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A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)

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First published 1963 (DOST Vol. III).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.

Landimer(e, -mare, -mure, n. Also: lande- and -mair, -muir, -muer, landdemar, landmar(e, -myre, lanimore. [OE. land-ᵹemǽre, f. land Land n.1 and ᵹemǽre boundary, Mere. Only Sc. (but also in some Eng. place-names).]

1. Commonly in plur.: Boundaries of land, marches (freq. as ascertained, perambulated or ‘ridden’).Appar. chiefly north-eastern and in Lanarkshire, Renfrewshire, and Ayrshire.(a) 1415 Invent. Pitfirrane Writs (S.R.S.) 2.
A letter of Sr Jamys … dyrekit tyl … my fader … that tyme bailȝe tyl rede the landymeris betwen the landis of Gartmor and the landis of Lumphenane
1446 Reg. Episc. Aberd. I. 244.
Eftre debate … made … apon the merchis and landymeris betwix the landis of the said hospitale and the landis of the Cottun of ald Aberdon … ane perambulation was tane
1451 Reg. Episc. Brechin I. 163.
At he obserue and keipe the landymeris and merchis of the said landis as thai war deuidit
1480 Thanes of Cawdor 437.
Anent the debatabill landis and landemeris betuix Caldor and Kylrawok
1488 Reg. Paisley 406.
Anentis the debatis … tuiching the redding of the landymeris, richt marchez, and ald diuisis betuix the landis of … Paslay … and the common landis of the burgh of Renfrew
1525 E. Loth. Antiq. Soc. V. 30.
Certane … charteris … anentis the rycht merchis and divisiones and landymeris betuix the landis and sulȝe off the barony of Ȝestyr and Duncanlaw
1586–7 Ayr B. Acc. 157.
The tyme of the ryding of the landimeris anent Alloway and Cuningpark
1599 Aberd. B. Rec. II. 179.
It was intimat … be the prouest, that the townis landimeris and the vtter and inner bordouris and merchis of the fredome of this burght, was to be riddin
1612–3 Misc. Spald. C. V. 91. 1628–9 Ib. 102.
Gewin to ane pyper quhen we raid the landemeris, 12 s.
(b) 1466 (1471) Reg. Great S. 214/1.
To renew and declare the auld merchis and landimaris of Auchinlek bath in propirte and in comoon
Ib. 214/2.
We … sal observe and kepe the landimaris takinnis and merkis undir wirtin
1576 Aberd. B. Rec. II. 27.
That the townis landimaris be ridden anes euerie yeir … upoun the fyftene day of Aprill
1595–6 Misc. Spald. C. V. 63.
For our hors hyir and supperis … quhen we raid to the landimaris, 2 lib.
1608–9 Ib. 85.
For ane fre bancat … the day the landmaris was ryddin, the haill bailȝeis being present, and 2 deaconis of craftis, 5 lib.
(c) 1570 Lanark B. Rec. 51.
To Thome Gray for the instromentis of the ryding of the landemuris
1575–6 Ib. 70. 1586–7 Ib. 91.
To the offecer for … ganging with the toun to the landemuris … xiij s. iiij d.
1699 A. Watt Early Hist. Kintore (1865) 28.
[He] depones that he knows not positivelie the marches there, but that for forty years ago he seed the town of Kintore raid their landimueres or marches as they call them
Ib. 30.
[They] threw down the dyke … , a part of the said fold being within the landimures
Ib. 41.(d) 1637 Aberd. Council Lett. II. 70.
[He] serwit at … our ryding the landmyres

b. Chiefly plur. as sing.: A perambulation or ‘riding’ of marches. Also attrib. (in sing.) with instrument. ? 1415 Invent. Pitfirrane Writs (S.R.S.) 2.
Precept of landdemar
1502 Orkney Rentals i. 17.
Remember that in this toun ther wantis ane pennie ob. terre quhilk … can nocht be gottin quhill owgang & landemaris be theron
1581 Lanark B. Rec. 85.
To George Symsoun and Jhon Watsoun vj s. viij d. for the landemuris in the said yeir
Ib. 86.
For tua instrumentis of landemuris
1604 Elgin Rec. II. 124.
Grantit that thair wapinschawing sall ceis untill the tym that the sessione thocht expedient to returne to the landimairis as they se occasioun
1699 A. Watt Early Hist. Kintore (1865) 40.
Depones … that the marches as they were deponed upon were still habitat and repute since he remembers to ther landimuires
attrib. 1575–6 Lanark B. Rec. 70.
For the landemuir instrumentis for the said yeir xl d. to Thom Gray

2. In Peebles and Rothesay: A person appointed for perambulating land-boundaries; in Rothesay, one who settles boundaries within the burgh limits, a ‘liner’.Cf. also (in Glasgow) Outlandimer n. 1623–4 Peebles B. Rec. 412.
Gewine to the landemeris … for going about the Eschillie cowmane and Kaidmure and Hamilltone, to William Tuadell [etc.]
1656 Rothesay B. Rec. .
Landimeris choisen the said day. Allexander M'Conochie, Allexander Wode, … who are apointed to goe about on Fryday nixt the nynt day
1660 Ib. 47.
Quhilk day the magistrats and landimeris being conveinet anent the difference betuixt Neill M'Neill bailly and Johne Mure nichtbouris
1666 Ib. 115.
The baillie and landimers hes fund that Charles M'Aichen hes not done a dewtie in uphalding the wattergang
1688 Ib. 441.
To nominat persones qualified to be lanimores for decision of marches betwixt burges and burges

b. By Skene, a land-measurer, a surveyor. 1597 Skene Verb. S. s.v. Particata.
It is necessar that the measurers of land, called landimers, in Latin, agrimensores, obserue … ane just relation betwixt the length and bredth of the measures

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"Landimer n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 23 Oct 2024 <>



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