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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1963 (DOST Vol. III).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Kinkin, n. Also: kynkyn, -kin(e, keinkin; kinking, kingking, kynkyng; kin-, kyn(g)kene; quinquen(e. [MDu. kinnekijn, kintkijn, e.m.Du. kinneken, a small barrel equal to a quarter of a tun, etc. Cf. Kildekin, Kimpkin, Kintre(i)kine.]

A keg or small barrel used for fish, butter, soap, gunpowder, etc. Also comb. with robour.The kinkin appar. contained a quarter of a barrel and thus seems to have been the same as a firkin (see Ferdekin, Ferekin and Firikin): 1577 Edinb. Test. V. 306 b.
Tua barrellis & ane quinquene of saip, price of the haill xl li. x s.
1580 Ib. VIII. 193.
Tua barrellis half ane barrell kinking saip price of the barrell xv łi., summa xli łi. v s.
(a) 1493 Halyb. 10.
A kynkin of grenger [sic]
1497 Treas. Acc. I. 349.
Ane kinkin to put talloun in
1499–1500 Treas. Acc. I. 440.
Pro j kinkin le sture
1500 Halyb. 253.
A kynkyn of olyffis
1540 Acta Conc. & Sess. MS. XIV. 55.
Ane kynkyn of butter
1551 Treas. Acc. X. 40.
Ane kinkin of culvering pulder contenand viij lib.
1570 6th Rep. Hist. MSS. App. 646/2.
The rest of ane kynkine of seape in ane kist of fyir
1621 Brechin Test. IV. 12.
Fyue keinkins of powder pryce xx lib.
1685 Sc. N. & Q. 2 Ser. II. (1900) 92.
[John Stevinson, Banff:] Half kinkin soap, £3, 6, 8
(b) 1541 Treas. Acc. VIII. 119.
Twa schort culveringis, ane kingking of gross pulder, ane kynking of salpeter
1562 6th Rep. Hist. MSS. App. 647/2.
Thre barrallis of pulder fow, and ane half, and ane kynkyng
a1578 Pitsc. II. 254/24.
Captane Meluill handling pouder givand to his souldiouris furth of ane kinking
1623 Orkney & Shetl. Test. I. 90.
Ane kinking of stent butter four merk
comb. 1598 Black Bk. Taymouth 333.
Wyne sellar of Finlarg, … off kinking robouris for vinagir i
(c) 1542 Treas. Acc. VIII. 153.
Tene kyngkennis of powder, weyand clene by the treis thre hundretht thre score poundis
1562 Ib. XI. 197.
For ane kinkene of pulder in Innernes 1 s.
1583 Wedderb. Compt Bk. 211.
The number of feggis in the schip ane barrele & half ane barrel ane kynken [etc.]
1606 Edinb. Test. XLII. 219 b.
Ane kinkene of butter price thairof iiij lb.
c1650 Spalding II. 469.
He … plunderis about 20 barrellis or kinkenis of pulder
1715 Aberd. B. Rec. IV. 350.
The … quantityes of powder underwritten, viz … , ane half kinken conteining twentie fyue pund weight, … one kinken conteining fifty pund weight [etc.]
(d) 1582 Edinb. Test. XI. 162.
Thrie quinquenis of saip
1583 Ib. XII. 274 b.
Ane quinquene of saip price iiij li.

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"Kinkin n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 23 Oct 2024 <>



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