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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1937 (DOST Vol. I).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Congregatioun, -ation(e, n. Also: -atyowne, -atioune, -acioun, -acion; congrigatioun. [ME. congregacioun, -acyon, etc. (14th c.), OF. congregacion, -ation, L. congregātio.]

1. An assembly or gathering. a1400 Leg. S. x. 336.
Than Yrtacus … the next Setre-day alswyth A congregacion has gert ma
1456 Hay II. 104/31.
Be faith and leautee of men, all congregaciounis of men … is manetenyt and uphaldyn
1533 Boece vii. vi. 231.
In oure ancient Scottis tong … bowcht [is callit] the congregacioun of schepe
1532 Reg. Privy S. II. 190/2.
Ony our oistis, weris, congregationis and assemblies to be had within our realme or utouth
1535 Stewart 43045.
King Henrie … ansuer maid agane, Sayand tha [sc. the lands] war in congregatione Of his lordis annexit to the croun
1540 Lynd. Sat. 55.
Ȝow famous auditouris, Conveinit in this congregatioun
c1550 Id. Meldrum 615.
In the Court of France wes than Ane maruellous congregatioun Of monie and diuers natioun

2. An ecclesiastical assembly or body. c1420 Wynt. v. 1857.
Quhen the congregatyowne Sat in thaire electyowne
c1552 Lynd. Mon. 2556.
Gif he, for thame, wyll nocht his mys amend, Declare hym to the congregatioun
1558 Q. Kennedy Tractive 124.
To quham … he commendit his flok and congregatioun sua deirly bocht
1588 St. A. Baxter Bks. 33.
That God may be glorifiit and sklander removit fra this congregatioun

3. The body of those forming the Protestant party at and after the Reformation.Lordis of the Congregatioun, the nobles and other prominent persons who subscribed the covenant of 1557. 1557 Knox I. 273.
We do promesse … to manteane, sett fordward, and establish the most blessed word of God and his Congregatioun
The haill congregatioun of Christ
1559 Ib. 363.
The seditious tumult rased be ane parte of our liegis, nameing thame selffis the Congregatioun
Ib. 378.
The saidis Lordis of Congregatioun, and all the memberis thairof, sall remane obedient servantis to our Soverane Lord [etc.]
1559 Edinb. Old Acc. I. 303.
To George Cranstoun … that awatit upoun the Chore of Leith ten days for cuming over of the Congregatioun
a1570-86 Maitl. F. xviii. (heading).
Off the Assemblie of the Congregatioun
a1585 Maitl. Q. viii. 6.
I can not sing for the vexatioun Of Frenchemen and the congregatioun That hes maid trowbill in this natioun
1562 Winȝet I. 10/21.
The prechouris of thaim callit the Congregatioun
1571 Sat. P. xxv. 8.
Musing … Off the sudden decay, … I fand our Congregatione Was caus of all and some
a1578 Pitsc. II. 142/25.
At this tyme [1559] the kirk of God, that is to say the trew protestanis and congregatioun thairof, send an ambassadour to the bischoppis

b. One of the local sections of the Reformers. 1559 in Knox I. 344.
The Congregationis of the West cuntrey, with the Congregations of Fyfe, Perth, … being conveaned in the town of Perth

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"Congregatioun n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 17 Jan 2025 <>



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