A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1937 (DOST Vol. I).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Caschet(t, Cashet(t, n. Also: caschiett, casshett. [Variant spellings of Cachet n.] A cachet; a seal.(a) 1579 Acts III. 151/1.
That all the saidis missiues salbe subscriuit vndir the kingis subscriptioun be the secretair or his deput, or ellis not to be signet or closit with his hienes caschet 1579 Reg. Privy C. III. 284.
Our Soverane Lord … inhibitis the keiparis of his Hienes caschett, his signet, privie and gret selis, to answer the same to ony sic letters 1609 Acts IV. 440/2.
All infeftmentis … ordourlie passit his heighnes caschet, registeris and ordinare seallis 1615 Melrose P. 207.
Quhen the officiar was executing this preceptis of warning, … be the caschiettis we haue heir to that effect 1633 Stirling B. Rec. I. 171.
Delyvering to him of ane of the buikes of caussis, & commoune stampt or caschett of the said burgh 1664 Nicoll Diary 417.
Nothing past under caschet or great seall till … August(b) 1592 Acts III. 563/1.
All lettres and wreittis … [to] be past vnder his hienes casshett or vtherwayis nocht to be admittit as autentik 1628 Cochran-Patrick Rec. Coinage II. 70.
His panes and travell in renewing of his ma[jes]ties seallis, cashett and irnis of the cunyehouse 1642 Baillie II. 72.
I shew how Lanerick had sent letters under the cashet … , declaring the King's mind [etc.] 1622 Melrose P. 461.
Some persone whome your maiestie will truste with the keeping of your maiesteis casshett 1643 Acts VI. 66/1.
That … presentationes passe his Maiesties cashett and privie seale 1664 Reg. Privy C. 3 Ser. I. 583.
To affix and append the cashett to ane signatour of confirmation past … in favours of the Earle of Eglintoun 1689 Ib. XIII. 439.
The … commissionat Clarks … to deliver up … seall and cashett of Councill
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"Caschet n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 28 Dec 2024 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/caschett>