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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 2001 (DOST Vol. X).
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Suspensio(u)n, -tioun(e, n. Also: suspensioune, -ione, suspentione, suspensitioune. [e.m.E. suspencion (1528), -cioun (c1531), -tion (1581), -sion (1602), OF suspenciun, F. suspension (c1160 and 16th c. in Larousse), late L. suspensiōn-, f. as Suspend v.]

1. The suspending of (a cleric or minister) from his duties, etc. Also const. of (the person). Also an instance of this.(1) a1500 Henr. Fab. 1156.
Vnder the panis off hie suspensioun, Off grit cursing, and interdictioun, Schir Scheip I charge thé straitly to compeir
1638 Baillie I 108.
The Presbytrie of Edinburgh did pronounce the sentence of suspension against Mr. David Mitchell
a1650 Row 91.
A sentence of suspension aganis Mr. Robert Montgomrie by the Presbyterie of Stirlin was found ordourlie proceeded
1676 Dunkeld Presb. II 30.
That whatsoever brother … shall be absent three diets … that the visitors … do report them … and … that the brother be proceeded against to the censure of suspension
(2) 1616 Bk. Univ. Kirk I 1124 in Concilia Sc. I cliii.
That every minister have a perfyte and formall register … in readines to be presentit be every ane at thair nixt synod assemblie, vnder the paine of suspensioun of the minister
(3) 1640 Argyll Synod I 22.
And for equivalency of his suspension a beneficio it is modified to him to the quantitie of fourtie marks

2. In law: Suspension of execution of a decreet, letters of horning, etc., or an instance of this. Also const. of (a decreet, etc.). Also in fig. context.For more information see esp. the quots. below from Stair Inst.For many further examples see 1681 Stair Inst. iv, a1633 Hope Major Pract. 149-153 and 14.. Acts XII, s.v. Suspension.(1) 1595 Aberd. Council Lett. I 61.
Ye sall retene the sowme in your handes ay and quhill ye obtene suspensioun and gett decisioun thairof befoir the chekker
1615 Highland P. III 188.
If yei hawe done any misorder that yei wald hawe remissioun or suspentioun or relaxatioun bring with ȝow the informatioun and yei salbe grantit
1623 Durie Decis. 53.
An action of suspension betwixt Mr. John Paip and the L. of Wolmet for payment of a pension of divers loads of coals
1622-6 Bisset I 264/2.
Gif ane decreit of removing … is given aganist any man … and he … raisis summonis of suspensioun to heir and see the executioun thereof suspended and stayed [etc.]
1622-6 Bisset I 269/10.
Dischargand the clerk of the billis of all passing of any billis of suspensioun
a1633 Hope Major Pract. II 150.
The lords will grant suspensione to men of qualitie
a1633 Hope Major Pract. 152.
The lords may suspend the letters simpliciter for just causes be way of a simple bill, without sumondis of suspensione
1638 Rec. Kirk Scotl. 58.
1649 Glasgow B. Rec. II 169.
That the thesaurer advance ane thowsand pundis … ,to be sent eist for consigneing to get suspensioune [sc. of a letter of horning] and to plie the caus
1676 Edinb. B. Rec. X 283.
William Abernethie … therefter raissed suspension upon multipoynding alledgeing that he wes persewed before the baillie and the shirref for on and the same ryott
1678–9 Arbroath Old Doc. 13/1.
For giving-in the bill of suspensione against Newgait
1681 Stair Inst. iv lii § 2.
Suspension, as the name insinuates, signifieth a stopping of execution; and that either for a time, till such and such things occur and be done, as shall be decerned by decreet of suspension, or by stopping the execution for ever
1681 Stair Inst. iv lii § 9.
Suspension cannot pass but upon a bill, which must be presented by the clerk of the bills of suspension and advocation, and not by the ordinary clerks of Session
1681 Stair Inst. iv lii § 16.
There are two kinds of decreets, which pass under the name of decreets of suspension. The one is condemnatory, when the letters are found orderly proceeded, either simply, or in part; or conditionally, when the letters are suspended ay and till such things be performed by the charger … The other decreet of suspension is, when the letters are suspended simpliciter, either for the whole articles charged for, or for a part thereof
(2) 1584 Acts III 309/1.
