A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1963 (DOST Vol. III).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Lawfully, adv. Also: lawfullie, -é, laufully(e, -ful(l)ie, -fullé; la(f)fuf(l)i(e, -fullye, -fullé. [ME. lawfully, laufulli (a 1300), lafully. Cf. Lauchfully.]
In accordance with law, rightfully, lawfully; as appointed by the law, according to correct legal procedure, legally.(1) 1456 Hay I. 69/30.
All othir lordschippis that thai wan, and nocht laufully Ib. 138/10.
And ȝit he may lawfully ask his payment Ib. 187/26.
Declare quhethir it may mak were agayn the Jowis or nocht lefully and laufully Ib. 201/17.
And he mycht nocht othir wayis eschape the dede … in that cas he may lefully and laufully defend him 1476 Fam. Seton 387.
That I may hafe the said Elizabeth to my wife lawfully 1596 Dalr. I. 88/10.
Quhen the Peychtis doubted quha suld succeid to the kingdome laufullie a1633 Hope Major Pract. I. 128.
His debitor may laufulie pay and tak ane discharge a1500 Sir Eger 2396.]
[Lawfully I may that (reproach) quite(b) 1549 Banff Ann. I. 24.
Certane … schepe, novlt, hors … that the said tovne ma lafulle beir and sustayne 1649 Ruthven Corr. 107.
Eafftir hir deceas … to my soun Pattrick Ruthwin, laffulye begottin with hir(2) 1385 3rd Rep. Hist. MSS. App. 410.
I haf mad this somondys in this maner as I hafe recordyt laufully 1456 Hay I. 214/28, 29.
Than may we say laufully that the King of Fraunce is laufully privilegit … be Emperouris hafand power a1500 Henr. Test. Cress. 312.
Saturne … lawfullie on this wyse can he say [etc.] 1529 Selkirk B. Ct. fol. 138 a.
That day Johne Trumbull in Mynto in plane covrt callit David Davidsone … laufully be opyne proclamation at the tolbucht dur thryse to comper, as thai var laufully varnyt xl dais effor 1530–31 Ib. 150 a.
Thome of Chesholm … to be personaly present … to produce his preiff laufullie 1551 Hamilton Cat. 41.
The determinatiouns of general counsellis lawfully gadderit 1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 221.
Gif the … surrogating of Matho, Erle of Lennox, in hir place wes laufullie or ordourlie done or nocht 1593 Conv. Burghs I. 410.
It wes sufficiently … verefeit … that the said Robertis guidis wes laufully coquett 1596 Highland P. I. 152.
The samin [crime] being lawfullie tryit 1609 Skene Reg. Maj. i. 100.
The court aucht ains to be defended lawfullie be the serjand in this maner 1622 Douglas Bequest 16 July.
To haue herd and sene the samen ciuilie and laufully improvin 1631 Justiciary Cases I. 16.
Jonet Wylie, his first laufull spous being as ȝit leveand and nocht laufulie divorcet frome him or he frome hir 1702 Rothesay Par. Rec. 149.
They were … laufullie proclaimed 3 several Lords days(b) 1610 Rec. Earld. Orkney 184.
I … past and laffullie chargit and summondit all the parteis abone wreittin and to the day foirsaid 1676 Kirkcudbr. Sheriff Ct. Processes No. 219 (14 Aug.).
I Wiliam Meikle stewart officer past at comand and lafuli sumand and personli aprehended Master James Kirk