A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue (up to 1700)
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First published 1963 (DOST Vol. III).
This entry has not been updated since then but may contain minor corrections and revisions.
Lid, n. Also: lidd, lide, lyd, leid, led. [ME. and e.m.E. lid(de, lydde, also (15th c.) led, OE. hlid.]
1. The lid of a vessel, receptacle or the like. Also attrib. 1496 Treas. Acc. I. 321.
For five vnce of siluir of maid werk in a stop lid of the Kingis 1508 Ib. IV. 136. 1542 Rec. Univ. Aberd. 573.
ii girnalis of fyr with liddis c 1545 Reg. Morton I. 6.
Ane of the saidis kistis … haiffing ane clovyne lyd aboue 1552–3 Edinb. B. Rec. II. 277; 1565–6 Edinb. Old Acc. I. 507.
For four hespis and stappillis to the closin of the liddes of the well 1598 Black Bk. Taymouth 333.
Burde liddis for flesche fattis 1621 Edinb Test. LI. 76 b.
Ane laim can with ane tin lid 1633 Orkney Bp. Ct. 85 b.
The lid of hir kirne wald be weitattrib. 1645 Edinb Test. XLI. 184 b.
Ane choppeine mould with ane lid mould(b) 1562 6th Rep. Hist. MSS. App. 649/1.
Ane leid of ane thre fuittit pane of brase 1572 Sempill Sat. P. xxx. 185.
Haue we sic wrangous geir … As crowats, sensours, or ane challeis leid [: God forbid]? 1666 Edinb. Test. LXXII. 194.
Thrie heart[h] panes with leids(c) 1625 M. Works Acc. (ed.) II. 166.
To Thomas Doddes [etc.] … wrichtis for making ane led to the great well in the abbay
b. Applied to the door of a press, or to a shutter. 1590 Edinb. D. Guild Acc. 405.
Tua ryngis & ane cleik with ane ey to the half lyd of his pres 1638 Edinb. Test. LIX. 33.
Ane clois almerie buird with the lid of ane vther buird 1660 Melrose Reg. Rec. I. 331.
[The price of] the window lidds and caices of Old Melrose and for bandes therto
2. The eye-lid. 1587 Carmichael Etym. 34.
The eie lids 1658 Sc. Ant. IX. 50.
On hir eye lid
3. The ‘lid of the knee’, the knee-cap, patella.Appar. only Sc. a1578 Pitsc. I. 299/31.
The knappis of his elbokkis strikin fre him and also the liddis of his kneis 1632 Lithgow Trav. 462.
The lids of my knees beeing crushed 1683 Martine Reliq. Divi Andreae 16.
One of the lids of the apostles knees
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"Lid n.". Dictionary of the Scots Language. 2004. Scottish Language Dictionaries Ltd. Accessed 2 Jan 2025 <http://www.dsl.ac.uk/entry/dost/lid>