A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. X).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Strenȝe, v.2 Also: strenye, -ȝie, streneȝe, streng, streinȝe, -ye. P.p. also strenȝhyt, -ȝeit, strain-, streinȝeit. [Late ME and e.m.E. streyne (c1450), strayne p.p. (a1500), strain (1576), aphetic form of distrain Distrenȝe v.]
1. tr. To seize (goods, etc.) by way of enforcing payment, etc. = Distrenȝe v. 3. 1434–5 Ayr B. Ct. 120a (31 Jan.).
Ȝheyr for sayd men drawand ayr landdis for the for sayd mayl to be strenȝhyt 1456 Reg. Panmure II 240.
Gudis … to be tane, strenȝeit, pundit, and away led 1476 Acta Aud. 43/1.
Johne Walter and Johne to pay the said soume … and lettres to be writtin to strenȝe thare landis and gudis therfor 1477–8 Reg. Episc. Glasg. II 458.
Ane tenement … lyand within the Ratonraw … was destitut of all bigging and reparation in al partis at it mycht not be strenȝeit … for the payment of the annuell 1518 Wigtown B. Ct. 252b (see Scar(e n.1 2 (a)).
Streng 1519 Selkirk B. Ct. (ed.) 52.
Thar gudis to be pondit, strenyeit and maid play thairoff 1528 Lennox Mun. 231.
Geif sa beis that … be nocht lauchfulle pait, … it sal be lefull … till strenȝe, pund, and wptak aucht bollis of malt [etc.] 1529 Treas. Acc. V 380.
Streneȝe 1582 Burntisland B. Ct. 6 Nov.
The reddiest guddis … perteninge to the saidis William and Jonet to be poindit and strainȝeit for the saidis sowmes 15… Newbattle Coll. (Somerville).
Geiff the xij bollis be nocht payit … than the said William Bailȝe sall streinȝe the gudis off … his dettour 1608 Melrose Reg. Rec. I 75.
2. intr. To levy a distress on a person. Chiefly const. for (rents, etc.). = Distrenȝe v. 4.(1) 1462 Ayr B. Ct. 8 Dec.
As twichand the xx s. that Sir Wilȝame Pettit clamis of the barony of Alway … thai dischargis that it be na mar giffin in tyme to cum and at the bailȝeis strenȝe thar for 1491 Ayr Friars Pr. Chart. 62.
The said priour convent and thair successouris doand thair besy cure to strenye thairfor [sc. an annual rent] 1511 Exch. R. XIII 445.
Unlawis, amerciamentis, and eschutis … [to] raise and uplift and for the samyn to strenye gif neid beis 1555 Peebles B. Rec. I 228.
Ordanis the officiaris to pas with the aunnaris of the annuellaris on the party expensis to poynd and strenye thairfore(2) 1513 Treas. Acc. IV 417.
To Johne Davidson, messinger, to pas with our soverane lordis lettres to strenȝe in Fiffe and the schirefdom of Perth 1513–14 Acta Conc. Publ. Aff. 10.
We beseik your lordschipis that we may have your lettres direct to schereffis in that part to strenȝe quhar the party confessis and grants the debt
3. tr. To apply distraint to (a person). Chiefly const. for (monies, rents, etc.). = Distrenȝe v. 5.(1) 1565 Peebles B. Rec. I 300.
[They] commandit thair officeris to pas throuch the tovne and pound and streinye all and sindre quha was auhting annuallis to Sir James Dauidsoun(2) 14.. Reg. Maj. c. 110.
Na borgh is haldyn na may be strenȝeit of law for the dett of the quhilk he is borgh 1445 Athole Chart. I No. 25.
That … I sal noght ask na rayse strenȝe na gar distrenȝe be the law na by the law the said schir Davy … for ane hundreth mark 1488–9 Treas. Acc. I 102.
Item, to Sperdour to pas to strenȝe Alexander Cambell for siluer he wes awande, iij s. vj d. 1527 Carnwath Baron Ct. (SHS) 87.
The saidis tennandis had gevin … thair malis … of thair awin fre vill thai beand nothir compellit nor streinȝeit thairfor … thai nothir beand compellit na distrenȝeit thairfor 1607 Melrose Reg. Rec. I 36.
The judgeis … ordanis the officer to poynd and strenȝe the defendar for thrette thre schilingis four pennyis to be delyverit to the compliner
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"Strenȝe v.2". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 14 Jan 2025 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/stren3e_v_2>