A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1937 (DOST Vol. I).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Alderman, Aldirman, n. Also: aldyr-, alther-, aulderman; halterman. [ME. alderman, -mon, ONhb. aldormon (WS. ealdormon), f. aldor (ealdor), chief, head-man, ruler. Cf. Elderman n.] a. The head, or chief officer, of a gild. b. The chief magistrate or provost of a town. c. One of the ordinary magistrates or bailies.The earliest evidence for the word occurs in Latin documents and records. 14.. Acts I. 90*/1.
Puniatur secundum arbitrium Aldirmanni, Feryngmannorum, Decani et aliorum confratrum Gilde c 1330 Liber Calchou 371.
Vthredo pistore tunc Aldirmanno de Roxburgh 1345 Ib. 380.
Thoma Vigrous tunc Aldirmanno eiusdem c 1354 Ib. 388.
Aldirmannus et communitas burgi predicti 1359 Exch. R. I. 609.
Compotum Roberti Smal, aldirmanni burgi de Are 1381 Ib. III. 76.
Per … aldermannum dicti burgi [de Monross] 1434 Ib. IV. 568.
Thome de Camera, aldermanno de Aberden 1393 Charter Th. Dunbar (Reg. H.).
Tyl the aldirmen [and] the baylis of our burgh of Elgyne 14.. Acts I. 27/2.
Quha sum evir will breu thrw the twelf moneth aw to geyf the aldirman in the yhere iiij d Ib. 32/2.
Nane aldirman, bailȝe na beddell sall bake brede na brew ale to sell wythin thar awin propir house durande the tym that thai stande in office 1423 Edinb. Chart. 55.
Johne of Leuyntone alderman, Thomas of Berwyk dene of the gilde, Richard Lamb and Robert of Bonkyl baylyes, of Edinburgh Ib. 214.
Yhur symplez sugetis Alderman, Baillees and Conseel of yhur burgh of Edynburgh c1420 Wynt. iv. 2555.
In cyteys, mayre or aldyrman, At thai bodyis fyrst began 1441 Aberd. B. Rec. I. 6.
That Matheu Fochet, alderman, … sal pass for the lousyng … of the schippes, merchandes, and gudes … of new tane of Inglis men 1463 Ib. 23.
It was fundin … be the altherman and the balȝeis syttande in jugement, that [etc.] 1469 Acts II. 95/1.
The electione of Alderman, bailȝis, and vtheris officiaris of burowis Ib.
To be Aldirman, bailȝe, Dene of gild, thesaurare, na nain vthir officiare 1488 Crim. Trials I. i. 10.
Andro Busby alderman of Are 1505 Treas. Acc. III. 137.
To ane man to pas with ane writing fra Strivelin to the alderman of Dunbertane 1522 Ib. V. 201.
Prouests, aldirmen and baillies of burrois 1525 Wigtown B. Ct. 176 b.
The borrow court ... haldin ... be the halterman and belȝeis 1563 Peebles B. Rec. 293.
All thay personis quhay hes offendit the bailyeis in compleining to outlandis men to maik pairty aganis thair aldirmen, incontrair thair act of creatione 1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 175.
To chairge all … schereffis, stewartis, provestis, auldermen and bailȝies of burrowes, that [etc.] 1607 Acts IV. 374/1.
Provestis, bailleis and auldermen of burrowes 1474 Aberd. B. Rec. I. 32.
Hence Aldermanschip, n. Thare sal na dene of gilde be chosin for this yere bot the alderman, … he to mak compt therof at the ische of his aldermanschip
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"Alderman n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 27 Dec 2024 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/alderman>