History of Scots to 1700
Abbreviated Titles
ASH Atlas of Scottish History to 1707 (1996), Peter McNeill and Hector MacQueen (eds.), Edinburgh: The Scottish Medievalists and Department of Geography, University of Edinburgh.
CSD The Concise Scots Dictionary (1985), Mairi Robinson (ed.-in-chief), Aberdeen University Press, now published Edinburgh: Polygon.
DOST A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (the present work).
EDD The English Dialect Dictionary (1898-1905), Joseph Wright (ed.), 6 vols., Oxford University Press.
HCOS The Helsinki Corpus of Older Scots (1995), Anneli Meurman-Solin (ed.), Oxford Text Archive/Norwegian Computing Centre for the Humanities. As ASCII files/CDRom.
LALME A Linguistic Atlas of Late Mediaeval English (1986), Angus McIntosh, M. L. Samuels, Michael Benskin et al. (eds.), 4 vols. and guide, Aberdeen University Press.
LAS3 vol. III of The Linguistic Atlas of Scotland (1986), James Y. Mather and H. H. Speitel (eds.), London: Croom Helm.
MED Middle English Dictionary (1952-2001), Hans Kurath et al. (eds.), 12 vols. and Plan and Bibliography, Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan Press.
OED The Oxford English Dictionary (1st edn. 1884-1928), J. A. H. Murray et al. (eds.), 12 vols., (2nd edn. 1989), John Simpson and Edmund Weiner (eds.), 20 vols., Oxford University Press.
SND The Scottish National Dictionary (1931-75), William Grant et al. (eds.), 10 vols. Now published Edinburgh: Polygon.
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