The same suspensionis and actionis for lettres conforme for breaking of arreistmentis … of officiaris … salbe discussit befoir our chekker in our chekker hous
1590–1 Reg. Privy C. IV 584.
The said Mr. Johnne can gett na payment of the same, pairtlie be suspensionis purchest of his chargeis, quhairupoun divers decreitis ar gevin aganis him [etc.]
1596 Glasgow B. Rec. I 181.
For rasing of the suspensioune concernyng the harbry at Cumray persewit be the towne of Irvine
1607–8 Misc. Spald. C. V 135.
Gevin for rasing of ane suspensioun, at the instance of the prouest and bailleis to suspend the chargis of captioun execute aganis thame
1613 Highland P. III 129.
For heiring and discussing of the suspentioun to be grantit vpoun the fynes of the recettaris of the Clangregour
1620 Aberd. Council Lett. I 180.
Thair wes a second suspensioun rasit in that mater at the instance of Katherine Thornetoun aganes the said John Mersser suspending the executioun of his present decreit
1622-6 Bisset I 127/28.
Uther actionis cummis in be summonis conforme to ane bill and suplicatioun at the persewaris instance … sic as … all suspensionis and advocationis [etc.]
1629 Aberd. Council Lett. I 304.
Thay have raised a suspensioun … whairin we ar advysed … not to insist till the burrowes in commoun tak resolutioun to prosequute the controversie
1638 Dumfr. & Galloway Soc. XVII 335.
To Jon Ellat for goeng to Edinburgh to bring in ane suspension
1642 Aberd. B. Rec. III 278.
Commissionar chosen … for attending at Edinburgh the discuss of the tounes twa suspensions
c1650 Red Bk. Grandtully II 144.
They will pey ȝow with suspensions, or sum fals allegenses, iff ȝow haue ocht to demand from them
1664 Decis. Lords G. 78.
In a suspension betwixt Mr. John Hay Minister of Mannour & the parochiners. It was found that [etc.]
1672 Kirkcudbr. Sheriff Ct. Processes No. 126 (24 Feb.).
The band … stands suspendit before the Lords of oure counsell and sessioune and suspensione called in the advocats hands and so till the suspentione be discust no inferiour judge can proceid therein
1681 Stair Inst. iv lii § 4.
Suspensions do also differ from reductions in this, that suspensions are not effectual unless the grounds thereof be instantly verified
1681 Stair Inst. iv lii § 8.
A suspension is an action, at the instance of the suspender, against any party that hath obtained decreet, or hath obtained letters for charging the suspender to pay or perform any thing for which he is charged, and whereupon he may be denounced rebel … or … his person may be … incarcerated, or his goods and sums may be poinded, or his lands … apprised … for personal debts
1683 Martine Reliq. Divi Andreae 76.
A suspension of multiple poinding raisit by the indwellers of Torrieburne against both pairties
(3) c1575 Balfour Pract. 267.
The lordis of sessioun ar not jugeis competent in the cause of suspensioun of ony letteris of horning … gevin be the lordis of secreit counsal
1581 Reg. Privy C. III 435.
The suspensioun or supercedere grantit of executioun of lettirs raisit [etc.]
1584 Balfour Pract. 389.
Suspensioun of decreitis sould not be grantit, without offer be maid to the partie
1588 Aberd. Council Lett. I 27.
That we … grant the saids complenaris suspensioun of our saids utheris letteris
1592 Mining Rec. 91.
It is best … to put him to the horn for the said yearlie deutie quhilk certenlie he wil neuer pay: Lyk as be na gud ordor he vil euer get suspension theupon being liquidat soumes vithout offer to the pairtie or consignation
1595 Aberd. Council Lett. I 63.
Informatioun for the … baillies … to rais suspentioun of the charges giffen to them be Androw Moresone
1607 Acts IV 378/1.
To grant the saidis suspensiounes of the charges direct for the saidis taxationis and to decyde the saidis suspensionis according to equitie and justice dischargeing the saidis lordis of counsaill … of melling thairwith
(4) fig. 1637 Rutherford Lett. (1894) 355.
