A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. X).
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Strak(e, Straik(e, n.3 Also: straick, (strait), streik. [ME and e.m.E. strek (Prompt. Parv.), stryche (14th c.), streeke, stricke (both 1585), OF estrique; Strak(e v.] A cylindrical rod used to level the grain, etc. in a measure.For a description of a strake and the process of straking, see A. Fenton ‘Skene of Hallyard’s Manuscript of Husbandrie', in The Agricultural History Review, Vol. XI, 1963, Pt. 2, 77-8. For illustrations of this instrument see H. Stephens The Book of the Farm (1844) II 280. c1420 Wynt. ii 445 (W).
Dame Creces [sc. Ceres] First gert corne with mesour met As boll or furlot, busche or pek, Quhare forouth that bot nocht a strake [C. in to stak, R. in to stake] Or heipit vp thai wald it tak 1462 Peebles B. Rec. I 147.
That na strakis gang in the merkat bot rownde rows and nocht squhar 1552 Dundee B. Ct. II 188b (4 Oct.).
James Blyth to keip the merkatis of meil quhyt & beir & quhare ony fals mesowris or straikis fundine be the said James he to hawe the tane half of the wnlaw 1593 Cart. S. Nich. Aberd. II 395.
Causit Andro Myll vrytht mak ane new mvld with messoris and strakis therto 1596 Paisley B. Rec. 173.
Act anent wrang messors be Mathie and Cochrane … James Mathie and Alexander Cochrane … to pay … ane furlat meill … To the puir [because thay] … usit wrang pects and straiks and had sauld meill therwith ane lang tyme bygane 1597 Kirkcudbr. B. Rec. I 340.
The merchand or awnar [sc. of the ship] sall pey … to the custumar ane full walter mesour [of salt] … and the custumar sall furneis the mesour and straik 1610 Old Dundee I 138.
[Certain mealmakers were accused] of using of ane false straik for straiking the measures of meal 1625–6 (1607) Edinb. B. Rec. VI 332.
Item that the straikis be just 1686 Brechin Test. VII 162b.
Ane meall firlot ane peck and ane straik
b. Be strake, by levelled as opposed to heaped measure. 1587 Acts III 521/2.
That all wictuall … salbe mesorit be straik and be ressoun that malt beir and aittis hes bene wsit to be measorit be heip hes fund … that the heip … is the iust thrid of the firlot or peck. Thairfoir … to caus mak a particular measour for metting malt beir and aittis be straik 1613 Inverness Rec. II 105.
For the twa bolls quheit grindinge ane peck multir be straick and ane lippie be straick for the knavschip thairof 1630 Linlithgow B. Rec. 4 June.
The … wrang done be Thomas Johnstone … in wseing of wrong measuris, be reselling and bying of malt with ane heapit peck quhilk sould bein sauld be straik and mett
c. The quantity of heaped-up grain struck off the top of a measured container by a strake. 1504 Aberd. B. Rec. I 431.
That nay woman sal by meile in the mercat, bot gif scho mak price of it or scho gif hir errllys, and that thai sal tak nay strakis nor cheritoys
d. attrib. As strakmett, the system by which grain, etc. was measured by levelling with a strake (cf. Hepe n. 2 b) and ane straik mesour (melt, firlot), a measure enlarged to take account of the use of the strake in measuring. Also streik full, full to the brim.(1) 1472–3 Reg. Great S. 227/2.
In excambium pro cana 5 celdrarum frumenti et ordei singule mensure, viz. in vulgari Strakmett 1618 Acts IV 586/2.
For metting of wheat rye beines peas meal whyt salt … as before … hath beine … measured by straik mett 1689 Corshill Baron Ct. 182.
Robert Dickie … in answer to Johne Cassies clame of four bollis (abstracted malt from the milne), declaires that he took the heap meassure for strait [? straik] meassur(2) 1549 Aberd. B. Rec. I 264.
That … na maner of malt nor beir that cumis to the guid tovnn to sell be mett in tymes cumyng bot with ane straik mesour 1561 Aberd. B. Rec. I 335.
The samyn [sc. malt and meal] to be mesourit with ane straik mett corresponden to the hep mesour 1567 Acts III 39/2.
It is desyrit ane straik mett be maid vniuersalie through all the realme and na vther met tobe had … for all kynd of vittale 1582 Glasgow B. Rec. I 95.
That all the heipe mettis and furlottis of this toun be brokin and in na tyme cuming to haue place nor wse in this toun bot onlie the straike furlate 1618 Acts IV 587/1.
Which new firlot in all other respects shall be agreable in forme with the old straike firlot 1633 Cullen B. Ct. 22 Feb.
For metting and selling of malt with ane straik firlet(3) 1560 Rolland Seven S. 5163.
I belue thair is of gold sa cleir, Ane twn streik full in this place lyand heir
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"Strak n.3". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 6 Jan 2025 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/strake_n_3>