A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2000 (DOST Vol. VIII).
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S(c)hipwrak, n. Also: -wrack(e, -wraik, -wreake, -wreck, -urak, -vrak; shippeurakke. [ME and e.m.E. shipwrech (1248), schipwrak (c1450), shipwreke (a1548), shipwrecke (1565), late OE shipwrec (?a1100); S(c)hip n. and Wrak n.]
1. Destruction or severe damage suffered by a ship in consequence of storm, striking upon rocks, etc., with loss or dispersal of all or part of the persons and gear, etc., it was carrying.Also applied to the misadventure of individual persons suffering shipwreck.Action of schipwrak, an action brought in pursuance of a claim to the goods, etc., salvaged from a shipwreck. If it were shown that any living thing had survived the wreck, it was not allowed to be legitimate shipwrak. If shipwrak were proven, then the salvaged goods, etc., were divided between the king, the admiral and the heritor. See also S(c)hip-brokin p.p. (2) quot. Skene and ship-graith (S(c)hip n. 6 (4) quot. Balfour).Also attrib.(1) c1575 Balfour Pract. 643.
Gif it chance ony ship [of Scotland or England] … sufferand shipwrak to be brokin, and sum of the persounis being in the said ship remaneing on life … the merchandice [etc.] … sall be deliverit to the governour of that … place [etc.] 1583 Glasgow Burgesses 12.
[Burgess] fines given to David Flymyng, becaus he has sustenit schipwrak 1596 Dalr. II 90/19.
The Inglismen turneng this schipwrak to thair proper vse, forȝhet al nychtbourheid [etc.] 1678 Boharm Kirk S. 17 Nov.
A stranger … who had suffered shipwrak and burning at Glascow c1650-1700 Descr. Zetland 2.
The ship-wrack of the Duke of Medina Admiral of the Spanish Armado 1701 Brand Orkney & Shetl. 127.
After his shipwrack [he] came over to Dunross-ness in Zetland(2) 1572 Wemyss Chart. 209.
Johne Wemyss … diet goeing to France by shipwrack 1596 Dalr. I 132/36.
He perissed throuch schipwrack 1606 Alford Rec. 81.
John Deins, merchand, ane depauperat man by shipwrack 1638 Henderson Serm. 419.
It sall be like a plank to ane when they are casten to shipwrack c1650 Spalding I 63.
Gryt skaith thay sustenit be schipwrack(3) 1579 Reg. Privy C. III 243.
Being ane actioun of schipwrak [it] appertenis properlie to the judgement … of the admirall and his deputis 1681 Stair Inst. ii i§5.
But shipwreck is not to be made use of by the king in Scotland in prejudice of the owners of such countries as use not that law themselves, but they shall have the same favour here, as they keep to ships of this country broken and shipwreckt with them
b. The wreckage of a ship or its contents salvaged after shipwreck. 1597 Edinb. Test. XXX 253b.
The twa parte of ane auld schipwrak and ane auld boit wrak 1622-6 Bisset II 213/23 h. of ch.
Schipwraik and seawraik to quhome it sall apperteneattrib. 1681 Stair Inst. iii iii§27.
Shipwreck and waith-goods … whose owner appeareth not, are confiscated as caduciary
2. fig. Utter ruin; destruction. 1584 Cal. Sc. P. VII 404.
The dangerous and pitieful shipwrack of ane ancient house c1590 Fowler I 184/6.
Whils sadlye I deplore The schipwrak of my witts proceurd by yow 1602 Lett. Jas. VI to Eliz. 144.
And the ineuitable gulfe of my shippeurakke 1602 Colville Paraenese 9.
In such rakles confusion can be … no sautie bot schipurak 1606 Birnie Kirk-b. xvii.
The shipwreake of soules 1674 Laing MSS 396.
Iff I be not supported by his majesteis speciall favor … I will inevitablie suffer shipwrack
b. A calamity, disaster. 1638 Henderson Serm. 226.
There is a shipwrack abiding this bodies of ours
c. To mak (be made) shipwrak, to be ruined; to come to destruction. 1591 Warrender P. (SHS) II 157.
Without your concurrence to the tryel of his cause he is lyk to mak shipvrak ?1660–90 J. Walwood in P. Gillespie Rulers Sins (1718) 15.
But here is comfort, ye shall not be made shipwrak
d. To mak shipwrak of, to suffer the loss of. 1600-1610 Melvill 155.
Casting af all guid conscience, and making shipwrak of his fathe 1629 Boyd Last B. 145.
Except the Lord in time had pumped it with repentance, my soule … had made shipwracke of faith 1638 Henderson Serm. 511.
Now when I am come to the mouth of the harberie, sall I make shipwrack of my ship? 1648 Declar. Commissioners Generall Assembly 1.
All who would not make shipwrack of faith and good conscience will … avoid as well hid as manifest rocks
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"Shipwrak n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 6 Jan 2025 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/schipwrak>