. or uninfl. pl. (1) 1375 Barb. xi 125.
But all thai … that chargyt war With pailȝownys [etc.] … schot & wittaile
Ib. xvii 247.
Spryngaldis and schot [C. schotis] on ser maneris That to defend castellis afferis He purwayit
Ib. 293.
And gert his schippis by the se Bring schot & other apparaill
Ib. 351.
Thar wardis … war stuffyt … With stanys and schot & other thing
1460 Hay Alex. 3014.
Thay war nocht busie at the forgerie, And wantit schot to thair artailȝearie
1474 Treas. Acc. I 69.
To bring again certane thingis … according to artilȝery, powder, schot and sic thing
1569-73 Bann. Mem. 133.
Thair was of canone, and cannone feir, myen, and battard, 500 shot at leist
1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 105.
Ane fort … quhairin wes artailȝerie, schote, fyre ballis, fyre speris [etc.]
15.. Balcarres P. MS V 73.
Sakers of brase and yerne ii shot for them
1615 Denmylne MSS in Highland P. III 180.
The liwtenant … onlodnit the … shipis of the shoat, pouder and timber and such uther necessaris as belongit to the ordince
1632 Edinb. Test. LVI 24b.
Tuelff hundreth wecht of cassin leid for schott
1639 Ruthven Corr. 14.
With 3 lastes of powder 3 fatts of matche demy-culverin saker minion falcon and falconett shott of eache one toune
1653 Lamont Diary 61.
They … tooke a goune from him, with some small grathe for shoot
(2) 1540 Treas. Acc. VII 357.
Gevin … to Maister Wolf and Cristopheir gunnaris for expens debursit … upoun … viij fyre perkis witht utheris fyre werk schot devisit be the kingis grace
1665 Argyll-Lauderdale Lett. 26.
Pray let me have a receate of making small shote, Prince Rupert's way
1673 Leith Customs 49.
400 pound lead shoot £1 16 s.
infl. pl. 1460 Hay Alex. 3011.
The duke bad forge wapnis and vther gere And all armour that ganit for the were And mekill of thair schottis war all consumit
1553 Old Ross-shire I 265.
Ane culvering … and schotes fur four ferynks of fine culvering poudyr
fig. c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 152/64.
Out of thair throttis thay schot on udder Hett moltin gold … Ay as thay tomit thame of schot Feyndis fild thame new up to the thrott With gold of allkin prent

b. attrib. In schott graithe (cf. Graith n. 4).1646 Edinb. Test. LXI 237.
Two stane of schott graithe

7. transf. A weapon which discharges a projectile. a. An artillery piece. b. pl. Muskets or the like; small arms.a. 1557–8 Edinb. Old Acc. I 248.
With thre schott of doggis
a1578 Pitsc. I 262/10.
xxx schott of greit artaillȝe and xxx feild peaceis
Ib. 185/28.
Ane Inglis schip … had xx gret brassin schottis in hir
b. c1650 Spalding I 137.
The marques … wreitis to his freindis to meit him without ony armes except suordis and schottis. … He lap on … about 60 horss, with suordis, pistollis and hagbuttis allanerlie

8. transf. One armed with a musket or the like; a musketeer.1565 Cal. Sc. P. II 211.
[When the aid of 300] schott [and 200] armed pykis [were craved]
1594–5 Ib. XI 525. 1595 Ib. 620.
He is 6000 good shot and pikes in pay
Ib. 670.
[The army … consists of 4000 very good men, most of them good] shott

9. A push given with the hand, a shove; ? a blow.(a) 1597 Misc. Spald. C. I 131.
The said Williame raklaslie gaive thé ane schott with his hand by him fra the happer
Ib. (see 10 below). 1640 Edgar Old Church Life 324 n.
He gave his wyff a shott with his hand upon the Sabbath day
1660 Rothesay B. Rec. 46.
Confest … he did give Thomas ane schott withe his hand
(b) 1639 Falkirk Baron Ct. 2 July.
And confessit that he gave the persewer ane schoote and schote him to ane wall

10. A pain, illness or disease, caused, in popular belief (see SND Shuitv. 2) by a shot from an elf or fairy arrow, and used by witches. See also Elf n. 2 for further examples.c1500 Rowll Cursing 68 (M) (see 3 b above). 1597 Misc. Spald. C. I 131.
Thow [sc. accused witch] said, and promeist thir wordis, thow suld put ane schot in his syde … that suld do hym gryter harme nor that schot did thé … ; immediatly thairefter, he contractis sic ane deidlie seiknes be ane schot in his syde vnder his oxtar
1607 Crim. Trials II 536.
Dilaitit of the cryme of sorcerie … and for vseing of thir charmes … for charmeling of cattell: I charme thé for arrow-schot, for dor-schot, for wondo-schot, for ey-schot, for tung-schote, for lever-schote, for lung-schote, for hert-schot, all the maist, in the name of the Father, the Sone and Haly Gaist. Amen
1628 Stirling Ant. IV 187.
He … put one elff-arrow stone in the water becaus it was ane remedie against the fairies schott

11. In curling, the playing of a stone towards the tee.Cf. 19th c. Eng. a shot in a ball-game (1868).1694 J. Monteith Glencairn Parish (1876) 43.
That at the curling on the ize he did say ‘The devil tak him if he get that shot’

