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First published 1986 (DOST Vol. VI).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Prescriptioun, -cioun, n.1 Also: praescrip-, perscrip- and -tioune, -tiowne, -tyown, -tion(e, -cion(e. [ME and e.m.E. prescripcion (c 1380), -tion (1483), -cyon, -tyone (16th c.), F. prescription, L. præscription- a writing before, a pretext, a rule, also (in law) an exception or objection, a limitation as to subject-matter or time.]
1. Limitation or restriction of time after the expiry of which an obligation or a right of redemption lapses or an action ceases to lie. b. The time after the expiry of which the right to challenge possession of something lapses: passit prescriptioun, prescriptive, based on lapse of time.
c. Uninterrupted possession for a specified or an indefinitely long period of time; the title acquired by such possession. 1449 Acts II 37/1.
He salbe herde … bot gif he byde sa lang, that prescripcion lauchful be runnyn 1456 Hay I 80/14 (see Prescrivit p.p. and ppl. adj. 1 a).
And passit prescripcioun Ib. 156/20.
For thai that be fors of power has lang tyme occupyit jurisdictioun imperiale, and be prescripcioun of tyme is past date 1474 Acts II 107/1.
The act maide of befor of prescripcione of obligacionis 1534–5 Acta Conc. Publ. Aff. 436.
Becaus prescriptioun at the leist within xl yeris hes na place in this cais 1563 Acts II 537/2.
Minouris … may pretend priuilege of na prescriptioun be the lawis of this realme c1575 Balfour Pract. 147.
Because thair rins na prescriptioun aganis the king 1587 Acts III 475/2.
[Neither] the richt of blood nor ȝit ony heretable title fallis vnder prescriptione Ib. 476/1. c1590 Fowler II 43/10.
His [the Pope's] antiquitie of possessioun, sould not turne the verytie in abuse, seing ane hours prescriptioun, may suffice to anull his papedome 1617 Acts IV 544/2.
It is declared that in the course of the saidis fourtie ȝearis prescriptioun the yeiris of minoritie … sall nowayis be compted 1630 Acts Sederunt ii 40.
Libertie grantit to all personis quho might be prejudgit by the saidis prescriptiouns a1633 Hope Major Pract. II 102.
That a summonds of removeing raisit within thrie yeirs interrupted the prescriptione Ib. 223.
Ther is no prescription can pase against the king Ib. I 213. 1668-9 Fraser Lawfulness Separ. 23. 1681 Stair Inst. ii xii §3 (1693).
Prescription which is short in moveables is commonly called usucapion Ib. §26.
The main exception or reply against prescription, is interruption, not only by the discontinuing the possession of the whole, but also [etc.]
d. The expiry of the time after which a claim or right ceases to be tenable; the lapsing of a right formerly enjoyed in consequence of prolonged disuse. c1420 Wynt. v 649.
He [Nero] leissit the trewage off Brettane … And othir allswa kynrykys sere That he fand till Rome tributere Ran in till prescriptyown Off thare contributyown 1587 Antiq. Aberd. & B. IV 242.
Considering that be the lawes … of the realme the richt of blood nor yit ony heretable title fallis vnder prescriptione nor is tane away 1605 in Melvill 590.
The possessioun of our Generall Assemblie was lossit by the prescriptioun and circumduceing of the terme, as the laweris callis it 1606 Birnie Kirk-b. xix.
Neyther prescription of tyme, vsucapion of person, nor boutgate of circumstance can giue a regresse a1633 Hope Major Pract. II 223.
It is a good repley against prescription that the partie obtained the knowledge of his right efter the outruning of the prescriptione ?c1675 J. Gordon Hist. I 105.
That ruling elders wer still in use, untill that bishopps came into the churche; that prescriptione of a few years could not praejudice ther right to … vote in presbytryes [etc.]
2. Limitation or restriction. 1571 Bann. Memor. 155.
What reasone … is it, that onlie xij in my cumpany salbe present … without prescriptione of number for thy pairt?
3. An explicit or precise direction or injunction. 1600 Aberd. Council Lett. I 89.
To resave forder derectiounes and perscriptiounes 1619 Perth Kirk S. MS 25 March.
Conforme to the prescriptioun of the act of the generall assemblie 1625 Annandale Corr. 279.
Intretting to be exkussid for that he hes thus passid the lemeitis of yowr honnouris prescriptiowne
4. The act of prescribing or writing a direction for a medicine; a regimen; a direction or medicine prescribed. 1568 Skeyne Descr. Pest 17.
Quhairin I am constrynit of necessitie to vse the prescriptioun of sum medicinis in Latine Ib.
Be guid succes of dew prescriptioun of nature 1633 Anal. Scot. II 129.
And punish all persones who shall presume to practise … or ordaine physicall praescriptiones … being not members of the said college
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"Prescriptioun n.1". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 4 Jan 2025 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/prescriptioun_n>