A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1937 (DOST Vol. I).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Almosar, Almessar, Almoussare, n. Also: alimosar, almosare, almoser, almoseir, almosther; almessair, almesar(e, almaser; almoussair, almouser, almousser (amousser), almussar, -er. [Almous n. The Sc. form corresponding to Eng. almoner.] An official distributor of alms; an almoner.(a) 1489 Dunferm. B. Rec. 12.
Johne Hornar … offerit in jugment to pay the annuellis … to the almosar belangand to Sanct Katrin 1490 Ib. 307.
Payand yerly of annuel tharfor v s. to the almosar of Dunfermlyn 1501 Doug. Pal. Hon. iii. 534.
Gude hope remanis euer amang ȝone sort, … And Pietie is the kingis almoseir 1516 Treas. Acc. V. 75.
To Henry Dempstar, quhilk gaif to the iiij almosaris iiij pursis 1533 Ib. VI. 199.
Deliverit to the Maister Almosar … to the almus 1595 Hist. Jas. VI 359.
Mr. Peter Young of Seytoun, our Maister almoser 1628 Stirling's Royal Lett. I. 311.
Sir Peter Yong, our Almosther(b) 1503 Treas. Acc. II. 336.
Doctour Babingtoun, almessar to the Quene 1512 Ib. IV. 437.
Schir Walter Stewart, servitour to the Maister almesar for the tyme c1500-c1512 Dunb. liii.15.
Than cam in the Maister Almaser, Ane hommilty jommeltye juffler(c) 1563 Montgomery Mem. 197.
The Inventour of the geir … sychtit be the Quenis maister amousser 1581 Acts III. 236/2.
Maistir petir ȝoung his hienes preceptor and maister almousser 1593 Ib. IV. 34/1.
The chancellair, thesaurair, … clerk of registrie, maister almousser [etc.] 1600 Ib. 244/2.
Mr Petir Young of Seytoun his hienes maister almussar
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"Almosar n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 22 Dec 2024 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/almosar>