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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1937 (DOST Vol. I).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Blaspheme, v. Also: blaspheim, -pheyme, blasfeme; blasphleme. [ME. blasfeme, blaspheme (14th c.), blasefleme, OF. blasfemer, L. blasphēmāre.]

1. tr. To revile, calumniate, abuse. 1474 Reg. Morton II. 222.
We … sal neuer murmour nor blaspheyme thaim in prive no in apert
1530 Edinb. B. Rec. II. 29.
That … scho sall nocht … blasfeme nor schame Dene Alexander Creichtane … in word nor deid
1572 J. Maitland M. Fol. xxxviii. 35.
Bakbyttaris ay be brutis will blaspheme ȝou
a1578 Pitsc. II. 86/2.
All men cryit and blasphemit the governour
1596 Dalr. II. 7/22.
Quhen now tua horsmen … hard king Robert amang thame sa sair rebaket and blaspheimet [etc.]

2. To speak impiously or irreverently of; to treat with impiety. a1500 Henr. Test. Cress. 274.
Quha will blaspheme the name Of his awin God, outher in word or deid
c1490 Irland Asl. MS. I. 71/4.
Blasphlemand and sclanderand … God or my nychtbouris
1531 Bell. Boece II. 163.
He that blasphlemis God or his sanctis … sall want his toung
c1568 Lauder Minor P. iii. 52.
The hypocreitis … blaspheme God in thair adversitie

3. intr. To speak blasphemy. a1508 Kennedy Pass. Christ 438.
Cayphas raif his claithis, sayand: He blasflemes
1567 G. Ball. 119.
Thay haue blasphemit all to lang

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"Blaspheme v.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 26 Jul 2024 <>



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