12. fig. (The, a) (great) schot, (a person's) (chief) aim; the main purpose (of an activity).1594 Warrender P. (SHS) II 43.
Bothwelis great schot wes and is to haif had the prince in his hand
1644 Baillie II 230.
The great shott of Cromwell and Vane is to have a libertie for all religions
a1658 Durham Comm. Rev. 197.
The great shot of all preaching … to wit, the edification and salvation of the people
Ib. 281.
The Lords great shot in all this is to get praise to Himself
Ib. 641.
Because the shot of all is to discover the beast under the last head

b. To have a schot (at a person), to have a means of doing harm (to someone).1615 Sutherland Bk. II 119.
They think to excommunicat me. … This is the onlie schott thai haue at me
1685 Hay Fleming Six Saints I 66.
The enemies have got a shot beneath their right wing

c. To have a schot (at something), to attempt to obtain it. Cf. S(c)hute v. 30.c1615 Chron. Kings 102.
The Hammiltounes heaffing ane schott at the croune socht the king and queinis lyff

d. proverb. To begin new schot new bod agene, to start again from the beginning.1535 Stewart 53466.
Dauid Cuming, … New schot new bod quhair that he left befoir, Begouth agane the Scottis till oppres
1602 Dundee Shipping P. 74.
He towk fowrtei dokatis in his porss and went to Awerro to begin new schot new bod agene

13. A place from which fishing-nets are shot. Also attrib.Cf. later Sc. shot, ‘in salmon fishing, a part of the river from which nets are shot, a reach; a fishing-ground at sea’ (SND, s.v. Shot n.1 6), etc.Also as a place-name element.(1) 1429 Lanark & R. 284.
That the burges and communite of … Renfrew ar in possessioune of the fisching of the schotts, quhilk is callit the sand orde
1473 Reg. Cupar A. I 170.
The sade Alexander sal … do his diligens with labur to wyn a schot in the water of Tay for salmond
1486 Ib. 232, etc. 1542 Fraser P. 177.
In the watter and fischeingis … with tua vther schottis liand beside the said cruif wall callit the cruif walschot & brigschot
1567 Banff Ann. II 383.
All and haill oure … fischings … the kingis watter … witht the schoettis in the see contigue jacent. to the Craigschoit … methit to the west as efter followes … the saidis schottis to be wsit ane pair of bwittis lyntht fra the hewin mowtht
1595 Ib. 403.
And the salmond fisching callit the myddill schott within the see and fluid thairof
1631 Dumbarton B. Rec. 36 (see quot. 1429 above).
Quhilk assize … fand Renfrew was in possessioun of the schotts of the fysching of the sand bed
(b) 1567 Banff Ann. II 384.
With the third part of the schoittis and fischingis within the see marchit and methit as saidis [sic]
1615 Inverness Rec. II 136.
Quhatsumever persoun that salbe fund … beggan or ravan fisch aither … at the watter syid or schoit with cobil net [etc.]
attrib. 1631 Banff Ann. I 67.
Be the want wherof [sc. the ferry boat] the toune war forceit … to borrowe fra Sir George Ogiluye … his midil shoit boit
(2) 1452 Reg. Paisley 249.
De tertia parte piscarie de Crukytshot
1550 Reg. Great S. 121/1.
Cum earum molendino piscaria et lie cowbill-drauchtis nuncupatis Crukitschottis (et Spittellschottis) super aqua de Clyde
1584 (1586) Ib. 354/1.
Beginnand at the schott of the fisching callit the Hoilschott, and thairfra passand downe … the watter of Tay
1602 Ardchattan Inventory in Orig. Par. II i 151.
[With the fishings of the] Priorschotts [at the mouth of the water of Aw]
1631 Retours I Inq. Spec. Argyll (40).
(b) 1697 Retours I Inq. Spec. Argyll (96).
Piscatione vocata vulgo the Stellnetts of the Priors Shoots

b. The action of shooting a net into the water and hauling it in again; the draught of fish taken in the net, the haul.1568 Inverness Rec. I 164.
That the maner and ordour of the fyft fysche paying salbe conforme to the ordour and wse of the diuisioun of the fischis tane wyth cobbill and net, that is to say at euerie mannis schot quha happynnis to be in that pairt of the watter salbe numerit sa monye fischis as thai get
1589 Glasgow B. Rec. I 133.
Ane wrangus complent aganis the said Johnne, allegeing him to haif tane schot of fische quhilk suld haif pertenit to the said Niniane
1597 Misc. Spald. C. I 107.
The said Helen maid ane pactioune with certane laxis fischearis … and promesit to caus thame fische weill … sche … delyverit unto him [sc. a fisherman] … four cuttis of salmond with ane pennie … and bad him put the samyn in the horne of his coble, and he suld have ane dosin of fische at the first schote quhilk came to pas

14. A payment or disbursement; a contribution; ? a penalty, more generally.1498 Halyb. 121.
Paid in the chans for 120 li., ilk li. 10 gis. Som of that schot, 5 li.
1499 Ib. 181. 1567 G. Ball. 150.
Call vpon me, and I sall heir, And saif thé from the schot
1681 Colvil Whig's Suppl. (1751) 56.
They tell her, they would money borrow, And come and pay their shot to morrow

15. One of the processes carried out in tanning; ? the action of putting leather into the tanning liquid.1576 Edinb. Test. IV 211.
Tua daker of barkit ledder thrie daker of the first schot & xiij daker in the lyme

16. The sheath of a plough, see Pleuch n. 6 [18th c. Eng. in this sense (1733)]. Cf. also 19th c. Eng. shot the course of a plough (once, 1843).1658 Melrose Reg. Rec. I 206.
[Nicol Merser declares] that the way was much broader at his enterie nor it is for the present and that the pleuche schoott is out and teillis out neirer and neirer the gate



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