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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1963 (DOST Vol. III).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Hagbute, Hagbut(t, n. Also: hagbuit(t, -beut, -bit(t, hagbot(t, -bote; hergbut, haighbut, hagibute. [e.m.E. hagbute (1552), hagbutt (1541–2), common Sc. var. of Hakbut(t n.]With the form hergbut compare the later Harquebut.

1. An early type of portable gun; a harquebus.(a) 1531 Treas. Acc. V. 435.
Item, for the cariage of hagbutis, xij s.
1533 Ib. VI. 160.
Chargeouiris of quhite irne to the hagbutis of founde
1544 Reg. Privy S. III. 159/2.
Be the schot of ane hagibute
1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 156.
He wes schot with ane hagbute
1580 Edinb. Test. VII. 344.
He leuis … to Richard … his hagbute with his flaskis
1598 St. A. Kirk S. 167.
Thair wes sum shottis of pistollis or hagbuittis dischargit
1600 Black Bk. Taymouth 336.
Ane hagbute with snap werk
In the Lardis awin chalmer, of lang hagbuittis, i
1607 Edinb. Test. XLII. 239.
Ane hagbeut price xx merkis
1626 Ib. 414.
Powder to gewe thame that had hagbutis
c1615 Chron. Kings 151.
Four thoussand fut men with hagbuittis and bowis
(b) 1540 Treas. Acc. VII. 354.
Bullettis, hagbuttis and uthir small geir
1569 Prot. Bk. G. Grote 74.
To mend hagbuttis, dagis [etc.]
1573 Sat. P. xxxix. 153.
Out gais the hergbut, in the cannon glydis
1590 Aberd. B. Rec. II. 68.
With hagbut, spear, jack [etc.]
1587-99 Hume 55/111.
Hagbuts with lunts, pistolles with rowets fine
1620 Lett. & State P. Jas. VI 339.
The said Robert … morsit the said hagbut
1640 Bk. Carlaverock II. 502.
Mare in the waghouse, a haighbut and a crokpice
1648 Melrose R. Rec. I. 121.
Ane double hagbut indentit with bain
1678 Mackenzie Laws & C. 314.
Bearing of hagbuts, pistols and other fireworks
(c) 1572-5 Diurn. Occurr. 212.
Ane greit number of hagbittis, corslattis and mirriounes
1596 Dalr. II. 474/4.
Ane of the gentlemen … with a schot of a hagbit schuites … and slayes him
1603 Dundonald Par. Rec. 33.
To schute with his hagbit at the hairis
1677 Forbes Baron Ct. 315.
Eurie tennant … sall haue … ane suord and ane hagbitt
(d) 1600-1610 Melvill 32.
On ged the corslet and fangit was the hagbot and to the fields
c1615 Chron. Kings 143.
William … wes slayne be ane schott of ane hagbott

b. Attrib. With gun, lunt, man, pulder, rest, staff, stok. 1532 Treas. Acc. VI. 156.
Johne Drummondis childer wirkand upoune the hagbute stokkis
1546 Ib. IX. 36.
For carage of certane hagbute restis
1547 Reg. Privy C. I. 80.
Thre hundreth men of weir of the quilkis ane hundreth hagbutmen
1590 Edinb. Test. XXI. 267.
Half ane greit barrell of fyne hagbut pulder
1619 Ib. L. 227 b.
Ten pund weycht of hagbut lunt
1626 Edinb. B. Rec. VI. 293.
All thinges belonging to ane … hagbuit, viz. hagbute staffes
1636 Edinb. Test. LVII. 328.
Ane hagbittgun of ane eln lang

2. Hagbut of crok, croche or crochat (crochert, croichart): One ‘supported on a rest by a hook of iron fastened to the barrel’.After 16th c. F. haquebute à croc, harqbute à croche.(1) 1545 Stirlings of Keir 390.
Sex hagbuttis of crok, with pouder and bulletis efferand tharto
1579 Reg. Privy C. III. 320.
Tua hagbuttis of crok of found
1597 Edinb. Test. XXX. 53 b.
Four auld hagbuttis of crok price of the pece xl s.
1600 Black Bk. Taymouth 336.
Off cut-throttis gunis … ane small irne pece callit ane hagbute of crok
1638 Ib. 392.
They must try what field peices, hagbutes of found, hagbutes of croke, sluig peices, and in what cace they are in
(2) 1549 Compl. 42/1.
Hagbuttis of croche, half haggis, culuerenis, ande hail schot
(3) 1532–3 Acta Conc. & Sess. MS. II. 36.
Fifti hagbutis of crochat … furnist with gun powder
1535 Acts II. 345/2, 1540 Ib. 371/2.
Euery landit man … sall haue ane hagbute of found callit hagbute of crochert with thar cawmys, bullettis and pellokis off leid or irne
1544 Treas. Acc. VIII. 329.
Tua cartis with pulder, bullatis, matokis, scholis and hagbuttis of croichart

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"Hagbute n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 5 Oct 2024 <>



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