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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1937 (DOST Vol. I).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Collatioun, Collacioun, n. Also: collatyown(e, -lation(e; collaciown, -ioune, -ion(e. [ME. collation, -latiun (c 1200), collacioun, OF. collation, -cion, L. collātio.]

1. Conference, talk, discourse.c1420 Wynt. v. 5264.
The Dewyll sayd, ‘This questyowne I ask in oure collatyowne’
Ib. ix. 1411; etc.
The byschape that tyme off Glasgw … Made the collatyown rycht plesand And to the matere accordand
1456 Hay II. 63/12.
That he be nocht … our blate [sa] that he have na langage, na collacioun in tyme quhen it efferis
Ib. 97/18; etc.
Than sall thou here thame … speke and mak collacioun of thingis
c1460 Wisd. Sol. 787.
He sais, thar suld na man ban his kyng, na murmwre hyme in thar collacione
c1515 Asl. MS. I. 200/3.
For sa mekle as all Ynglis men ar so presumptuos in thar argumentis and collationis of thair cornikillis
15.. Clar. iv. 605.
So raid thay furth with mirrie collatioun

2. A repast or meal, a refection; in later use, refreshment before going to bed.(a) 1454 Liber Coll. Glasg. 178.
The Priour … sall giff ilke frer … sex penyis and a galown of the best sale ale of the town the samyn day to the coventis collaciown
1485 Ib. 198.
Witht brede and chese to the collacioune abwnne wryttyne
a1500 Prestis of Peblis 3.
Thre prestis went vnto collacioun In till a preve place of the towne
1503 Dunferm. B. Rec. 132.
In the lokkyn of the dur apon him be hir, he payande his collacione to hir of befor
1533 Bell. Livy I. 122/26.
Sindri of the nobillis and princis of Rome … vsit tharethrow to haue frequent bankettis & collacioun with vtheris
(b) a1500 Henr. Test. Cress. 418.
Quhair is thy … spycis and wyne to thy collatioun
c1500-c1512 Dunb. xliii. 14.
Thay do no mis, bot gif thay kis, And keipis collatioun
Ib. lvi. 12.
It is na glaid collatioun, Quhair ane makis myrrie, ane vther lukis doun
1520 Perth Hammermen 13.
For my hors cost to Sanct Androis, and my awin expensis and Constantines, and till our procuratours collationis, xvij s.
c1540 Lynd. Syde Taillis 145.
I thame excuse to hyde thare facis, Quhen thay wald mak collatioun With ony lustie companȝeoun
c1550 Id. Meldrum 570.
The capitane … led him to the pailȝeoun, And gart him mak collatioun
15.. Clar. ii. 1828.
With the advyse and leive of hir maistres … To make to hir ane mirrie collation
1569-73 Bann. Memor. 63.
He determined to prove gif a collatione could worke that, which nather denner nor supper could doe
a1578 Pitsc. I. 187/1.
Quhen supper was done the captane went to the kingis challmer … , and thairefter came againe to the Duik of Albanieis chamber to the collatioun, and efter that they had drukin [etc.]
1583 Lennox Mun. 453.
To be placit … at the end of his awin table, … and to haue disioun and collatioun in his hienes hous

3. The formal admission to a benefice, by the proper ecclesiastical authority, of one presented to it by the patron.c1420 Wynt. vii. 721.
Than ordanyd wes als, that the Kyng Na na lawyd patrowne, be staff, na ryng, Suld mak fra thine collatyowne
1520 Peebles B. Rec. 50.
The said altar and seruis … haffand collacioun ordinar of my lord of Glasgw
1545 Reg. Privy S. III. 215/1.
Ane presentatioun maid to Maister Archibald Betoun, presentand him to the chantry of Abirdene, … and to the collatioun ordinar of my lord cardinale and legate
1565 Bk. Univ. Kirk I. 70.
As the presentation of benefices pertaine to the patrone, sa aucht the collatioun therof be law and reason pertaine to the kirk; of the whilk collatioun the kirk sould not be defraudit
1592 Acts III. 542/2.
The act … granting commissioun to bishoppis … to ressaue his hienes presentatioun to benefices, to giue collation thairvpoun [etc.]
1622-6 Bisset II. 101/11.
The lordis fande the gift of the patrone sufficient without any collatioun of the ordiner
1663 Stirling B. Rec. I. 242.
The Bishop of Edenburgh … hes given them an edict to be served at the kirk the next Sabaoth, & upon the returne thairof hes promised collatione
1688 Logie Par. Hist. I. 134.
Mr. Will Elphinston … (the collation having been seen and read by the Brethren) did institute the sd. Mr. David to the exercise of the ministry at Kilmadock

4. The action of bringing together.1490 Irland Mir. I. 34/9.
We desyre that the collacioune of all gud and ablacioune of euill be ferme and permanent to ws

5. Collation (of texts).1551 Hamilton Cat. 46.
Be trew collatioun, applicatioun, & conferring ane place of the scripture til ane uthir



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