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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2002 (DOST Vol. XI).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Traged(i)e, Trygidie, n. Also: tragedy, -eddie, -id(i)e, -œdie, trigidy, -idé. [ME and e.m.E. tragedye, tregedy (both Chaucer), tragedie, tragid(i)e (all Lydgate), tragedy (1509), tragoedie (1531), OF tragedie, tregedie, L. tragœdia.]

1. A literary work, story, play or poem with a disastrous or sorrowful outcome, or dealing with disastrous or sorrowful events. a1500 Henr. Test. Cress. 4.
Ane doolie sessoun to ane cairfull dyte Suld correspond … Richt sa it wes quhen I began to wryte This tragedie
c1500-c1512 Dunb. (OUP) 179/59.
That scorpioun fell [sc. Death] hes done infek Maister Johne Clerk and James Afflek Fra balat making and trigide [M. tragidie]
1530 Lynd. Test. Pap. 518.
I neuer red, in tragidie [Pitsc. I 278/15, trageddie] nor storie, At one iornaye so mony nobyllis slane
1546 Lynd. Trag. Card. title.
Heir follouis the Tragedie, of the Umquhyle maist Reuerand Father Dauid … Cardinall, and archibyschope of Sanctandrous
1546 Lynd. Trag. Card. 434.
To put in wryte My tragedie, as I haue done indyte
1551–2 Acts II 489/1.
To prent ony bukis ballattis sangis blasphematiounis rymes or tragedeis outher in Latine or Inglis toung
1562-3 Winȝet II 42/9.
Quhen the playar of a tragedie præsentis the persoun of a preist, or of a king [etc.]
1570 Sat. P. x heading.
Ane tragedie in forme of ane diallog
1579 Edinb. B. Rec. IV 115.
The hie scoles tragedies to be maid be the bairnis agane the kingis heir cuming
a1651 Calderwood I 142.
This James had a good gift of poesie and made diverse comedeis and tragedeis in the Scotish tongue

2. fig. A sequence of events or a process involving disastrous or sorrowful happenings or circumstances or coming to a disastrous or sorrowful conclusion.Chiefly with allusion to real events recounted in literary works or comparing real events to the action of a play.(a) 1490 Irland Mir. I 164/22.
In thar bukis thai teich a tragedy, that schawis in this waurldly plesaunce … in the begynnyng gret plesaunce … and in the ende al manere of sorow
1513 Doug. iv Prol. 264.
Sen I suld thy [sc. Dido's] tragedy [Sm. trigidy] endyte
1513 Doug. viii Prol. 83.
Quhat wikkytnes … now in warld walkis … Of tratlys and tragedyis [Sm. tragedeis] the text of all talk is
1546 Lynd. Trag. Card. 14.
Alexander … was poysonit … Julius … Murdreist … quhat nedith proces more? Quhose tragideis war pietie tyll deplore
1572 Buch. Detect. (1727) 71.
And as for his enemeis, scho had appointit thame to be bot lukeris on, and not part playeris in this tragedie
1570-3 Bann. Trans. 41.
Ane multitude of people assembled … to behold the infortunate tragedie of this my wretchit lyfe
1590-1 R. Bruce Serm. 70.
Gif men had … contented … them selfes with the names … Christ himselfe had given to this sacrament, I am assured nane of thir tragedies, nor great stormes and debaites … had fallen out
1598 James VI Basil. Doron 198/3.
[Nero's] haill lyfe uas all but ane tragœdie
1616 Crim. Trials III 401.
Quhair thay crowned thair tragidie with so boutcherlie mangling … the puir gentill-man
(b) a1499 Contempl. Sinn. 183 (Harl.).
Bot actioun is nane sa intoxicat, As in thare talking trygidies can tell

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"Tragede n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 26 Dec 2024 <>



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