A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1937 (DOST Vol. I).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Apostol, Apostil, n. Also: apostole, -tul, appostoll; apostill, appostylle, -til(e, -tell; ap(p)ossil. [ME. ap(p)ostel, -il, -yl, etc., OE. apostol, L. apostolus. ME. had also apostle from French. In Sc. manuscripts the pl. is frequently written aptis.] An apostle.(a) a1400 Leg. S. Prol. 147 (to the apostulis now will I); vii. 3 (the sexte of the apostolis). 1456 Hay I. 8 (quhen the Apostolis was in erde). 1531 Bell. Boece I. 217 (the actis of his appostollis). 1562-3 Winȝet I. 6/6 (his Prophetis and Apostolis). a1570-86 Maitl. F. xlvi. 3 (Jesus Chryst and his apostolis). 1622-6 Bisset II. 283/2 (the first apostole, Simon Peter the cheif of the apostolis).(b) a1400 Leg. S. Prol. 164 (sum part … apostil syne chesit Paule); iv. 125 (to the appostil thai brocht hym). c1420 Wynt. v. 2577 (off the appostillis prynce am I); 5508 (the appostill thai cald hym off Ingland). 1486 Stirlings of Keir 253 (on Sanct Andros altare the appostill). c1500-c1512 Dunb. xxv. 8 (to ȝow thus ane apostill wrytis). 1533 Gau 8/18 (the halie apostil Sanct Paul). 1558-66 Knox II. 429 (bayth prophettis and appossilis). a1578 Pitsc. II. 75/17 (be the profeitis and appostellis). c1615 Chron. Kings 39 (the apossil Sanct Androw).
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"Apostol n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 15 Jan 2025 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/apostol>