A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1951 (DOST Vol. II).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Fear, Feare, n. [Fe n.2 See also Fiar.] The owner of the fee-simple of a property. Conjunct fear, see Conjunct a. 1 b. 1493 Acta Aud. 179/2.
Johne Erskin ȝounger, feare of Dvnne 1494 Ib. 199/1.
Archibald Halyburnetoun, feare of the saidis landis and giffare tharof 1509 Reg. Privy S. I. 293/1.
Alexander Haitly, fear of Mellostanes, and nevo to Henry Haitly, franctenementar of the samyn 1546 Acts II. 467/2.
Normane Leslie, fear of Rothes 1571 Melville Chart. 117.
Harie Charteris now fear of Kynfawnis 1604 Stewart Mem. 112.
Patrek, Lord Gray, lyfrenter of the landis … and Patrek, master of Gray, heretabell fear and proprietar thairoff 1619 Highland P. III. 308.
The Lord of Lorne who is feare and heritable proprietair of the erldome 1640 Red Bk. Grandtully II. 141.
Sir Thomas Stewartt, fear of Granttullie
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"Fear n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 3 Dec 2024 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/fear>