I can yet lippen that meikle good in Christ as to get a suspension and to bring my cause in reasoning again before my Well-beloved
1637 Rutherford Lett. (1894) 456.
I am sure that you have law to raise a suspension against all that devils, men [etc.] … can decree against you

b. The legal writ containing an order for such a postponement. Also in the phrase letteris of suspensioun.(1) 1584 Sempill in Sat. P. xlv 234.
The superintendent … raist a letter And gat the harlat to the horne. Bot Howliglass … New falsat forged out for to defend him: Ane fair suspentione he hes send him
1585 Reg. Privy C. III 748.
That all suspensionis aganis letters rasit or to be rasit … salbe deliverit be his Hienes chancellar
1601–2 Montrose Treas. Acc. 3b.
Delyuerit to Andro Batye bailȝie for suspensione iij libs v s.
1621 Acts IV 619/1.
Pryces sett doun to the writteris to the signett to be takin … of all lettres … quhilkis passes thair handis … Aduocatiounes and suspensiounes xiij s. iiij d.
1622 Douglas Corr. 249.
I … hes writtin … to Maister Williame Oliphant to mak ansuer for my said burgh of Kilemure, in the ressoning of the suspensioun, quhilk I dout nocht bot ȝe haif causit deliver to him
a1633 Hope Major Pract. 151.
That in all suspensions shall be contained the names of the lords wha past the bills
1655 Dumfries Council Min. MS 23 Sept.
Item thair wes presentit ane coppie of ane suspentioune against the burrowes
1663 Acts Sederunt ii 89.
The supplication of Sir William Bruce, Clerk to the Bills, mentioning that there is suspensions daily presented to their Lordships purposely … to endeavour … to bring their creditors to disadvantagious agreements … and heaping upon the petitioner … extraordinary pains … by reading, writting upon and keeping of the saids bills
1663 Acts Sederunt ii 89.
The Lords … ordains all the writers to take out all suspensions presented, past and delivered be the saids Lords and pay for them
1667 Aberd. Council Lett. IV 307.
Receave the coppie of the old touns suspensione inclosed
(2) 1574 Reg. Privy C. II 354.
He summond the said Lord for productioun of the saidis letters of suspensioun
c1575 Balfour Pract. 154.
Gif ony persoun becumis pure, for ane honest, … cause … and thairfoir desires letteris of suspensioun or supersedere to be gevin and grantit him aganis his creditouris
1592 Acts III 556/1.
That the lordis of counsaill … grant na lettrez of suspensioun vpoun ony panis and vnlawes … chargit for be the thesaurair
1593 Bk. Carlaverock II 63.
My Lord desyris ȝow to rais lettiris of suspentioun for reduceing of the decreitis
1596 Reg. Privy C. V 335.
He produceit letters of suspensioun in pulpett, red the ressonis thairof, discussit and repellit the samin, calling thame trifflis and hen wyllis
1596–7 Misc. Spald. C. V 122.
Gevin for letteris of suspensioun to suspend the charges impetrat at the instance of the new college of this burght agains the town
1598–9 Reg. Privy C. V 539.
[The said James] haveing maist contemptuouslie … lacerat and trampit under his feit his Majesteis letteris of suspensioun
1622-6 Bisset I 256/18.
Be the quhilk letteres and summonis of suspensioun, the pairtie obtener of the first principall decreit is defender, and is summoned … to heir and see the executioun of his decreit suspended and stayed simpliciter for the ressones contened in the summonis
1701 Acts X 326/1.
Letters of suspension of lawborrows the toun of Glasgow against the toun of Dumbartoun [1638]
(b) 1591 Glasgow Commissariat Act Books I 205a (25 March).
Comperit … procuratour for the persewar & producit letteris of suspensitioune and relaxatioune of the hornyng

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